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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I wonder if the double flipped-car stories are due to being in an altered state, and/or sleep deprivation. It's very odd that she claimed that two members of her family flipped their cars while she's on camera during a short period of time (production timetable). Skilled liars spread those kinds of fabrications out over time, and to different audiences. That is, the stories don't seem plausible statistically (TM PK), so during production did Erika forget that she had already told the story about Tom? She is normally so crafty. Her persona has been to utter rehearsed bon mots that support her controlled narrative as a glamorous dominatrix. That persona would keep her stories straight and embellish carefully. She has lost control of what's happening and can't keep up.
  2. Daphne should never have been in camp; I wonder if her doc encouraged her not to attend? Those types of injuries are notorious for healing. Now she's injured her other leg (knee?). She has compromised her dance future. Or perhaps she never really had one after that first injury.
  3. Just keep it a secret; we won't be watching. HunterHunted great summary of Beth's pathology. She cruises along the surface of relationships because she needs the attention (and social media), but is incapable of any personal depth.
  4. Is it my imagination, or is production reducing the vanity camera work? Everyone looks much older this season, and I'm seeing some bad skin. I used to produce video, so I notice this kind of thing. It's as if production stopped using certain filters during shooting and editing. Erika's makeup was very Norma Desmond during the circle jerk, ah, tongue-bath, ah, group chat. Norma seguing into Baby Jane. As I watched I wondered if production is setting her up for a fall at the reunion. Cause that scene was heavily scripted. Also, Erika's bizarre pivot from sweet to mumbled threats was pure Xanax. I'm positive she's medicated - was she also drinking alcohol? Sutton is playing the housewives game very well. I love her dry sense of humor. Such a refreshing change from Rinna's manic "comedy" and buffoon cackling, which seemed to be played on a loop throughout this episode. And agree that Rinna made a nasty stealth move commenting on the swimsuits. She may as well have pointed a giant red arrow at Crystal's thighs. Meanwhile Crystal can't enjoy the moment because she's too preoccupied with her weight and appearance.
  5. As a former Mississippian, I could not figure out why Seth Marks would leave Chicago for MS. Meredith said something like he transferred for his job. (He's in retail logistics.) According to Linkedin he started with a new company in Hattiesburg, MS, seven months ago. Could he not find work in SLC, Denver, L.A., or another big city close to Utah? At this stage of his career, one would think he's have better options. I kinda think he and Meredith live separate lives.
  6. I wondered if those extra bedrooms are for CA family when they visit.
  7. I think we saw Jenn's assistant for two seconds in an earlier episode. Too bad Mary is a criminal mastermind (allegedly). She is reality TV gold. I kind of feel bad for Brooks. He was raised to be a coddled hothouse flower and has zero preparation for living in the real world. Also, homophobic tweets put me in his corner, or at least I've dipped a toe in. Heather's daughter will go to college, skip classes, get pregnant, catch STDs, smoke meth....and Heather will be all "Good for you going to college and being a bad girl!" Most of the children are sweet and well-mannered. But I struggle with them being used to humanize their thirsty parents on TV.
  8. Ava is performing for the camera, with an eye toward her future. K&J can spot that a mile away. Still, if Charlotte likes her, Ava will stay.
  9. Agreed. And she should have used some of her cash to pay a decorator. If we were supposed to interpret Natalie's position in life as a success story, another fail. With easy access to credit, anyone can live beyond their means in big ugly houses. And her political views (as expressed on IG) are loathsome in this day and age. I suspect they are featuring her because she's become a DCC insider. No more sob stories. Please. Production, earn your paychecks. I agree with the Cowboys organization providing housing for these young women, as a way to try to equalize the bar of getting in. Pick a hotel that provides free breakfast. Give them a stipend for meals. And give the DCC a decent part-time wage. I'd like to see more of the tall Black candidate with the short curly hair. She's striking but I don't know if she can dance DCC. Compared to the others Armani does look soft. But perhaps the rigors of training camp will melt off the extra weight. It's possible the organization spoke to her off-camera. I'd like to see a short segment on what the candidates do before a class - what do they eat, how long do they warm up, how many uniforms are they issued, what other stuff are they required to do? More dancing, less ugly houses, sob stories, and meaningless talking. I don't hate Melissa Rycroft, but I don't see her value. Maybe she's more valuable behind the scenes.
  10. I speculated in earlier posts that the law firm, Erika and perhaps Tom's family prevented anyone from knowing of Tom's declining cognition. After all, it would mean the end of the firm, or a drop in billables. The firm was supporting a lot of people, directly and indirectly. But then the lawsuits blew open the story, leaving everyone without a plausible explanation for their behavior. They didn't have time to cover up and redirect adequately. Perhaps they hoped to somehow recover enough funds to replace stolen assets and ran out of time. This kind of thing happens all the time with for-profit businesses when leadership is ill, indisposed, is suffering a tragedy, etc. The staff and families will do everything to cover as long as possible. If Erika knew Tom was incompetent, why didn't she report it to the proper authorities or escalate her worries to people who would respond properly?
  11. She's confusing verbal one-upmanship with intelligence. Dorit will talk you into a stupor, all the while saying absolutely nothing of value. In fact many of the housewives have learned this ping-pong debate style. They latch onto someone else's words and zoom off in a verbal tirade about those few words, wait for a response, then seize on other words and zoom off again. After several rounds of this meaningless drivel, the "opponent" succumbs to weary defeat. It's maddening to watch because it's boring.
  12. So last night I watched/FFed the last three episodes. I'm convinced Erika is trying to do two things with her dramatic, disjointed behavior: 1) establish a timeline for Tom's incompetence so he and she are protected from legal and civil accountability for his/her misdeeds and 2) redirect attention away from her irresponsible behavior (the spending, the tone-deaf social media, etc.) and toward her castmates. When binge-watched together, these episodes indicate this strategy. And the earlier episodes just add more proof. Long ago a hapless secretary named Rosemary demonstrated for reporters a clumsy explanation for how she accidentally erased critical minutes of President Nixon's recorded Watergate conversations. Erika's explanations are just as tortured and clumsy. Oh, and it's funny to watch Crystal's scripted storyline of sparring with Sutton fade into the obscure distance. Crystal's thought bubble is "I've been robbed. "
  13. I'll skip past trying to prove Erika is a liar and just simplify it all by saying she is a sociopathic asshole.
  14. So true. What begins as production shenanigans evolves into toxic behavior, fueled by these assholes' craven desire for camera focus as well as their own lack of character. The behavior also reminds me of 70s era group therapy sessions. I never attended but friends did. Sometimes they were nothing more than bully sessions, hiding behind the "therapy" label. A good friend is a therapist and comments that some people don't recover easily from this kind of behavior. My friend thinks we've seen that with some housewives across the franchise. It's disturbing.
  15. I'm glad you remembered this. I could not recall the details. While Paris is telling only one side of the story. I believe there is evidence she has horrible parents.
  16. Let's hope this fool and her access to widows' and orphans' money are now parted.
  17. Many baby boomers' retirement plans were scuttled by the recession plus COVID. If a professor held onto a job, a spouse may not have, the young adult children may not have been able to find jobs, or the boomers' parents have needed expensive care. Many of us "should retire" boomers have financial responsibilities we were not expecting.
  18. I normally am not interested in reality tv kids, but I enjoy Luke's clan. We have a Down syndrome young adult in my family, so I appreciate that Luke and his wife have opened their home to so many children. Many of these kids have heart and other severe health conditions, and they would unquestionably die while languishing in orphanages that are understaffed, with minimal nutrition, and essentially warehouses. Luke has a great design sense, but his feature walls annoy me. Just not my thing.
  19. I'm gonna watch out of morbid curiosity, cause this is one of the worst real estate shows ever. Maybe production fixed some things.
  20. The three on the left look great. The rest are Cheap Vegas, 80s Prom, or in Kathy's case, Discount Prairie. Crystal has a great fashion sense, I'll give the mean girl that.
  21. "Bravo would probably like nothing more than an Erika going to and getting out of jail. I mean, this is a boon to RHOBH. i can't imagine how boring this season would've been if the only real drama was nakedgate." Absolutely. Andy doesn't "like" Erika - he's using Erika. (See Theresa, NeNe, etc.) The question is whether Erika realizes it, or is vulnerable to false flattery. I suspect she realizes it and will use Andy right back (for big bucks). I still believe that some of the women are being coached by production in how they take sides.
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