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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. CDAN says it's a major casino owner, and the guess is that Wyatt guy in Vegas. He the scion of a very wealthy Dallas family - his mother used to party with the Reagans. The proximity fits. CDAN claims Wyatt told Erika to stop asking for so much money. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2021/09/blind-items-revealed-1_17.html?m=0 I'm assuming Erika has several benefactors. Do they know about each other? What does she do for the handouts?
  2. Erika must still have medical power of attorney for Tom, or perhaps did when he needed brain surgery. Also, I remain interested in whether she will be held responsible for compensating Tom's victims, because it will be fascinating to watch whether her Bravo wages get garnished.
  3. In addition to her many pathological charms, I think we can add compulsive liar. It's the only scenario that makes sense.
  4. She did get a modeling-coach spin-off. The show was really about Yolanda. She was constantly posing and the focus of the camera. There was one especially hilarious scene of her slowly descending on an escalator as she struggled to hold the perfect "candid" pose and angle. The show was tone deaf and she came off as a vapid, controlling jerk.
  5. PR campaign to look poor? https://pagesix.com/2021/09/15/erika-jayne-shops-tj-maxx-amid-legal-and-financial-troubles/?utm_source=P6Twitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow Why didn't she just order sweats online? Also, is she buying fat clothes now that she can no longer afford the expensive treatments that dermatolofists and surgeons offer?
  6. Wonder if Erika is trolling everyone at this point (flipped cars, Pasadena snow). I have her pegged as very conniving and crafty, and these whoppers don't sound like her. If she escapes justice somehow, I can see her sneering at everyone later: "Did you idiots really fall for those stories?"
  7. I still haven't watched the previous episode nor this one, but late last night I was howling at the posts here. My mind now goes to The Ethically Reprehensible Andy Cohen. He can take a seat next to The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick. They can scooch over on the bench and make room for Kyle, Rinna, Crystal and Dorit. Erika is so foul she has to have her own bench.
  8. Don't forget massive, obvious bolt-ons. Season 1: range of breast sizes and displays. Season 2: everyone's bigger and they wear the trashy clothes to display their purchases.
  9. I vote yes. Any moment he will begin the Dance of Denial (see Erika Jane). Interesting that two of the other folks in the tier Jen was placed in, as explained in HahYallDoin's post, have already been sentenced to years in prison. The article reads as if Jen plugged into a larger organization that set her up, provided instructions, received part of the proceeds, etc.
  10. Absolutely. She emotionally and physically abandoned him when she did not need to. She made a choice. Occasional visits are a temporary salve on a child's psychic wound. She wasn't in the military where she had no say. She could have gotten an education and training and built a career in GA or NY. I'm pretty sure the NJ strip club was Step 1 in Erika Seeks a Sugar Daddy. Notice the victim/heroine spin she puts on this revisionist history.
  11. I read recently that she left her three-year-old son with his father and moved to the West Coast. The boy was raised by his father. That father owned strip clubs and had his hands in other dubious dealings. Last name Zizzo. Here is a photo that Erika provided, with Tom G., the boy, and a pre-plastic surgery Erika:
  12. Yeah, we're in almost-real-time now, and Erika's attorneys have presumably given her some boilerplate statements she's allowed to make, and advised her to not engage on this mess. That leaves us Crystal vs Sutton and....? Could be a bust, but will most assuredly be heavily scripted and choreographed.
  13. Erika's Defender Brigade: all the people who have also committed fraud or are married to or related to someone who has
  14. I thought this at the time it all happened, but I wasn't watching regularly enough to comment. I did not think the flashed privates was a sexual or flirtatious act, but rather a hostile one. Erika was trying to cause trouble while pulling all of the attention and acting innocent. Then she got to play wounded victim in multiple episodes. I think I posted that I thought she would be orgasmic each time she got to attack and lecture someone. She wasn't traumatized - she loved it, really got off on it.
  15. I've watched the first episode and am hoping it's production encouraging these two to act like cheerleaders, and that they will tone it down. I appreciate that they are normal-looking folks, not bimbos, and know their stuff. I had one of those 1940s/50s pink sinks in my 1920s Craftsman bungalow, along with pink and gray tile, and ripped them out to put in a Craftsman-style bath. (Bathroom sprung a leak and was fixin' to drop through the rotten floor) I tried to donate the old stuff but nobody wanted it. It was in great shape, too. The houses on the episode had been well-preserved, which makes all the difference in the ability to save them somewhat affordably. And the market drives the finances. Old houses are no longer in fashion where I live - everyone wants HGTV. Finally, it's very true about the time and expense to save one. It has taken me 30 years and I'm still at it, due to cost and time. My bugaboos have been asbestos in tile, old wires behind my beloved original plaster, original wood windows, and no insulation anywhere in the house. And when I'm gone, it will get torn down. Having said that, take a look at this couple: one of them works fulltime, one is building a social media business, and together they are doing all the work to restore a farmhouse, quite quickly: https://farmhousevernacular.com/category/the-house/ They are also on YouTube.
  16. Bershan appeared at a charitable event in DC. Carson Kressly was also there. I assume that despite the fundraising, both received an appearance payment. Sorry, can't find the link, but thought it interesting.
  17. Garcelle may suspect that Rinna is using the show to promote Harry's cooking and a potential product (Harry's Sauce!).
  18. Or bees. I'm experiencing the same thing I did way back when Teresa grifted - a swing from dismay to not being able to watch at all. My work is very stressful, a family member needs care, COVID continues to cut people down, it's 9-11 again...and I need to escape into something delightful and this ain't it. I haven't watched the latest episode - it's sitting on my DVR. What bothers me most is that people are profiting off of Erika's shameful behavior, and worse, the victims. Andy, Bravo, the other housewives, advertisers... I'll probably FF through parts of the reunion and end up turning it off when the Erika Redemption Show becomes unbearable. But I'll always keep reading here.
  19. I remain interested in his relationship and dealings with the CA Bar. Who will go after all of them for their apparently rank activities? CA attorney general? Can you imagine the panicked conversations that have been going on in board rooms all over CA?
  20. Attorneys have all kinds of access to data that the public cannot get. Does Erika dip into that data, using Tom's access credentials? Or get someone else to do it for her? I have a feeling she would stoop to this level. She may have more dirt on her Bravo colleagues than they realize. I can see her researching the dirt when she considered being on the show, for example. By "dirt," I mean credit histories, liens, bankruptcies, settlements, etc.
  21. I think the little ones are shit out of luck. Wasn't there something about TLC requiring that June set up trusts or banking accounts for her minor children's TLC income? I'm assuming that Kim and Kroy's children received income for appearing on their shows. What has always fascinated me about Kroy is that he appears to have a brain and he mouthes platitudes about common sense. But was it all an act, with Kim running the show and the family and making all of the decisions? I suspect Kroy pretended to be in charge so he could avoid the kept man label. I remember he tried to get TV jobs but no one was interested.
  22. You're very polite. I settled on "stupid" a long time ago. One of the funniest things I've ever seen is the juiciest story of the year, about their castmate, appears in their hometown newspaper, and it's too long and hard for any of them to read (except Sutton).
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