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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Isn't there a rumor that Brooke is going to have a meaty new storyline? For that reason, I'm not so sure she's going to side with Rick. I think she'd be expected to, but it would be a lot more interesting to see the dynamic that would result in her not siding with the whiny little pain in the ass. Excellent point!
  2. I'm sure this is exactly what will happen, but I kind of hope not. I think about a character like Maya...she started off with an edge & many of us suspected that, when she was looking for her daughter, she may have become unhinged; after that, she got a little sickeningly sweet. Now, Maya is being written with an edge, KM seems to be enjoying her storyline, and I'm finally finding her interesting, and finding myself wondering how much of what she's doing actually is because she loves Rick. I never was a fan of the soap villain, but I do like moral ambiguity in some soap characters. I really am not enjoying the pussifying of Deacon. Anyway, my point is, I don't want Rick to learn his lesson and become nice, I'd like to see him as a bit of an adversary.
  3. I disagree, it felt more like 95% :) I really wish Eric would tell his whiny pants son that not only will he not sign the papers, but that he needs an adult to run the company and appoints Thorne CEO.
  4. ^^^ Really? That's so sad :( ETA I just watched the clip of her interviewing for the waitress job, I wouldn't exactly be upset if one day I woke up looking like her.
  5. I agree. The reason I couldn't stand Skyler was because she was a know-it-all, self righteous nag. And her nagging ways didn't stop at Walt, but extended to Marie. I did, however, think she was a decent mom to Flynn. The one time I enjoyed her was when she tried to get Ted out of trouble with the IRS and did the ditzy "Quicken is great!" act. I liked the TWoP title "Happy Birthday Mr. President" :)
  6. But then the "interested in leaving Genoa City" implies the actor is still on the show. I know these blind items are supposed to be vague, but this one is just contradicting itself.
  7. Kind of like Ridge & Caroline doing the sketches together haha. Especially since (if I'm remembering this scene correctly) Maya told Rick that she doesn't care if he gave up being CEO to be with her. Should be a big red flag that Rick's grudge against Ridge goes above & beyond his feelings about anything/anyone else.
  8. I just assumed it was in the off-screen contract that Rick signed off-screen.
  9. To add to unpopularity... 4) I liked the Kate actress when she was on Law & Order! 6) I would have been happy to never see Darla or Drucilla again! In fact, I find Drucilla to be one of the all-time most annoying character on any TV show.
  10. I'd have a tough time making a decision, they were all so cute! That Afghan was gorgeous. I was impressed that Pam resisted and admitted to not being ready.
  11. I think calling her a racist because she is nasty to the woman who is after her husband a bit if a stretch. And could someone please explain why "Myrna" is racist? She's calling her by a name that is similar but incorrect to show that she is insignificant...and not insignificant because she is black. Yeesh
  12. I thought he was told charges wouldn't be brought if he gave up on trying to acquire the factory & just went away.
  13. I definitely agree with you there. Personally I would have found it a hell of a lot more interesting if Aly had been the one to catch them. I wonder if she'd start smelling the evil on both of them :)
  14. I've been wrapping Christmas presents while watching, so I may have missed something. I recall Rick telling Ivy the menacing "you are NOT going to tell anybody," but I do not remember Ivy threatening to tell anybody in the first place. Did she say anything about telling in a moment I wasn't paying attention?
  15. I heard on the DVD commentary that the shorter nun ad-libbed her "owww" when Ray tried to close the door on her. I don't know who the actress was, but from the comments made, they said she is hilarious.
  16. I do think Steffy is a necessary character, but I hope she's written different. Just my opinion, she became Hope, minus the goody-goody image. When Steffy returns, I want a mature Steffy who couldn't be bothered with man-child Liam & plays a major part in the family business. Maybe Rick could be found out & Steffy be made CEO?
  17. Ivy desperately needs to take a class in Blackmail 101. Rick is in no position to be issuing threats, it's the other way around! If Ivy tattles on Rick, Rick will fire her...BUT if Ivy tattles on Rick, Eric will take the CEO position away from Rick (Rick is CEO, by the way) & would be in no position to fire her. Maybe that dip into the Seine caused some kind of brain injury!
  18. I do use Firefox, I'll give your method a try tonight, thanks! :)
  19. I apologize if this is too off topic, but I never saw Veronica Mars. What was his character on there like?
  20. Yeah, that's what I do, I'm just annoyed I have to be stuck watching commercials...and the SAME ONES over & over! One for Ritz crackers & some kind of raw dog food, both of which are REALLY LOUD!!!!, and the KMart one where a line of men are slapping their guts in tune to some Christmas song. Gone are the days when I can watch B&B in 20 min. I can't believe there was a time when I found Rick to be a rootable character. I could see him being angry with Caroline, I can even understand (but not condone) his affair with Maya, but what I can't understand is his babyish whining. It is really ridiculous that Eric is making him stay married to Caroline to keep the CEO position, but that never would have happened if the little brat didn't try to tank the line from the latest fashion show.
  21. I'm glad to hear about Nicole. I swear if my curls looked like hers I never would have gotten keratin!
  22. I thought all 3 Adams were very good. Adam as a character was quite different when MM took the role, I'm interested to see whether he'll be different with another new actor...and I don't just mean a different interpretation of the character, I mean if he'll be written any different.
  23. I used to be able to do that, but CBS somehow catches it. Do you have different software? I use Adblock Plus.
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