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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. But valleycliffe, Boobies Crocker only defends the innocent underdog. She knows Sharon is never innocent because Nick told her so.
  2. From what I've seen after watching the Elena character all these years, if she didn't blame him she would have said something more like "We can't know that for sure, but...(insert excuse for Stefan)". I feel like the lack of a response was for sure Elena's way of placing the blame on Stefan...not for making Caroline do it, but that he could have stopped her.
  3. If I'm remembering this right, doesn't Elena blame Stefan as well? She said she didn't, but Stefan did the "look me in the eye and tell me I couldn't have prevented this" thing, and Elena remained silent.
  4. I had NO idea Bob Odenkirk was a Seinfeld alumnus! I just saw that he was Elaine's doctor boyfriend who couldn't pass his licensing exam in "The Abstinence".
  5. I'll do you one better. When Saul pulled billboard guy up and said something like "what took you so long?" here was my thought process..."what an ingrate...ohhhh (duh)!" :)
  6. Yeah, I'm not so sure I'll be sticking around either. I don't get cable & have to watch a week behind online, so I think I'll get it to episode 2. I truly despised Lily and her psycho family (and not in a hate-but-love-to-snark way), and quite honestly I don't know if I can take an entire season of the whack job twin. I'd actually prefer a season where Joe once again busts out of prison over asshole Mark.
  7. Breaking Bad UO...I didn't find Walt to be evil incarnate. Yes he did many horrible things that I wouldn't even imagine doing, but I almost always understood why (with the exception of killing Mike; he did it because Mike pissed him off, but at least he (to me) seemed genuinely horrified that he did it). Even more unpopular, I didn't hate Walt for what he did to Brock. Tampering with someone's food/drink = bad, but I fanwanked that Walt was smart enough to know the lily of the valley wouldn't be lethal.
  8. I loved Lost, and, in my opinion, one of the most amazing things was Michael Emerson's acting. I hated, with a rage I should not have for a fictional character, hated Ben throughout! Then along came the scene outside the church where he said he wasn't ready to move on yet. That character I loathed had me blubbering like a baby. It's just so unbelievable how an actor can evoke such emotions, as well as such a turnaround of emotions, in a viewer.
  9. Comfy clothing, but she's still in those clunky Doc Martens. Don't get me wrong, I love Doc Martens, but how can that poor little girl walk in them?
  10. Maybe she could be Ridge's long lost daughter, and she's insinuating herself into the family to stir up trouble from within.
  11. The only thing I think the writers will do with Maya will have to do with the time she spent in jail. Like maybe it will be that the boyfriend was the innocent bystander and Maya was the mastermind to whatever crime it was that took place...and Nicole found out by hacking emails between Maya and the boyfriend.
  12. Do you mean Saul's transformation would change by the end of season 1 (which would not make me happy, I'm looking forward to the transformation being quite a lengthy process), or you think Chuck will be gone be the end of season 1 (which I wouldn't mind, I don't find myself especially invested in his story)?
  13. PUH-leeeeze don't kill Courtney. As Summer's bestie, I don't think I can take another round of Summer losing someone :(
  14. For any Stephen King fans reading this, I'm getting a big time Needful Things vibe here. Victor is really Leland Gaunt! :) Haha this is reminding me of the backwards Seinfeld episode..."You can stuff your sorrys in a sack, mister!"
  15. I'm not crazy about Ivy, and I do agree that she's dull. However, I'll root for her any day just so smug hypocrite Steffy doesn't get what she wants. Same reason I rooted for Hope...well in that case I wasn't as much pro Hope as anti Steffy. I really wanted to smack Steffy in her puffy face yesterday. I do not like Ridge & Caroline as a couple. However, for Steffy to sit there and whine and pout "But she's my aaaaaage!!!", just after she tried to get daddy to make Liam take her back, it makes me want Ridge and Caroline together just to make her botoxed head explode.
  16. Standing ovation, how sympathetic can a person who enjoys seeing someone squirm be? I did find it odd that her big mouth didn't go and tattle on Jade's Playboy pictures, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. Maybe she didn't see Jade as a real threat? It's disgusting & not funny to me either. Haha the likes were quite abundant. And I'm pretty sure you were correct, it was an "amazing" jar.
  17. Speaking of tissues...loved Andi crying & wiping her nose with her hand, followed by running said hand through her hair. *blergh* Regarding Jade, a part of me really wonders how much Chris "didn't know" about her past. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I thought it was odd how he kept bringing up Jade and her values (to the point where I considered making a drinking game out of it) and how similar to his they were. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but it looked to me like it was a huge setup for the most dramatic reveal in Bachelor history.
  18. Not to get too off-topic, but this is what production accountants do: "Production Accountants are responsible for managing finances and maintaining financial records during film or TV production, working closely with the producer and the production office. Their job includes preparing schedules and budgets for film productions, and managing the day to day accounting financial reporting against the budgets." I don't think it's unreasonable for them to be on site.
  19. Good point. I hope the writers are as smart as you are, because this actually would make sense!
  20. In the "Chris Tells All" episode, CH talked about Ashley wandering over to the production accountants & then saying that she thought they were placing bets. I was under the impression all shows had production accountants, so I thought it was legit.
  21. I suppose Jade could be the new bachelorette, but I hope not. I don't think I can stand a season of her and her sentences where she drags out the last word and stresses it as though she were asking a question. She's like "So today I had a date with Chriiiiis? He met my fammmmily?"
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