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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. "I don't want Ivy modeling"...I'm surprised Hope didn't then stomp her foot and demand her blankie. This is a character we are SUPPOSED to like???
  2. I'd suggest a drinking game where you take a shot every time Maya says "CEO," but I don't want to be responsible for anybody's case of alcohol poisoning.
  3. I think KM is an ok actress, and I think she did a decent job at portraying fluffy Hope (IMO not so much as dramatic Hope), but I hope she gets a speech coach to help her stop doing that thing she does where she puts a weird stress on certain syllables. Someone a few pages back asked if anyone else ever noticed this...I have, and I find it pretty distracting.
  4. Oh Hope! When Wyatt was sticking up for his mother, WHY didn't you ask him how Quinn even knew about the appointment in the first place???
  5. What an amazing nickname! I may have to steal it from you :) When Rick said at the meeting that if anybody has a problem with him and/or Maya they can leave now, I was SO hoping that each of them would walk out of the room one by one. Hard to be CEO of a fashion house when there is nobody to design the fashions! And we all know that Forrester only employs two designers :)
  6. Well then he better call himself "Mr. RuntheTable" so we know who he is :)
  7. When Caroline told a shocked Eric that Rick was leaving her for Maya, I couldn't help but think that Eric will put a stipulation on the CEO position. Either that it's conditional that he cannot be with Maya or must be married to Caroline. I can't believe this will come to a "Maya runs the company with Rick" conclusion so quickly.
  8. I normally like longer hair on a man, but IMO in this case the shorter hair is SO much better!
  9. HAHAHAHAHA tell me about it! Sometimes there will be a character wearing an outfit several days in a row, and I'm left wondering whether we're in one day "show time," or if the character has a really amazing brand of deodorant! :) Speaking of outfits, Maya was wearing a dress last week that had a pinkish colored exposed zipper going down the back...LOVED it!
  10. I won't argue the point because I don't remember the exact time frame, but I thought Rick & Maya were together a month or so in "show" time. Either way, as far as I'm concerned, they were dating, and again in my opinion marriage trumps dating. There are connotations attached to the name "Myrna?" I thought Caroline was just being a smart ass by showing Maya that she cares so little about her that she can't bother to get her name right. I have a feeling, though, that LG & KM had a good time with those exchanges. LG even called KM "Myrna" on Twitter, I thought it was cute :)
  11. Team Caroline here. I do agree they did the same thing to each other, but to me the big difference is that Caroline disrespected a maybe month old "relationship," while Maya is disrespecting a marriage.
  12. It looks like poor Breelan is still sporting her "scared to death" look in that video. I think she's going to be a one timer.
  13. I had a dream the other night that I was a DCC. It was game time & I panicked because I can't do a split...then wondered how the heck I made the team in the 1st place! Fortunately I woke up before I had to do one :)
  14. And at the same time, the baby is what is tying Hope to Wyatt. It could be an interesting story if the writers handle this competently.
  15. I guess I'll be the killjoy here...I really don't care much for Oliver. The actor who plays him is cute, but that doesn't make up for how (IMO) dull his character is written. I think he could be decent with good material, but that's probably asking too much.
  16. This is back from page 1. If I may bore you with my personal life...I was seeing somebody who didn't want anything serious, which I respected & agreed with. One day last month I got a usual "sexual bantering' type text from him...that very weekend he's with some other woman & she's been practically living with him ever since & I have not heard a peep (he's early 40s, by the way & we live in the same apt building). So in conclusion...while the post-it was DEFINITELY cowardly, I can think of something MORE cowardly!!!
  17. And this is why it won't happen....and why so many here would be better writers than the writers!
  18. My initial thought was that sure he is old enough to be her grandfather, but I didn't realize LG was 26...yikes she looks young and yes I am jealous!!! So In real life no, I guess a 22 year age difference for a grandparent isn't too likely :) It makes me wonder what the characters ages are supposed to be as well. hahahaha too funny :)
  19. No need to apologize for anything, your posts are great! :) ETA: As are everybody's here *group hug*
  20. Just curious...are you a fan of Eric as a character, or a fan of Eric because of JMC? Personally I like both, and I hope he wants to stay a long time, because that is a role where I couldn't accept a recast (along with Stephanie). *SNORT* :)
  21. OK, B&B, you managed to confuse me. So did Ridge & Caroline kiss once & she's fantasizing about doing it again, or did it never happen & Caroline is only fantasizing? Either way, I'm with Petunia13, Ridge IS a bitch!
  22. I'm now having flashbacks to the ad with The Police..."Call your cable company & say I WANT MY MTV!"
  23. I don't understand this analogy. I think it's more like working really hard & doing excellent work at your job but then turning down a promotion to manager because you don't want the extra hours/responsibilities/headaches that come along with it (even though a promotion would be a huge honor).
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