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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Gotcha! But I was wondering where you two went off together ;-)
  2. I don't either. We have no way of knowing what was said behind the scenes.
  3. awww they used Tarzan Boy! :)
  4. I don't think that comment was against Jenner either, I think he's just happy to be out of that family with all their media crap.
  5. I thought the character of Nicole was supposed to be a smart girl, including common-sense smart. How could Nicole not see what Wyatt is up to? She & Maya talk about a secret in the workplace...Wyatt works in the same place....every other word out of Wyatt's mouth to Nicole is "secret..." and now he's practically begging her to tell the secret. I hope it turns out that she's playing him and on Monday's show she completes the "Maya's secret is..." sentence with something stupid like "that she used to work as a rodeo clown."
  6. Because athletes' weight affects their performance, a DCC's weight is about looks. A thicker Veronica (for example) danced the same as a thinner one.
  7. I rewatched that dreadful season with the cure, and the Augustine professor guy at Whitmore told Katherine that the cure more or less caused her to "catch up" to her age. It could be that Silas feeding on her caused it, but it was never (to my recollection) stated outright.
  8. Crap, at 19 your life should just be starting. I hate hearing stories like this, but sadly it happens all too often.
  9. Same here, I was so excited to see her back on tv! I don't mean to sound dim, but that episode really confused me. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I recall that Piper died and they somehow went back in time, thus saving Piper. It wasn't clear to me, though, that Prue died at the end. What was I missing???
  10. Are her parents married? Could it be that they're splitting up?
  11. Oh, I understand that too and definitely do not disagree :) I also agree that some (if not many) are at a healthy weight. And yes, society is used to people being larger (I saw on some news show a little while back that a survey from the 1980s of what people thought their ideal weights were came in about 10lbs lighter when compared to a survey done in the early 2000s). That being said, I thought it was silly when the one girl last season (you people are SOOO much better at remembering names than I am!) was told that the 5'3" girls on the team are typically around 105lbs so that's what she should be. There's more to what someone should weigh besides height.
  12. Not to go too off-topic, but while not impossible to be an overweight heroin addict, I thought models used it to keep their weight down ("heroin chic").
  13. Nice! To this day, I still say "Roundtine" :)
  14. I understand what your saying, but my point is that Nike would not want someone they considered "thick" or "heavy" to model for them, regardless of what the outfit worn looks like.
  15. She's good enough to be a model for a large company's fitness campaign but was too "heavy" for DCC? I think that makes K&J look pretty ridiculous.
  16. John McCook is back, now our St3ph is back...things that make you go "hmmmm" :)
  17. I agree, especially since I read that the actress is 18, and she has one of those youthful faces that could easily get away with playing a high school student.
  18. Gotcha, thanks! I do other things while I'm watching (imagine not being 100% glued to this!!!) & figured I missed something like a mentioned phone call between Brooke & Stephen.
  19. Brooke's dad knows what's going on and is siding with Rick? I guess I missed mention of him.
  20. I have no idea why, but I irrationally love the Method "clean happy" commercials. I love the "Charles, what the fffff???" comment as Charles drops the chicken on the floor.
  21. Watching Rick abuse Aly is making me sick, if TPTB think that's entertaining they are way off base. I wish Floating Darla Head orders Aly to murder that little asshole. To say something nice, I liked Rick's shirt, that color looked great on him.
  22. But still, Rick's obnoxious thing at home should be "Daddy gave me this house, leave if you don't like it", not "I'm CEO".
  23. I's not hard for me to believe. Forget the "nerdy" part of her, I imagine most people wouldn't be turned off by that (I'm certainly not), it's the nasty, snotty, know it all attitude that would keep the boys away, regardless of boob size.
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