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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I stopped dead in my tracks at the appearance of Sutton's daughter, a natural fresh-faced beauty whose demeanor was that of a regular young woman. No outsized cleavage, no spackled makeup, no claw nails, no proud declarations that she knows how to give blow jobs.
  2. She is going down swinging. I question how long anyone would pay her or comp her for promotional purposes (actually any of the aging celebrities). I think most of these people have a promotional shelf life. Unless she bags another benefactor, she is looking at a bleak old age. I do recall Jane Russell promoting bras at an advanced age. I wonder if Erika has been openly supporting her mother in GA, like many people do. Or doing what Ashley on RHOP did, which was give her mother money on the sly (at least that's how it was presented on the show). amarante thanks for all of your educational posts.
  3. Anyone else look at the clubhouse and think "this is where Erika had her affairs?" The blind gossip items stated months ago she had an affair with her DWTS partner. And more recently a fling with Armie Hammer. So she can drop the Tom Cheated On Me Sad Face. And whining.
  4. I blame karTRASHians. I remember when the sisters first began swanning about, repeatedly declaring "I am getting ready for a photo shoot." "I have a photo shoot today." "Mommy can't play with you- she's getting ready for a photo shoot." They friggin' LOVED bragging about their photo shoots. And introduced the world to watching their glam sessions. Somehow this practice was adopted by thirsty housewives, who view glam sessions as evidence of their importance. Thinking that viewers prefer watching their spackle sessions, complete with curlers and extensions, is the height of delusion and narcissism. Eboni and Leah think they've arrived.
  5. Agreed. When I heard that he is now his wife's "manager," I thought "that bum." Nevertheless, I think Candiace may have pressured him into it. She needs someone to hold her pocketbooks.
  6. Wendy needs to use one of her four degrees to remember when she is mic'ed.
  7. Gizelle's house looks as if she abandoned renovating the older part and focused on building the new wing. It can be cheaper to build new instead of renovating. She did say there will be a front facade added that will tie the entire structure together visually. She has a lot of property and it will have skyrocketed in value recently. Should she need to, she can sell later to a developer and make a tidy profit. I continue to be aghast at Wendy's desperate sexpot act. I just hate it. Mia's just worthless. Swanning about, bragging about being a CEO. Please. Mia and her husband arguing about who should be taking care of the children is not a good look. But she is right about Wendy's insecurities. I'm guffawing over Karen's glossing over Ray's shocking "advice" to Gizelle about landing a man before it's too late. At the time Gizelle handled it gracefully. But then, these housewives' favorite insult is "you don't have a man." ETA: Ray shuffled about until Mia arrived. Then he motored over to her, lit up like a Christmas tree.
  8. I've posted in the past that I think LR is supporting her family. She definitely hustles, while HH fiddles about in his Canadian cabin. His wiki states that he makes "business investments," so I wondered if he was generating wealth all these years, quietly. But I kinda doubt it. The entire family has a ring of desperation. Lots of people, way too many people, mortgage their equity because they can't resist the lure of easy money. Erika is on the current season because she desperately needs the money. I don't see anything yet about her income being garnished. She needs to generate income while she still can. And her naricissism and sociopathy are just shining through everything she does, every scene she appears in, everything she pushes out on IG. She's furious that she got caught and has no way out. As someone said, she can be found civilly liable, like OJ. Her only hope now is to avoid prison and to land another sugar daddy. How will she do that at her age without utterly degrading herself? There are a gazillion fresh-faced and -bodied yacht girls out there who will do anything for cash. Who will want Erika?
  9. I believe this completely. Eboni is using RHONY race lecturing to advertise for a pundit spot on TV. I believe her motives are not genuine.
  10. I am astounded that Ramona apparently cannot control her bowels, and that she has done nothing about it. And doesn't seem to care if it's shown on TV. AND THAT SHE DOESN'T CLEAN UP AFTER HERSELF. This is the ultimate entitlement. What the Hell?
  11. Realistically, I think Leah's crass antics are contributing to the low ratings. She and Eboni together, supplemented by all the women's shrieking and flailing, are driving down viewership. I particularly cannot tolerate high-pitched screeching and everyone screaming at once.
  12. I wondered too, but Tom has received a diagnosis of major neurocognitive disorder (e.g., dementia). There is also mild neurocognitive disorder; my family member progressed through both. There were eight hours of tests spread over two days. and I read the many pages of reports. In my family member's case, the decline was not gradual - there were sudden, sharp declines, followed by a kind of plateau, followed by another sharp decline. Anything's possible, but I doubt this diagnosis can be faked , nor would a clinician be easily fooled. I haven't heard any plaintiff's attorneys challenge the diagnosis, but maybe I missed it. It's possible Erika and Tom's colleagues hid and manipulated his disease in order to keep the billables going for him. Or to protect the firm from loss of clients.
  13. Does anyone recall when the media covered the story that Erika's glam squad quit and accused her of not paying them? Soon after that she advertised for glam squad to work for credit only. I'm curious about the timeline. Also, regarding Tom's Alzheimer's, I talked to someone today whose husband is a physician with a diagnosis of the disease. This physician is still going to his office as he is in the early stages. That seems astounding but perhaps he is doing mostly office stuff; I didn't ask any nosy questions. A neighbor's husband has dementia and is still working for a federal agency. She told me his colleagues have rallied around him and will do so as long as it's practical. I assume Tom's colleagues and Erika have done the same thing for Tom over the past couple years. It's been said that Alzheimer's patients hold onto their social skills for quite awhile. I wonder if Erika is paying for her rental home. I could see a wealthy gentleman caller paying for it and letting her live there for free.
  14. Candiace and her mother flaunted airs about their "wealth," which I and others have questioned as perhaps being exaggerations and which drew the snark. Candiace claimed she owned her mother's home, then later claimed she was paying the mortgage, which I called "paying rent." Their bragging fell apart under scrutiny. I think Andy Cohen questioned Candiace, too. They referenced a trust, which may be a garden-variety revocable trust with Candiace as the beneficiary. I have one of these; anyone can create one, regardless of "wealth." They are a smart estate planning tool. But when most people hear "trust fund," they think "wealth." It was deceptive. Candiace's parents are solidly middle class, one a therapist and the other a military physician. My friend was a high-ranking military officer who was head of her military branch's entire medical service, and like many military she made a modest salary (with good benefits). Good for Candiace's parents at being successful, but I doubt they are what is considered wealthy. In fact, Candiace's Bravo salary is probably higher than their annual salaries. Many posters here also went after Robyn, who appears to have been supported by her parents well into adulthood. Robyn squandered her savings, then talked about several business schemes that disappeared; her mother partnered with her in the house-flip that failed. Robyn had not one but two tax debts. The assumption is that her parents have been helping her while she fronts as being a smart businesswoman.
  15. How does Karen know Gizelle's HIPAA-protected medical and mental health information?
  16. I believe Ray and Karen are mostly together for the Bravo paycheck.
  17. Long-time Arlingtonian here. I always thought of "here in the DMV" to refer to DC and its suburbs. One hears that phrase on weather broadcasts and from politicians. I'm aghast at what Wendy has done. She's abandoned the "four degrees" persona for a two-bit Barbie sexpot. It's desperate and it's embarrassing. I guess she's trying to keep her wandering husband. One thing I hate about RHOA and RHOP is the egregious boob display. And the desperate sex talk ("I had my clit tweaked!"). It cheapens the women and plays into certain racist stereotypes. Maia (Chris' daughter) looked stricken in front of the cameras. That child is not happy. She froze at being told to do her homework on camera, and her sweet brother rescued her. She's unexpectedly away from her mother during a scary pandemic. Get those two off camera and let thirst-trap Candiace hold the cameras on her own. The episode was clumsy and thrown together by production. More Bravo gutter trash. The entire group is a buncha losers.
  18. She has a "tell." I saw it too. Even before that I figured she would not stick it out. Sometimes I think people go to rehab to get out of the weather, the filth, to have decent food, to sleep in safety, to get suboxone or whatever it is they are given...planning to use the moment they are released, presumably healthy enough again to have another go. One of Caitlin's addictions is attention and drama. I wondered if Caitlin's mother was trying to win Caitlin's love - the adoptive mother who was rejected for a while in favor of the birth mother, and who in the end was the only family member who would see Caitlin (and be her drug dealer, as Maureen so wisely expressed it). Right now my county is broadcasting that a very bad batch of drugs has landed (bad fentanyl), and that overdoses are up by about 40% in the past couple of weeks. They are handing out free test strips as well as Narcan.
  19. Which I believe was intentional, knowing Sutton would be embarrassed and possibly freak out on camera. Sutton realizes she is still the series' punching bag. They have all poked at her (remember Dorit and the fashion show?), some, like Kyle and Kathry, disingenuously. So Sutton walks into every scene not knowing if one or more of them will try to upset her. She's not secure enough to tough it out. Crystal isn't the only mean girl. And Erika isn't the only gold digger. It will be great fun if the day ever comes when Mauricio's and PK's slippery business ways are featured on the show. Or plastered all over social media.
  20. Same. I watched for the actors and the wardrobe. Not sure I'd tune in for another season. John Benjamin Hickey was phenomenal as the narcissist who could charm anybody, even a therapist. There was zero sexual chemistry between Brooke and Adam. I thought Aduba was stiff and uncomfortable in some of her scenes, like in the kitchen when she was talking to her AA sponsor. She's fantastic when delivering dialogue in close-ups. She really brings the subtle facial expressions. All the talking just went on forever in every episode. Nobody is that good of a scriptwriter. Looked good on the page, but tiresome in delivery.
  21. Ironically, reality TV was created in part because it was unscripted and therefore cheap to produce. Yet here we are today with heavily, unofficially scripted scenarios that are crass, ham-handed, and, at one point, paying large salaries to some of the "stars." I returned to the HW shows during the pandemic, but watching Top Chef, Mare, Hacks, Intervention, Great British Baking Show, Physical, etc. jolted me awake and reminded me that better programming is coming back.
  22. I agree with the Machiavellian PR strategy. Erika is extremely cunning and crafty. She came up through strip clubs and then L.A. I suspect that all along she has crafted a plausible deniability strategy. Dorit has probably done the same thing, and possibly LVP. 80s paternalism: when I was a newscaster at a big network's local affiliate, they tried to send us to charm school.
  23. Agree that Harry/Lisa are angling for their own show, one that will feature their daughters. That marriage is a business partnership. Did anyone else catch how Harry initially said he wouldn't stick around after cooking, and then he waltzed in and took Lisa's seat at the head of the table? An annoyed Lisa chirped "Oh! You're staying after all." And practically disappeared off camera as she was forced to take a seat at the other end of the table. I don't buy Kathy's Clueless in Beverly Hills schtick. She's trying to scene-steal. PS: Sutton was right about the leather pants.
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