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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Aww thanks Foghorn Leghorn, I'd like mine with provolone, please :)
  2. Killing Mike did disturb me, but then we got Mike's awesome request to die in peace when Walt was rambling on (IMO Mike had some of the best lines). I was hoping he'd off the lispy , staccato speaking pain in the ass Lydia sooner than he did.
  3. Yes, I think that's exactly what it is. She acts like she is entitled to speak down to whoever she damn well pleases, and she does try to shut other people down when they are speaking, so I think she deserves every bit of that kind of talk, whether Ridge is a hypocrite or not.
  4. This. I also don't see it as Maya being talked down to because the Forresters are better than her...I see it more as Maya being the one acting as though she were above them with the smug gloating & the talking down is to remind her that she is not above them, not that she is beneath them.
  5. I couldn't agree more. Maybe Ridge doesn't talk down to others like he does to Maya because none of the others were rude & disrespectful along with being smug and acting so entitled to stick her nose wherever she felt like.
  6. Capricasix. don't you start going all boards-on-boards on us!!! :)
  7. Being that Maya has been nothing but disrespectful & dismissive toward the entire Forrester family (except Rick, of course), I have no problem with one of them talking to her that way. She can dish it out, she better be prepared to take it. Blech, not enough vomit bags on earth as far as I'm concerned!
  8. Granddaddy of all unpopular BB opinions...I didn't hate Walt for this. His aim wasn't to kill Brock, and in my mind he knew enough about lily of the valley scientifically that he was sure to only give Brock enough to make him sick. I'm not saying it was a "proper" thing to do, tainting someone's food/drink never is, but I understood why he did it.
  9. Yep, that seemed like a lame threat from the mother. All Louise has to do is say to Nolan "You're not going to believe this, but my mother is telling me that I killed my father." I'm sure Nolan would then do some investigating and discover it's not true. I was so excited to see Tommy Flanagan was joining the cast, but what a letdown he was...IMO he's not nearly as good an actor I thought he was in SoA. I'm glad he's gone, but his Sweeney Todd death did nothing for me.
  10. My point regarding Rick being with Caroline before Maya is that Maya has always been the interloper (although admittedly without her knowledge during the first round). I wouldn't mind Brooke getting the position, but what I'd really like to see is for it to go to Thorne. I recall he was offered CEO before & he turned it down as he didn't want it as 2nd choice, so I'd like to see Eric admit that his judgment has been crappy as hell & practically beg Thorne to accept.
  11. The characters also seem to forget that Rick was in a relationship with Caroline before he was in one with Maya.
  12. I'd prefer Filthy Phil...just sayin' :)
  13. Of all the things that could be said about RM, I never imagined this would be one of them. Love it! :)
  14. I've already become apathetic, I find his routine is getting old fast. The actor, IMO, is doing an outstanding job, I'm just not especially entertained by the character.
  15. I don't find this particularly far fetched, there are plenty of attractive men/women who can't find a girlfriend/boyfriend let alone husband/wife for whatever reason. But to quote you, I totally agree with your sentiment that "using the word love to make a reality show while it's obvious that almost everything is fake is starting to become old."
  16. I watch online, and there is a CBS Sync thing with facts, quizzes, and poll questions. Today there was a poll question whether or not you want Hope to come back. It's 52% yes 48% no. I guess she still has her fans! Great point, it will be interesting to see how Caroline handles that!
  17. You'll make Mr. RuntheTable a fan before he knows what hit him :)
  18. I can't wait to get home to see this! Anybody who chisels away at the wall of smug that is Maya is a-ok in my book! I don't think Brooke is going to call out Caroline, but it would be all the more entertaining if she does! While we're having a wish list, I hope she includes Ridge in this, no way should he get off scot free!
  19. Thanks, blackwing! I totally forgot about "Madame X"...poor Ashley Jones must have been so embarrassed!
  20. The way I look at it, what Caroline did was wrong, no doubt about it, but Rick's punishment does not fit the crime. I'm not seeing this so much as Caroline being a victim (although I understand why others are seeing it that way), but more as "look how Rick has gone off the rails."
  21. Could somebody please refresh my memory about something? When Jackie was on, there was some kind of competition between Forrester Creations and her, but from what I remember, didn't Jackie own a boutique? Why would a boutique be in competition with a fashion house? Or did the boutique only sell an exclusive designer's apparel?
  22. I'm not nitpicking, steelyis, but I didn't get that Liam told Rick to be nice to Caroline, he told him not to talk to her "like that" in his borderline abusive way. Honestly I don't find the "Rick is being a crazy bully in the workplace" plot very interesting (at least right now I don't). I really wish he had stuck with firing Caroline...or when Rick "unfired" Caroline, I wish she would have said thanks but no thanks. All the Forrester Creations drama, IMO, has the potential to get old fast. More drama, again IMO, would be for people to break away from Forrester and work for/create a competitive fashion house. And I'm not talking endless fashion showdowns where the winner gets whatever fill in the blank prize, I mean a real business rival storyline.
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