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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Agreed, I think he's quite bad. And his mumbling & talking out of the side of his mouth is getting worse, I can barely understand a word he says. I think what would be more realistic would be Alex getting attention from boys, Alex being her default condescending bitch self, the boys basically telling her to fuck off, then Alex coming to an ah-ha moment regarding her horrid personality.
  2. It's actually not a fanwank, Adam Goldberg said he himself doesn't remember in what year what event occurred & that's why the narration is "1980-something." Beverly and her "colorful" language getting bleeped out will never NOT be funny! And I hysterically laughed at Murray in traffic at the end, especially his comment "Baby on board...more like moron on board" since I have said this exact thing myself (with some Beverly-esque expletives mixed in, of course). I work in the area where the Goldbergs are from, and if the drivers were then like they are now, I don't blame Murray one bit for getting frustrated!
  3. Where did I say the comment was off topic? I'll drop it, but I am really sick of the implication that large breasts = sexy (or "sexy"); plenty of large breasted bodies are sexy but many are not.
  4. Hopefully there's at least a throw-away line where Brooke says she'll be taking RJ with her. But then again it would mean the poor kid would be stuck going to yet another school. No matter what, he can't win :(
  5. The "apparently they think nerds don't have breasts" comment implied it, in my opinion.
  6. That must make shows a lot more enjoyable for you, movinon. I usually don't feel the way you do about opposing characters, although I do find myself liking both Victor and Jack.
  7. It is possible to have a "sexy" body without large breasts...just sayin' I didn't. She was a snotty, condescending little brat to the therapist, and maybe her family would enjoy spending time with her if she weren't a snotty, condescending brat at home.
  8. Poor girl. I wouldn't feel safe with a restraining order...if he gets within the order's distance from her he could do something to her before the time it would take her to call 911. And to also threaten a dog? Sick freak.
  9. Even Eric pointed out that not marrying anybody was an option. I do wish they would go that route at least for a little while, but I'm sure that will never happen. That's it! You hit the nail on the head as to why I can't stand those two together.
  10. I assume this is unpopular...I enjoy bitch Christine! I find her so much more entertaining now than when she was the perfect pretty pretty princess Cricket, who was so freaking perfect she practically had singing bluebirds & harp-playing angels following her everywhere she went.
  11. Thank you for saying better than I could the reason why I never held the things Adam did against him. Not that I'm an Adam apologist (I'm not an apologist for any of the idiot characters on this show), but the hypocrisy, although a soap staple, always outrages me.
  12. I agree, she looked fabulous & green is so flattering on her. As long as I am being shallow, I hope Rena Sofer keeps her hair the length it is, I think she looks fabulous as well. Actually, truth be told, I find looking at hair/makeup/clothing a lot more interesting than the actual show. Now it's looking like Katie wants Bill back? Where is THAT coming from???
  13. So do I! Dead does not always mean dead on a soap, so I'll keep hoping he's not! I hated that part, I thought it was way too cartoonish. I see a lot of comments regarding Nolan's hair. I have to be honest, I didn't notice that it looked any different!
  14. Brooke, you are my girl, but you are seriously concerned whether Will will call you "aunt" or "stepmother"? Just HOW long have you been in this family??? Because you should know by now, combination aunt-stepmother-sister-(and so on) is the norm around there!
  15. I NEVER liked Elijah...and another UO I with a passion HATE Rebekah. Awwww boo hoo poor baby has nobody to love her...well maybe if she stopped murdering people they'd tend to feel some sympathy for her.
  16. I was watching an episode of CSI Miami on Netflix because Jordan Woolley (my hot tv boyfriend) was on it, and my big unpopular opinion hit me...I love love LOVE Horatio Caine! There...I managed to say it in public :)
  17. Amy at the end was one of the best ELR moments ever (IMO)
  18. I think liking the newer episodes is an unpopular opinion, but I like the therapy one as well. But then again, I also like the much disliked episode with the custodian!
  19. Thanks, ElizaD! If this is an example of what the men looked like, I wish I HAD been watching back then!
  20. You certainly are ambitious! Isn't UTD his longest book? I recall The Stand & It being quite long as well.
  21. A lot of people (Stephen King included) considered Big Jim the most evil human villain in all of King's books. I found him way too cartoonish. ETA: Maybe it's just my Dean Norris love, but I like the job he's doing with Big Jim. I don't feel like he's overacting, I think he's getting the essence of Big Jim just right.
  22. Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by her "creamy" and "crunchy" descriptions. I especially can't stand how she stresses the "CR" sound!
  23. Honestly I found the characters in the book a little over the top evil, and the ending was just unbelievably horrible (in my opinion). After getting to the end, i practically mourned the time I spent reading that book, time I could have spent doing something better. I'm normally a King apologist, but I can't excuse him for Under the Dome.
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