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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I agree on not pinning the non-wedding on her, but her pushing Ivy from a bridge is a crime that she needs to be held accountable for. I really wish someone would have called Quinn out on her denials, which all ended up being lies that she got caught in. I wasn't in Paris, how DARE YOU say I was in Paris...wellllll I was in Paris, but it was for a job interview. I didn't push anybody, how DARE YOU say I pushed somebody....welllll I did push somebody, but it's not like she got hurt. I can't stand Quinn...but not in a love to hate way, just in a "hate" way. It's ridiculous how stupidly one-note this character is being written. The writers should make her at least somewhat rootable...show some vulnerabilities, or at least a semi-good reason why she is so over the top, but so far I am seeing nothing.
  2. So Hope is just realizing NOW that she doesn't want Quinn to be grandmother to her children? Way to go, moron!
  3. Apologies if I'm getting the book & show confused, but I thought it was explained that most of Chester's Mill was in the neighboring town for a parade before the dome dropped.
  4. To me it's night & day. He wasn't married to Maya, but he is married to Caroline.
  5. I couldn't have put it better myself. This is the exact way I felt about Clay...HATED him, but at the same time loved watching him.
  6. Also, during Liam & Steffy's 1st marriage when Steffy decided she was going to be the new Donna Reed, one of the first (if not the first) things she cooked for him was spare ribs. But I guess we weren't supposed to remember that.
  7. $2.50 for ONE Chobani yogurt? Are they insane???
  8. Is Caroline doing that as well? I tend to do other things while the show is on and not paying great attention, so I'm sure what you're saying is accurate, and yes, I do agree, that nonsense needs to stay out of the office.
  9. Probably my favorite line of the show! Rick is annoying me. Why is he being such a wuss, and why doesn't he come out & tell Myrna point blank that he better never hear her speaking so nasty about Caroline again? He could always play the "creating a hostile work environment" card.
  10. Because $Bill knows that we, as viewers, can't wait for Liam's inevitable "You KNEW, and you didn't TELL ME????"
  11. I don't enjoy most TV villains, especially soap opera villains. I do like my dramas to have an evil character, but I find that for the most part they are written way too over the top to entertain me. My number one villain I couldn't stand...Kimberly from original recipe Melrose Place. I think she started off pretty good, but as her arc went on, her deeds just became so ridiculous I ended up doing more eye rolling than anything.
  12. I couldn't help but notice for two people who are so young, Hope & Wyatt are numbingly BORING! All they do is sit at home, sip wine, and kiss? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy snuggle time, but I also actually like to DO things.
  13. I was blonde as a kid, and color my hair now, and I always had fairly dark eyebrows, so it's possible she's a "natural blonde" in the sense that she grew up with that color. I don't understand why they made her a flat, one shade brunette. There are ways of doing blonde without it being yellow; I think they should have gone with heavy lowlights. As far as natural hair being more than one shade, you are absolutely right, so it really annoyed me when they said Christina had too many colors going on. I thought she looked better before the makeover. Since she was cut, I hope she changed her hair back.
  14. This is why I don't understand creating a new character when they just could have recast Steffy. JMW did eerily look like she could have been the daughter of RM Ridge & Taylor, but the Ivy actress could certainly pass for Taylor's daughter.
  15. Except Kelli specifically told Meagan she does not need to lose any weight, it's her build that's a problem, and she even went on to acknowledge that there is nothing Meagan can do about it. That was what prompted Meagan's "this is the body God gave me" comment. They all knew what she looked like at auditions. If someone doesn't meet the body type/height criteria, which is instantly visible, why let her move past auditions?
  16. In Ivy's defense with pulling the Forrester card, Hope was playing the "I'm your boss" (or in Hope's whiny, slurring voice, bAUsssss) card, so I was ok with that. What I was NOT ok with was Ivy pulling the "you're just like your mother" nonsense, so I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Logan crap. I thought that would be done with upon Steffy's exit, but I guess we can't get that lucky.
  17. This. I wanted to go through the TV and smack Katie & her scowls/eye rolling. HT played Victoria Newman the same way...makes me wonder if this is just her and she's really not that great an actress.
  18. I wasn't hoping that, but only because it never occurred to me! :) Right???
  19. Do Quinn and Deacon need to have the same conversation day after day after day???
  20. Not to be nit-picky, but it's "Why don't you stop insulting my wife and me." If you take out "my wife" it would read "why don't you stop insulting me" as opposed to "why don't you stop insulting I".
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