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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I wish there were a couple on this show I could root for. We have the obnoxious Maya & Rick. Then there's Ridge and Caroline; sorry, I just don't buy that these 2 would ever be "in love"...I wish the writers would be daring and have made them fuck buddies, THAT I would have understood (I mean in real life sex and physical attraction doesn't automatically mean love). I guess Ivy and Liam are ok together, the only reason I don't want them to end is that I don't want to vile Steffy to get her way.
  2. It's not PC (nor is it nice!) to joke about a person's sexual preference. That being said, I think what I quoted is a very likely scenario.
  3. I had to laugh at what I saw on B&B's Twitter..."Do u remember when Maya 1st landed in LA?" Well, if we don't, they show enough flashbacks to make sure we do :)
  4. Yeah, she's an attractive person and appears to have a great personality, and I do think she deserves to be happy. I have a feeling (and I can be way off based on editing and so on) that she would have more luck finding a man if she'd keep her eagerness to be married under wraps just a tad. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being honest and letting it be known that she wants to be married, but she almost has an air of urgency that would likely scare many away.
  5. This made me think of the great posters here, being that you appreciate good dance moves :) http://ellentube.com/videos/0-k7o0w1ya/
  6. Poor KSJ having to relive his son's suicide. Of course I'm sure it's something that is never off his mind. :( http://www.people.com/article/kristoff-st-john-sues-over-son-suicide
  7. What did the numbers on the jerseys mean? Was it the year they retired or became rookies?
  8. You hit the nail on the head as to why this show isn't particularly entertaining. I know that ALL characters being drama free and happy would be boring as hell, but can't someone be somewhat happy, even for a little while?
  9. What did that even mean when he said that? It went something like "I was like that when I took the position, but now that my father supports me I won't be that way anymore." Ummm didn't he get the position in the 1st place because daddy gave it to him? How is now any different than then?
  10. I have a feeling that for me Kaitlyn's cackling is going to get old fast.
  11. OK, I have to be honest, I truly am shocked. I thought Whitney did love Chris, and she seemed to want to be married SO much. I feel bad for her :(
  12. You ask an excellent question, and I wish I could give this 1,000 likes!
  13. Or Milli & Vanilli? On second thought, maybe the sole position should go to Loading Dock Guy? Great point. For example, Chanel's CEO Maureen Chiquet is not and never was a designer, her background is mainly in merchandising. I'm not particularly familiar with the fashion industry. Is there such a thing as an executive position responsible for overseeing artistry/creativity? Hell, even if there isn't, this is a soap, they could make up such a position (Chief Creativity Officer) for Ridge.
  14. Seriously, if you threw a bucket of turpentine on her pants she'd be naked from the waist down!
  15. I call shenanigans on drunk Ryan. I just find it really hard to believe production would allow him to go in the pool if he were that wasted, that would be an accident/lawsuit waiting to happen. And he sure sobered right up when Chris told him to go home...no slurred speech, no "you're a douchebag" arguing, just "ok."
  16. Often times followed so closely by Taylor that if Stephanie stopped short you'd likely see Taylor's feet sticking out of Stephanie's butt.
  17. It's official, I want loading dock guy to have a prime time spin-off :)
  18. I couldn't stand Eko. I suppose his backstory was supposed to elicit sympathy, but honestly it made me dislike him even more. I was cheering on Smoky to rid me of him! Also...while Rose had her moments of being nice (I liked her in scenes with Hurley), I thought she was a massive nagging pain in the ass, and I felt that Bernard deserved better.
  19. *ducking in advance* Drunk Nikki annoys me (but I will concede that MTS does a good job playing drunk).
  20. Probably at one time we all had a boss who was a jackass, so yes many are bad leaders. However, a boss who has such an uncontrollable temper that she/he shoots a gun at work is beyond a bad leader. Rick should have been ousted just because of that. IMO the reason Eric is keeping Rick now is poor writing to accommodate the return of the overrated, overbotoxed JMW. Speaking of, I did enjoy Ridge telling her that the company is more important than her wanting to get back with Liam, which is something the whiny, needy, "bad girl" Bratz doll should have been told upon her first unfortunate reappearance.
  21. I like this!!! But I'm sure the famous loading dock guy knew about Maya before poor Thorne did :(
  22. I miss her :( I'm not even a fan of Deacon/Quinn, but I'd love to see them return just to see something different!
  23. I hope this doesn't offend, because I don't mean for it to, but I am fed up with Maya (and now Rick) proclaiming she did not lie because she always was a woman on the inside. "I was always a female, I just changed my outside to match my inside"...well, IMO, the bolded part is no small thing to be blown off, and since Rick always considered any kind of omission to be a lie, why is this not considered to be a lie by Mr. Morality? Speaking of Mr. Morality...did he actually say that the CEO position went to his head and that he is embarrassed by how he treated people??? Since when? I recall him giving a speech to his employees about how things are going to change, and he even mentioned that he was going to give Aly's shoe line a chance, but he subsequently did the "fetch us a snack" bs to her (with Maya tee heeing that he's sooo bad *barf*). And I have a feeling Eric will give into the little whiner, which will make me want to throw one of my not-designed-by-Aly shoes at the TV!
  24. This, IMO, would be a good opportunity to bring back Nick Marone!
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