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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I agree, but the long term coma thing is quite soapy :) I'm going to go off topic here, but the lamest of the lame exit was Taylor on The Bold & the Beautiful. She got into an argument with Eric Forrester in the bedroom, walked out in her pajamas, and *poof* gone! I heard Hunter Tylo was a bit unpleasant behind the scenes, but in punishing her, they punished the fans of the show by letting a major long term character leave in such a stupid way...and I'm saying this as someone who was never a fan of that character. Maybe this leads to an on-topic unpopular opinion...I really don't care about behind the scenes drama. If it weren't for social media, odds are drama, egos, discord, etc wouldn't be all that well known. So to me, give me a good actor & I'll watch. I mean, from what I've seen on Twitter, MM isn't somebody I'd want to hang out with, but I thought he made a decent Adam. I'm not sure if this is unpopular, or if this opinion has a multiple personality, but I'm not really a fan of MS & her acting style, yet at the same time I miss her as Phyllis.
  2. OK I'll say it...I like Chloe, and I love when she goes off on Chelsea. Is she a little crazy? Absolutely, she lost her very young daughter, and I am getting sick of the citizens of GC basically telling her she needs to get over it. And to hear Chelsea boo-hoo because she lost Adam? I guess Chloe should get over it so all attention could go to that hag.
  3. I'm guessing a directing choice, I LOVE Heaton as Frankie!
  4. Haha Lulu123, I'm afraid the boy genius (I like that!!!) isn't that clever.
  5. I see that the rating have been steadily dropping, but I really do like Resurrection. The only problem I have is the same problem I have with Under the Dome (another show I like *ducking flying tomatoes*)...to me, the people in town don't seem to be properly freaked out. I know I would be questioning my sanity every minute of every day if I were in either situation.
  6. When I saw Maggie look puzzled at the test results I guessed the pregnancy, but before that a pregnancy didn't even cross my radar.
  7. Hmmmm I wonder if this will be the big unforgivable "you knew and you LIED to me" moment?
  8. I'm glad they didn't, I think if they resolve any issues too quickly the show would get very boring very fast. Personally I'd be bored to tears if the series were only about Jacob & his family, I'm glad they're adding more characters.
  9. Speaking of Debra locking the door, I was watching the episode "Sex Talk" (where Marie says that she & Frank have had sex once a year "on average" over the last 20 years) & Marie walked in on Debra napping on the couch & she saw the "how to talk to children about sex" book. Marie then snuck back outside & rang the doorbell to wake Debra up, and Debra said she was just upstairs folding laundry. Now shouldn't Debra have known something was up? I mean Marie...doorbell?????
  10. Thanks for the spoilers, St3phForrester! I can actually say I'm looking forward to this show getting really good!
  11. I think even if Ronn Moss wanted to come back they wouldn't take him. Normally I don't care about what actor plays what role, but for some reason Moss is the exception. I thought I'd like Kaye just fine as Ridge, but I don't. Nothing against TK...if he'd been brought on as Eric's long lost love child I'd probably like him just fine. Maybe that's what they can do, make TK "imposter Ridge"!!!
  12. Of course I also get asked the question that if I think it's so stupid then why do I watch? Well, in a sick, twisted way, I actually find the stupidity entertaining. I like to imagine a "pop up video" type thing, with what the actors are thinking in little thought bubbles. Sometimes the actor who plays Joe has this "what the hell am I doing here" look on his face that never fails to crack me up.
  13. He kind of explained that he meant she's his Katie in that her current personality is the way it is because he molded it & made her into what she is. Gives me a Frankenstein's monster vibe :)
  14. Every Tuesday morning I come to work & there's a group of people talking about how GREAT the previous night's episode was. It always makes me wonder if we're watching the same show.. There's also always someone who says "What, is it too creepy for you?" My answer is always "If by creepy you mean stupid & an insult to one's intelligence, then yes"
  15. This...and this is why I don't think Heather Tom is the be-all of soap acting. I've never seen her on any other shows, but I feel like she's just Victoria Newman going by the name Katie Logan.
  16. I'm looking forward to it as well, if only to see that little drip's head explode with jealousy.
  17. 1986 graduate here. I love seeing the clothes...brings back many memories of things I thought I looked good in :)
  18. I forgot to mention, I wanted to smack Hope when she told Liam she has to be around to keep Brooke in line. Just who the hell does she think she is? My wish list for Hope begins & ends with her deciding she wants to go to college, and since she's so perfect she gets into Harvard (since they would of course be oh so impressed with her "message") and lives a perfect little life on the East Coast, NEVER to return to LA.
  19. I ADORE hot weather, so my favorite is The Midnight Sun...until the twist ending, of course! I always go "ahhhhh" when the announcer on the radio says the weather is 110 degrees with 91% humidity :) A close second is Twenty-Two. It looks like a home movie, which makes it look more real and all the more creepy. Room for one more, honey....scares the hell out of me every time!
  20. Definitely not my favorite episode...and they sealed the deal with a song by The Cure.
  21. My favorite line today was Brooke telling Katie that if she has everything she wants, then why is she so angry. And I know it was juvenile, but I enjoyed the hell out of Bill telling Ridge like it is. I am so fed up with hearing about poor virtuous heartbroken Katie, so Bill telling some truths about that hypocrite was very satisfying to me.
  22. Whenever I get coffee, I always say "damn fine cup of coffee!"
  23. I love the one with Aunt Serina. The family is so nice to each other, then once they realized she wasn't related to them it was back to their mean ways!
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