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Everything posted by MargeGunderson

  1. Leftover biscuits and gravy. I was at work for 12 hours today so it was a nice way to end a crappy day.
  2. If you have to choose between court and Ke$ha, you might be Jenelle.
  3. Any cocktail with Champagne (or prosecco) is my drink of choice, followed closely by sangria (any kind). Note: neither are reserved for after 5:00. At home, lately it's been lemonade, vodka, and cherry bitters.
  4. Hugs to all of you who have recently lost a furry family member, from me and my baby kitty Emma (almost 19 now).
  5. I pulled out the good boob! - my favorite Patty line. I'll join you over in the MNIE forum. In Duggar-related news, I met up with some family this weekend that lives in NE Arkansas. I was going to ask them about the Duggars but before I even had a chance my family brought them up and said that they gave NE Arkansas a bad name. All agreed that there were far too many children and that fame had gone to their heads. Don't know if it's a popular opinion there, but at least 2 people in that area aren't Duggar fans.
  6. There's scene from Men in Black that I think about when it comes to Cate. It's when Kay and Jay are going to erase the memory of Beatrice, who's no-good jerk of a husband has been taken over by an alien: "Kay: All right, Beatrice, there was no alien. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. Jay: Wait a minute. You just flash that thing, it erases her memory, and you just make up a new one? Kay: A standard issue neuralyzer. Jay: And that weak-ass story's the best you can come up with? Kay: On a more personal note Beatrice, Edgar ran off with an old girlfriend. You're gonna go stay with your mom a couple nights. You're gonna get over it and decide you're better off. Jay: Well, yeah, you know, 'cause 'cause he never appreciated you anyway. In fact, you know what - you kicked HIM out! And now that he's gone you're gonna go into town, you go to Bloomingdale's and find some nice dresses, get yourself some shoes, you know, find somewhere, maybe you can get a facial. And, uh, oh - hire a decorator to come in here quick, 'cause... DAMN." If only we could do that to Cate.....
  7. My local Whole Foods has spices in bulk which is really nice when you only need a small amount. I've also been able to find smaller packages of some spices in the Mexican/Spanish/Latin section of my grocery store - Badia is the brand. Recently I saw small packs of McCormicks spices; really just a teaspoon or 2 in a pack. Also, some Targets with a food section have small bottles of herbs and spices that are usually pretty inexpensive. Yes, my spice cabinet is out of control. How did you know?
  8. David Meunier (cousin Johnny, RIP) is playing a biker on Aquarius.
  9. For all the cat owners, today is Hug Your Cat Day!
  10. Things I learned from the interview: If molestation - sorry, "improper touching" - occurs while sleeping, it doesn't count. "Over the clothes" is a mitigating circumstance The first two times don't count if you really really mean that you are sorry The lesbian agenda is real I sincerely doubt that the Duggars would have handled the situation the same if the perpetrator had been someone other than their own son (or someone else close to the family.). I do understand that it is a complicated and heartbreaking situation when it involves family (from personal experience), but when "mistakes" of that caliber are made, there are - and should be - consequences for the perpetrator and every effort should be made to protect those who have been impacted.
  11. I also think it wins the Grand Champion "you're just jealous" crown. For all time.
  12. They've been telling their story on their TV show for how long now? I don't think they need another venue for that. I think America wants to hear them answer some tough questions.
  13. I enjoyed Errol Morris' A Wilderness of Errors which is another look at the Jeffrey MacDonald case. Morris wasn't a fan of Fatal Vision so it might be interesting to read both books and see who's most convincing.
  14. Come sit next to me. I promise not to hug you (I'm descended from austere Lutheran Midwestern stock) and have no problem with my resting bitchface. We can snark on the huggers and smiley people (damn hippies!)Pet peeve - people who don't take responsibility for their own mistakes and try to point the blame at others. Hi, Manager! Oh, by the way, I document everything.
  15. Mine tell me it's the lack of opposable thumbs that prevents them from helping around the house. A likely excuse! On topic - for freezer meals, what about barbeque pulled pork or chicken? Heats up great for sandwiches.
  16. I also tried the oven fried chicken but didn't have great results. I think the temperature of the oil was too high (stupid bad thermometer) so I could only leave it in for a couple of minutes total. It came out of the oven fine, but it went from crispy to soggy in about 5 minutes. The biscuits I made were pretty good though!
  17. I think both are going on my list for this weekend too.
  18. Thanks JTMACC99 and DeLurker! I also have frozen cooked chicken, a half a package of frozen peas, and a single piece of puff pastry, so pot pie is perfect. Also, I love pot pie.
  19. My husband and I are in the middle of our "Pantry & Freezer Challenge" (it sounds more fun when you give it a name), which is when we try to only buy fresh items at the grocery while we clean out all the random stuff in our freezer and pantry. Tonight it's shredded beef sandwiches from a roast a few months ago. Any suggestions for what to do with a container of turkey gravy from Thanksgiving?
  20. My cats tip their water bowl over so they can drink off the floor. I bought an inexpensive serving tray from IKEA and put their bowls on it. No more puddles on the floor or under the plastic placemats we had been using.
  21. I was looking for something new to bake this weekend, and I think I'll give this a try. Thanks for the idea!
  22. There is an episode where Cam and Mitch think Jay's friend Shortie (the delightful Chaz Palminteri) is gay because of his interest in clothing and grooming (he asks about Mitch's jacket, where some passing guy gets his hair cut, always in reference to a guy. The disappointing part - for the show, in my opinion - was that Shortie was angry that Jay thought he was gay. I've noticed that in other episodes Shortie always seems to make a remark about clothing or grooming though.
  23. It's also a good teaser to his upcoming interview with Barbara Walters. I bet most of the media reports about this included mention of the upcoming interview.
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