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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Lexi slumped in a corner, stuffing her face and lazily ordering Delaney around. Lexi's revised resume: "Assistant chief stew with supervisory authority over laundry staff."
  2. One of the blogs or social media stated that Rick was considered a bit of a failure in business by his relatives, I think his father and grandfather? Also, I learned that the Hilton dynasty does not leave vast wealth to its descendants. It is said that they are given enough to have a business foundation, but they are expected to succeed on their own merits (and Hilton connections, of course). I have a suspicion that Kathy and Rick are not as wealthy as many believe. This is based on media stuff that was reported during Paris' first appearance on the porn scene. I clearly remember reading that her parents helped her negotiate the rights and sales to her porn video, which has colored my opinions of them ever since.
  3. Interesting tidbit about Mauricio's Palm Springs location closing due to COVID. Year-old news. https://allaboutthetea.com/2020/07/07/mauricio-umansky-firm-closing/ And a refresher on the litigation he settled, or at least one of the two cases: https://realityblurb.com/2019/11/27/rhobh-star-kyle-richards-husband-mauricio-umansky-settles-32-million-law
  4. Right about the time Erika became involved with the show. Perhaps she began to realize that she needed to find a way to generate her own income (and advertise for a new wallet). Also, I guarantee Andy doesn't give a rat's ass about Erika's victims.
  5. I saw an article that said Lee is the #10 most favorite celebrity on Cameo. He charges something like $295 an appearance.
  6. Me too. I met him and his wife many years ago in Santa Fe. He was charming and smart (and quiet). He is having a ball with the character of Bucky. As is Gary Farmer's uncle. So fun to watch. I love GH and wonder why he hasn't had more work. As I watch this I keep remembering "Smoke Signals.' Each original in their own way. And I love seeing a real tribal community and personalities.
  7. I enjoyed this through the lens of having two best friends who are West Coast professors (one tenured) and an in-law who is tenured at an Ivy League school. I have spent most of my adult life listening to them tell stories about what university teaching is really like. That said, all three of them adore their students and suffered during the pandemic/virtual teaching trials, not being able to interact personally with the kids. Two of them love research and writing and prefer them to teaching. Two of them have made excellent money and they all have great benefits. And their own children received phenomenal, free educations. I know it was intentional, but Duplass was so disheveled that he looked like he smelled. Ugh to the man/boy characterization. Oh is a goddess, as is Taylor, and I will enjoy either of them in anything. Some of the script and visual gags were hilarious. But a lot of this was steeped in tired tropes.
  8. Eboni is just another greedy grifter, using BLM to try to polish her criminal past. Her sense of entitlement kicked in at a young age. She tried to gloss over the bankruptcy in her 2nd episode, but I didn't buy it. Red flags go off for bankruptcy at a relatively young age, with no "acceptable" cause, such as illness. She has a law degree, for gawd's sake. Don't tell me she couldn't pay off her creditors over time.
  9. She's crafty. The best grifters are. I saw a Youtube video where an influencer and former paralegal, reacting to Erika and whether she is grifting, flippantly prescribed an 18-month plan for getting an old man's money. It consisted of sex and flattery, getting oneself on various wills and trusts, acquiring large amounts of cash and squirreling it away in offshore accounts, and sticking it out until the old man's death. The point was that people do it all the time, easily.
  10. This is the price they are paying in order to secure Erika for this season. She was in a position to negotiate. I even think the line producers are controlling the two sides.
  11. It's called stunt casting. It's meant to sell tickets, kinda like selling tickets to a car crash. If it works, it helps keep a show financially solvent. The first instance I can remember was when Madonna was cast in Mamet's prestige-ish Speed-the-Plow.
  12. 17 and 38 is creepy. Still, some young women are baby gold diggers at that age, knowing what they want and going after it. I suspect this is the case with Crystal.
  13. At least one entertainment critic has pointed this out - they both employ the same fake daffy persona.
  14. Hooting at Dorit's "I'm in my element." In your dreams, you broke-ass, tax-owing, collections-avoiding poseur. Also, part of Erika's rage is that she knows the entire lot would happily stand on the shore, watching her drown, if they could. Their declarations of support are transparent fabrications. Her rage is at them leveraging her downfall for their own camera time. She sees through them all, including Garcelle. "I can't be the only one who thinks Kathy knew exactly what was going to happen at the dinner party." Of course she did. She's Bravo's patsy just like the rest of them. Bravo probably picked up the tab. ETA: I think whoever speculated that Kathy and Kyle are positioning themselves for a different opportunity are right. They are seasoned Hollywood veterans. With the housewives shows' future in debate, they may be collaborating on a long-range strategy.
  15. Anyone else notice that the Haughty Erika character comes complete with pretentious pronunciation? "Your opinion does not matt-tter to me." We rolled around on the couch, laughing, each time Erika trotted that out. When threatened, Sutton could have responded "What are you gonna do? Roll me down a hill? Make me watch one of your cringey videos? Ask me for a loan?" I'm disappointed in Garcelle. I was hoping she would speak up rather than save her best remarks for her talking heads. I'd pay good cash money to watch her tell the obnoxious Crystal "I never heard of you." Crystal needs to practice her mean girl. She looks constipated when she mutters her nasty remarks about Sutton. Rinna seems to veer between a drugged stupor and cackling mania. Mauricio has figured it out. Wealth, beautiful home, luxurious travel, good health...and a 24/7 high in order to tolerate his craven, stupid wife until he can make his escape.
  16. In some cases, there should be IRS 1099s (reporting of payment to sole proprietors and some LLCs for services rendered). The social media shade I read stated that Erika had failed to handle some 1099s to glam staff properly. For large dollar amounts, or for significant numbers of vendors, that's a red flag to the IRS.
  17. How much of the money to DNA was actually used for the girls' "salaries," I wonder. I keep thinking about money laundering (which I've never understood). Years ago I'd pop into a dress shop that never had customers. Not one, although the merchandise would change. Eventually I read that the owners were indicted for money laundering.
  18. I'm pretty sure production is telling Katie what to do (e.g., don't fire Lexi).
  19. In nearby Arlington there are single family homes with this design feature. Developers are using a loophole that allows two stories to go on top of that first floor garage. So suddenly we've gone from a neighborhood of two-story houses to new three-story ones. Usually huge white modern blocks. I have them on each side of me and they cut off the sun and ruin the view. I noticed that Mina's home looms over all of its neighbors. Watching this show has revealed to me that there's a buyer for every property, even if the property seems impractical to me. I guess this is true in every hot market. I was disappointed in the new store. Mina fell in love with the booze + furnishings concept, and I think it's a bad idea. Will that store be open at night? That's when people usually want to drink. I think she has to serve food, no? Because of the alcohol. I didn't see a commercial kitchen. Will COVID minimize customers? She must have spent a fortune on it. Jack is so adorable. And her decorator is probably more talented than he is allowed to show. Oh, and I noticed Mina bought gas at Marathon, and we had Marathon commercials So that gas stop was product placement.
  20. I stopped watching RHoNJ because of the Guidices' egregious fraud that hurt many businesses. I stopped watching RHoC because of Vicki's cancer scam. I'll stop watching RHoNY if they keep Ramona because of the way she treats service people and her insistent racist behavior this season. If they keep Erika and Jen Shah, I'm out. I'm judge-y that way. This kind of thing infuriates me and robs the shows of any pleasure for me.
  21. Sounds like my return to RHoNY has an end date. I can't stand any of these people.
  22. Erika's greed is a sickness that makes her stupid. The existence of hundreds of accounts screams "fraud."
  23. Destiny's face is a work of art. Picasso. Bless her heart. MJ has already chosen the show over her husband.
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