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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Yes, Paul, who with said skillz failed to "uncover" the fact that he slept with Nikki 9 months before Dylan's birth *eyeroll*
  2. You're not kidding. She always killed me with her stupid singing so I found it quite appropriate that she sang herself to death.
  3. I don't think they were bad actors, but my unpopular opinion is that I don't find Naveen Andrews attractive AT ALL! I pitied the beautiful Shannon for being saddled with him.
  4. YAY!!! I have a TV soulmate! My love for Horatio knows no bounds :)
  5. I love when Ray gets even & wears that super wrinkled shirt from the suitcase :)
  6. I did too, and I liked that she said she has no business telling people how to live their lives. What I didn't like was her basically saying there was nobody there to rein her in...way to deflect blame, Hope! I would have liked the scene better if she just came out & said she's embarrassed at what an obnoxious, preachy princess she was.
  7. If there were an unpopular opinion sweepstakes, I believe you'd be declared the winner! Truth be told, I quite liked her as well, and I thought she was the prettiest of the Colleens.
  8. You owe me a new keyboard! I co-sign regarding Carter. Maya, if you don't want him feel free to send him over my way! I need to see him in his glasses & pajama bottoms like he wore in that men's fashion show...Lord!
  9. Don't forget that the executive meeting also includes the designer (apparently the ONLY designer). Wyatt could go off on so many of Liam's flaws, yet he picked on him for "saving puppies???" I never liked Wyatt, but now I dislike him more than ever. Plus, couldn't he see Hope was impressed with the puppy/kitty saving and figure out that was a reason FOR her wanting Liam?
  10. Sack Lunch is by far my favorite!
  11. I love the one where Robert screws up the wedding invitations as a "gift" to Amy. Attire optional always makes me laugh. And what REALLY makes me laugh is, for a wedding that is black tie optional, it certainly didn't look like that type of venue.
  12. I hope Aly gives all of them one big "I TOLD you so!" and doesn't let up.
  13. Skyler was one of those TV characters where I feel totally different about the character than I would if she were a real life person. Meaning, I hated the fictional character of Skyler...no matter what horrible things Walter did, I always rooted for him just because he was married to this passive-aggressive bitch. However, if Skyler were a real person, even with the same personality, I would completely sympathize with her.
  14. Let me guess...when Ridge is finally found he will have amnesia, and Bill & Justin will be sweating out when Ridge will remember that Justin was the pilot. Which to me is super stupid, all they have to say is that he was remembering wrong, Justin's no pilot, blah blah blah.. But of course soap people lie & lie, but when someone tells them to tell the truth, they do, rather than keep up their ruse.
  15. Good point. I really hated those scenes where she was giggling as she kept turning the heat up & when confronted just blew the whole thing off. Or how about when she almost threw Aly over a railing?
  16. To think I'm looking forward to season 2 because I...get this...LIKE Under the Dome! :)
  17. I'm so sick of Quinn & that snotty grin, I wish it were her who fell from the helicopter.
  18. I guess the writers preferred the cliché of the put-upon wife with the golf obsessed husband.
  19. What does a cat say? You mean a talking cat? :)
  20. I hate the whole shadow thing in the Fun With Debra episode. It IS rude for one's shadow to get in the way of someone putting, and the fact that Debra's ignorance toward that etiquette was played for laughs annoys me.
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