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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Just last night I finished up the entire Six Feet Under series. The reason I started watching was, after the Sons of Anarchy finale, so many people said that SFU had the best finale ever so I felt compelled to check it out. I do admit to tearing up (darn onions!) during the last few minutes, but otherwise I thought the episode was not only not the best finale ever, but rather "meh", as were (in my other unpopular opinion) most other SFU episodes. Since I mentioned Sons of Anarchy...I found pretty much every character in that show despicable, yet they were interesting enough that they made me want to continue to tune in, whereas in SFU I found pretty much every character despicable (not in the same way the SoA characters were; I don't recall any of the Fishers being murderers :)) but found myself saying "oh shut up bitch!" more often than not (the horrible, bitchy, shrill Ruth being the worst, IMO). The so-so finale was in no way worth watching the IMO mediocre series.
  2. Funny you should mention that, when I 1st saw her on SFU the 1st thing I thought was "She looks a LOT like the mentally challenged character who got raped on L&O, I wonder if that's her..."
  3. That one made me so sad. My favorite was the biker in the Santa suit. I loved his wife & the relationship he had with her. I don't remember the exact words used, but the wife explaining that maybe her husband would be alive if he didn't take chances, but he wouldn't be living was great. I also enjoyed the porn star's funeral. The things her producer/costars said about her at her service, followed by applause, cracked me up.
  4. The thing that bored me most was Claire's never ending time in art school. Awww the poor little emo never had an orgasm, maybe I will if I lead on a lesbian...my ass bleeds for you. I could not agree more! Overall I thought the show was ok, which is really something considering how vile most of the characters are. I liked Maya and George...that's about it! I hated Brenda with the heat of 1,000 suns in the beginning, but I did soften toward her in season 5. I'm not sure if it's because I actually started to like her, or that I hated the way Nate treated her. "I'm pregnant"...Congratulations" brrr that was cold! And I loved when she told Ruth, (who I wanted to punch in the throat every time she started with her shrill pontificating/shouting) upon her suggestion that she give Maya to her, (great idea, now Maya will have the chance to be as screwed up as the other kids she raised), I really don't care what you think...I actually said out loud "YES tell that bitch!" Agreed, Rico was horrible! His passive aggressive whininess grated, as well as that sense of entitlement that he should be made partner (before he gave them the inheritance money). VERY close tie with Ruth for my most hated character.
  5. So somehow she's too skinny & too thick...interesting.
  6. COMPLETELY agree with the part I bolded! And yes, Maya is sleeping with a married man who is separated from his wife, but it didn't happen sooner despite her efforts to seduce a very married Rick (like that stupid steam room stunt).
  7. Steelyis...I cut out certain parts of your post that I quoted for the sake of saving space... 1) Caroline didn't start her "affair" with Ridge with the purpose of hurting anybody...but I guess that really is a moot point since affairs do end up hurting people. The difference I see is that we saw Caroline struggle with what was going on and was going to stop playing kissy face with Ridge, unlike Rick, who is flaunting his mistress all over the place. 2) I agree that Caroline should take responsibility. I also think it would be noble for Maya to turn down the smug and actually admit that she is a mistress, and mistress does not equal matriarch. 3) Maya is flaunting sleeping with a married man, why should Caroline be shamed and not Maya? I'm not sure about Rick not loving Maya (I hope one day we get a definite answer for that), but I couldn't agree more with the rest of this!
  8. So what I gather is that purposely hurting someone is more noble than doing it unintentionally...gotcha.
  9. I don't think Breelan really looks like Kelli, but I definitely think she does in the picture Lorimar263 posted the link to.
  10. I am totally stealing this from the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader "Making the Team" reality show, but I like the term "cash & prizes" lol.
  11. Those are the kind of cameos I'd love to see. Or maybe a re-creation of a scene that actually happened between Jesse & Walt on Breaking Bad, but with them in the background rather than the focus of the scene.
  12. I took a little break from watching, and because of scenes like one ones mentioned here, I was shocked to return to Caroline & Rick getting married. I guess the writers thought it would be convenient to put them together, but I always thought the marriage didn't make a whole lot of sense in the first place.
  13. Do you mean the death comment? I hope that wasn't foreshadowing :(
  14. My mistake, I should have said IS the plot :)
  15. Actually, I've wondered if LG has some sort of jaw issue (TMJ?), she always seems to do some weird thing where it looks like she's trying to hold her jaw still while talking. Yes, Eric was with Brooke and her mother...as well as Brooke's sister Donna. Dead Caroline is current Caroline's aunt (Bill's sister Karen is Caroline's mother).
  16. Exactly, I don't understand the need to watch simulated sex. If a viewer wants to watch sex, which IS part of the plot, there's always porn :)
  17. I actually kind of liked Dawn, but IMO MT did a horrible job on Six Feet Under. She was supposed to be a diva-ish singer, but IMO played it more like a whiny brat (much like Dawn haha).
  18. The only characters I really couldn't stand were Darla & Drusilla, and I think it had more to do with the actresses rather than the characters. I can't stand Julie Benz with that lispy, whispery baby voice (I couldn't watch Dexter because of her), and I understand Dry was supposed to be insane, but IMO Juliet Landau overacted to the point of insanity.
  19. Some artist was also the love of her life in between.
  20. I guess my UO around these parts is that violence, being that it is faker than fake, doesn't bother me at all.
  21. Speaking of Hope's airtime, I read something interesting on IMDB. I'm not sure when it was updated last, but according to the entry Kim Matula & Heather Tom were both in the same number of episodes (905). However, KM's tenure was 2010-2014, while HT's is 2007-2014 (not really counting 2015 since we're barely a week into it). If this is true, it puts into even more perspective for me how much Hope ate the show.
  22. Sounds like my irrational hatred of "I can't with"...just how would one "with"? For people who watched Six Feet Under I have two words...Brenda Chenowith. Homely as hell IMO, but every man who even glanced at her wanted to sleep with her.
  23. I also think it will be Dylan, specifically to create drama between Avery & him. Speaking of Avery, what was with her hair at that mediation? She looked downright dowdy.
  24. I agree, they have ALL taken their turns at being man-children. I guess, if I'm remembering correctly, Thorne even had his turn, but I find him to be the least offensive. I have a novel idea, why don't they consider letting a, you know, woman run the company. What happened to Brooke and her co-vice president (or whatever it was) title that she had with Ridge? Did she quit off screen? Although, I don't want to see the CEO torch keep getting passed around...how about Felicia?
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