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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I have ad blocking software which used to work...operative words being "used to", now the show stops & I get a message that ad blocking software has been detected & that I'll need to turn it off to continue watching. Yes, she is Darla & Thorne's. As far as her mental heath issues go...she does see her dead mother's head floating around & she has conversations with her; she had severe anger issues with Taylor, who killed Darla in a hit & run (I still recall the days of little girl Ally saying "Tayloh killed mommy"...in fact Taylor & Thorne were supposed to be married & little Ally cut up Taylor's wedding dress); Ally also had that infamous scene where she sniffed Quinn & said she could smell the evil on her. It seems, though, that Ally got much better once she forgave Taylor & of course got a boyfriend, being that we women folk are useless & insane without a man!
  2. I agree with Joimiaroxeu, I think Maya's sister is going to be a designer. I can see it going something like Eric does end up signing those papers, Rick fires Ridge & Caroline, and lo & behold, Maya's sister happens to be an uber talented designer! And didn't Thorne do some designing in the past? I swear I remember him being a part of one of those design-offs when he worked for Spectra. Mentioning Thorne reminds me, if it does go down that Eric signs the papers, this show desperately needs to bring some of the never heard from characters back. I'd love to see how Thorne and Felicia would react & who they would side with, as well as Bridget I know Steffy is coming back, but Thomas should as well, NOT to chant their "Rick is an evil Logan" mantras, but to actually be concerned what Rick is doing to the family's company. I'd even like to see Kristen just for the hell of it (from what I recall Forrester Creations was never a top priority for her). There's so much opportunity for interesting story telling, let's hope the powers that be are up to it!
  3. I think maybe you're giving the writers more credit than they deserve. What you said would be a great subtle hint that Rick is more into punishing Caroline than he is into Maya, but I don't think the writers are that clever.
  4. No, she's a lead model! I'm not sure how I know this, I don't think it's mentioned much ;-)
  5. Maybe I'm remembering wrong (no surprise if I am!), but didn't Sharon apologize to Jack when she made her confession?
  6. Yes, he did have a newspaper. I think (on this board at least) liking Carter's looks is a popular opinion, but I do have some unpopular ones...off topic, but I do NOT find Joe "Superman" on Y&R remotely attractive, but I did like Kyle (aka Frankenkyle). Go figure :)
  7. No, they don't :) Did you see him in the men's fashion show in his pajamas & glasses? *Sigh* But that's ok if you don't like him, less competition for me :) I hope they're not. Out one side of his mouth he says he's over his anger, but out the other side he's whining about how Ridge is a meanie. Somebody should be able to see through this.
  8. So I guess Bill has a little pattern going on. If you want him don't leave town for extended periods of time, because odds are, he'll end up falling for your sister!
  9. In Rick's defense, Steffy and Thomas always raved about how they were the real Forresters, Rick just a mere Logan. So yeah, Rick giving little digs that he is a blood Forrester doesn't bother me. For the record, I don't agree with this in real life, to me they are ALL Forresters, but for show/drama purposes, I don't really care.
  10. I've said it before as well...can't stand her & that smug "Aren't I the most cleverest being in the universe" grin after everything she says. I cancelled my cable & have internet only, since everything I enjoy watching is available online anyway. But to your point, when I tell people I don't have television, I qualify it with "I watch everything online." I don't like the high & mighty attitude either, I sure as hell don't want anyone thinking I have it! :)
  11. That was thanks to the former resident of the apartment, the always tacky Jackie Marone. I'm pretty sure she was a well liked character, but I couldn't stand her. If she roared one more time to show what a "cougar" she was, I swear I was going to put my foot through the TV. I thought she looked good, but she did look every year her age (if not older, I think the actress was late 50s & I thought she was mid 60s) & just as ridiculous with the young, hot Owen as the old men do with their 20-something trophy wives.
  12. Harsh? I think that makes you sound nice!
  13. If I'm remembering this right she should be since she "hid" her magic in Ms. Cuddles & sent it to the present. ETA...or what RachelKM said haha.
  14. All I can say is, damn that Darrin Brooks for making me like Wyatt this week!
  15. What gets to me is (as it did with Thanksgiving also), does Bonnie have some kind of calendar where she x-es off the days so she knows what day it is back home? How else would she know this is Christmastime?
  16. The only time I really liked Katie was when she was with Bill. When it comes to bad ideas from the writers, I think Bill & Brooke was one of the worst. It made no sense (IMO) that they got together in the first place, and I bet if Bill & Katie do get back together history will be forgotten to the point that a new viewer would never know Brooke & Bill were even an item.
  17. Hmmm then in B&B law, maybe Carter can get Rick & Caroline's marriage annulled!
  18. He could be, but I did hear that he will be playing a villain on Revenge.
  19. I thought in Quinn's blackmail scheme where she threatened to expose her romp with Bill to Brooke (which she did anyway), she made Bill get Wyatt's name changed to Spencer.
  20. Unpopular Adam opinion. I think that the casting for all Adams has been pretty good. Certainly I'm not sure how the new Adam will pan out, but I do like what I saw from him on Revenge. And between MM and CE, I thought they were both really good and don't prefer one over the other.
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