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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Thanks very much doram, your explanation made sense. Well..it made sense in its special Vampire Diaries way :)
  2. I hate when an actor on a show I'm currently watching gets a part on another series, because then you know the character is going to be written off. Same for when an actor quits. My UO is, why write the character off when you could recast? This is the issue I am having with Vampire Diaries due to Nina Dobrev's exit. To me, ND isn't Elena Gilbert, she is an actress who portrays a character named Elena Gilbert. I don't care whose face Elena has, I feel that she's necessary for the show and shouldn't be written out just because the actress resigned.
  3. Here's a twist...Jack is still in GC and Yack is the one Kelly tied up!
  4. At 1st I thought this would mean that Damon would try to kill Bonnie, but I see what you're saying, that they can't wake Elena up if there is no ND...hence Bonnie is safe.
  5. Now I'm confused. If it is true that half the Ascendant "pair" was sitting in the 2003 world, then why was Bonnie being threatened to give the Ascendant back in the present? Am I mixing something up (very likely)?
  6. I just heard the song "No Not Now" by Hot Hot Heat, should be Maya's theme "Oh no, she's got a secret now. But, nobody cares."
  7. Yep, this is exactly what I was talking about. At least Dayzee's attitude would make sense and not make her elitist (like she seemed to be).
  8. Good point. For the longest time Dayzee had the attitude that Maya didn't "belong" for no apparent reason. At least now there could be context to that, that Dayzee knew "the secret" and knew Maya would never reveal that. Dayzee would probably have the "it wasn't my secret to tell" reason for not outing her.
  9. As Shira noted above, it is quite interesting how Wyatt went from "I feel bad" to "OMG fire up the printing press, this is HUGE!!!!" in no time flat. Speaking of Wyatt, after Nicole left, Wyatt was walking around and you could see a shadow on the side of his torso. Initially, I could have sworn he had giant stains from profuse pit sweating!
  10. Either that or Sharon Newman will fly over from Genoa City to take the blame.
  11. I have to give KM kudos. The way her face dropped when Brooke called her "Myron" was excellent, nice job!
  12. Speaking of, I call shenanigans on her ring size. A 5? There is no way that hands/fingers that were born male would be THAT tiny. Something else hit me yesterday. Ridge could no longer effectively run the company because he was playing kissy face with his brother's wife, but gun-shooting king of condescension Rick is just a-ok???
  13. One of the funniest things I saw in a long time today was when Brooke said Ridge can't tell Rick about Maya. Why? Because he'll enjoy it too much. THAT made me snort :)
  14. I think Bill might (if he didn't do it already, I didn't see today's yet). ETA: Or as Blackwing said :)
  15. THIS is what it all boils down to as far as I'm concerned.
  16. There is definitely context. Her dancing is supposed to show us how FUN and free-spirited she is...Lord help us Steffy part 2! Ivy and Aly don't because they are the Forrester fuddy duddy killjoys.
  17. Let me tell you my real life experience...at a place where I used to work there was a man who was transitioning. All managers had to get with the people who worked with this man to inform us and to make sure we are sensitive to the situation. I said in the meeting that I understood why the sensitivity reminder had to be done, but it baffles me...I mean, I don't get people getting all judgy over something that is (a) not hurting them and (b) none of their business. So I agree to a point that not everyone would be so quick to understand. However, here's the difference...my job was in the construction industry while B&B is of course in the fashion industry. So I actually don't find it hard to believe that the characters would be rather accepting. ETA: Just so I'm not misinterpreted, I hope nobody thinks I'm implying that people in the construction industry are intolerant bigots. I just meant that the fashion industry would be more likely to have people not living a "traditional" life (for lack of a better term), as indicated be Ridge when he said that he knows transgender models, and thus that kind of news wouldn't come as such a shock.
  18. Another brother Ridge has dismissed as insignificant in business and artistic acumen. How about Ridge telling Eric he needs to worry about his "other son" (of course meaning Rick). Has Thorne gone the way of Chuck on Happy Days? Or did we all just imagine him in some mass hallucination?
  19. TMI, but I'm a runner & I never have them. It's not unusual, so it could be easily explained.
  20. Related to this (happens LOTS on soaps)...spouse/partner of cop/doctor/FBI agent gets pissy about being LIED TO when cop/doctor/FBI agent won't give details about what he/she is working on. It's called confidentiality, dumb ass!
  21. Maybe Donna now works for Thorne as the basement receptionist.
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