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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Thorne turned down Eric's offer to be CEO, so it would be a real slap in the face if Bill offers and he accepts. To which I say do it, do it, do it :)
  2. Then Ivy could get disgusted and sleep with Wyatt, followed by Steffy becoming indignant being that she is the most !!!FUN!!!/gorgeous/alluring female on the planet, so SHE sleeps with Wyatt (I mean how dare that Aussie get ahead of her highness). We will then have the quadrangle from hell...as well as 50% of viewers bowing out.
  3. If I had to guess, I would imagine an act like that is something she'd insist on not being edited out. More likely than not, if it wasn't shown, it didn't happen.
  4. I've noticed people with giant teeth tend to do that.
  5. And the sad thing is, he should know by now how $Bill operates.
  6. Yay Thorne!!! I follow KKL on Twitter & I see that she & WH recently did some 100 mile bike race. Glad to see he gets out of the cellar in real life :)
  7. Then we both do, because I LOVE him!
  8. Funny how people can see things so differently. When I saw Ivy the 1st thing I thought was that I hope this means she's growing out those awful bangs, she looks soooo much better without them. Of course I myself am growing out awful bangs since March, so I may be a bit biased :)
  9. This. In my opinion, winning an award for being "courageous" implies a brave, extraordinary act toward another, not toward oneself.
  10. I was screwing around on twitter and came across this from Jennifer Gareis Jennifer Gareis ‏@JenniferGareis Apr 27 I met @Jacob_W_Young his 1st day of work decades ago. He's still that sweet boy! JY is so good at playing an insufferable jerk, so I'm glad to see that there's at least one person out there who can say he isn't one in real life :)
  11. Neither do I, never heard of her before now.
  12. I'm pretty sure Dayzee and Marcus were married and they both went to South Africa. I didn't know Texas Battle filmed there. It reminds me of Stephen Logan, who left because he had business in Texas, when Patrick Duffy reprised his role of Bobby Ewing for the new Dallas. Yes, loading dock guy for CEO!!!
  13. On a quick Bing search... http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bye-felicia "On December 7th, 2008, Urban Dictionary[1] user pimpin’817 submitted an entry for “bye felicia,” describing the phrase as a way to bid farewell to someone who is deemed unimportant."
  14. tricknasty, I appreciate you bringing this up...it refreshed my memory as to what a jackass Ridge was upon his return. He wasn't quite as nasty as Rick, as in demanding snacks & foot massages, but he did return from him "poor me" tour of Europe behaving as an entitled tyrant. If I'm remembering this correctly, wasn't it this behavior that led to Rick becoming CEO? Now I'm even angrier with the Rick story. Couldn't the writers have come up with a different scenario for Rick needing to be ousted?
  15. I didn't particularly like Rey, but I didn't mind him much either. That being said, I don't remember the episode's name, but I LOATHED him in that one where the hyper-religious woman throws her baby in an incinerator so she could be out of this horrible world and in heaven. How in the hell did he think that making her spend an entire day walking around with him was an okey-dokey way to get a confession? Did he REALLY think it would stick???
  16. Didn't Matt have his turn at being threatened by Kimberly?
  17. Damn this show for making me like Alex in an episode! She was, IMO, becoming cartoonish in her "all superiority all the time" mode, this was a nice change.
  18. RuntheTable...your entire post was brilliant, and I always look forward to your insight :)
  19. There has also never been mention of Victor taking anti rejection medications. Instead, he said to Colleen's heart "you don't reject ME I reject YOU, yougotthat?!?!?!"
  20. OK stupid question...why does the season start as late as it does? By the time it airs, football season already started and you could potentially see any of the rookies on tv. Can't they film a few days a week at training camp, do their editing magic, and have the episode ready the following week or 2?
  21. I couldn't agree more, what I meant was that a tv show would not go against political correctness and therefore would not laugh at sexual orientation. But as an aside, IMO making a joke about someone's sexual orientation is not funny.
  22. Becca's comments on the breakup... http://www.people.com/article/becca-tilley-chris-soules-whitney-breakup
  23. That's what happens when soap writers don't balance their stories :(
  24. This just made me wonder...yes there are fans *on this board* who like Rick/Maya and those who do not, which is to be expected. However, back in the triangle(s) of suck days involving Steffy/Hope/Liam & Hope/Wyatt/Liam, to the best of my knowledge I don't recall many discussions of couples the posters here backed. From what I recall, I think most backed "let someone choose someone already to get this over with!" * I'm specifying fans on this board as opposed to fans in general, because in general there will always be some sort of rabid fandom. Plus, fans on this board are much more civilized ;-)
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