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Everything posted by MargeGunderson

  1. I've flown in and out of that airport a few times, so I can confirm (in addition to the other evidence)
  2. BooksRule, I have a MSLIS and am a professional in information management (I spent 12 years in academic libraries before moving to corporate) and heard "you must like to read" so many times. What was worse were those people who would say something long the lines of "now with Google you'll have to find another job." Funny thing though - I teach a library science course (archives)and when I asked students last semester what they want to do professionally, the majority of them said they wanted to process historical manuscript collections, which is the archivist version of "I want to be librarian because I like to read." I'm not sure they have a very good idea of what they will actually do day to day.
  3. He looks like a cross between Jack Osborne and James Corden.
  4. I also like The Small Things blog. I have similar coloring to Kate (but more yellow undertones) so colors that work well for her are often good for me as well.
  5. Does the neighbor have to pay for the pickup? My relatives live in an area with garbage and recycling curbside pickup but you have to pay for it monthly (not included in taxes).
  6. If Jenelle can pay cash for a new vehicle, then she's not flat broke, despite what she might think. Selfish cow is an nice description; I would call her much worse.
  7. I use that regularly, mostly said in my head during meetings. I also love Will Ferrell as Harry Carey in the SNL skit with Jeff Goldblum, but that's as much for Goldblum's facial expressions as much as for Ferrell.
  8. And I call BS on the hundreds of thousands in taxes per year. There is no way that can be true. She's probably including multiple years of not paying any taxes and then incurring penalties on top of tax owed. Even if she paid the top tax bracket of 39.6% (and she doesn't, I guarantee) of the supposed $250,000 she get from MTV she comes in under $100,000 in taxes (barely but still). And that's if she doesn't take a single deduction, like for head of household and dependents. She should STFU. Government assistnance, including financial aid, is for people who need it, not people who just want to spend their money on fun stuff instead and want to be subsidized by the government for the boring stuff like housing and food. (and I say this as a strong supporter of government assistance)
  9. I don't think it's stupid but maybe that's because I had the same question. Then I got second degree burns on the fingertips of one of my hands and I was prescribed Percocet at the ER. It was awesome. I have a hard time "turning off my brain" so it's difficult for me to relax (it's not anxiety, just constant busy-ness) Percocet totally mellowed me out. I loved it until the next day when I woke up with a massive headache, which I blamed on the Percocet.
  10. I'm confused as to how she thinks she is encouraging anyone. Her posts are all 'me me me!'
  11. What I don't get is why he keeps having children. What possible purpose does it serve for him? He doesn't appear to care for any of them. It makes no sense at all.
  12. Hmm, my iTunes lists it as Summertime but you're right, it's listed as Summer on their discography. Stupid iTunes!
  13. Summertime - Buffalo Tom Summertime - The Sundays
  14. Doesn't count if you don't tweet it with pictures. Has Leah taught us nothing?
  15. I take back my earlier compliment of Ms Swift and tip my hat to Kim. Well played, indeed.
  16. For someone who consistently writes songs about other people - more obliquely, but still recognizably - without giving them a chance to vet or approve the content, Taylor sure is quick to play the injured party here. Shoe hurts on the other foot now doesn't it, Swift? I imagine John Mayer is enjoying this tremendously.
  17. The penalties for recording a call in California are pretty light: "a violation of Penal Code § 632 can lead to a fine of up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment for up to a year. In addition, the violator may be subject to civil liability in the amount of $3,000 or three times the amount of any actual damages sustained as a result." Of course Swift could try to claim damage to her reputation but again it would be a uphill battle to determine "actual damages" as a result of the disclosure of the call, rather than the lying itself.
  18. She would be a fool if she did. Even if she won such a lawsuit, what most people are going to remember is that she lied big time. Suing because she's embarrassed that she got caught isn't going to make it go away; if anything it makes her look like a whiny baby.
  19. The only thing that is tempering my enjoyment of this is that it involves Kim Kardashian being correct.
  20. Also Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. (Yay, I finally thought of one!)
  21. Sin is for other people, not the Duggars! Josh/Duggars released a statement that explicitly floated the Satan/fortress theory for all of Josh's troubles, so I don't know why he would back down from it now. That's not the Duggar way.
  22. Playing along with Josh's bullcrap, if everything was Satan's doing, shouldn't it still be Josh's fault for letting Satan build the fortress in the first place? Does this mean that Satan is more powerful than God? Or that God hates Josh and let Satan win? I know it's futile to apply logic to the Duggars, but sometimes I like to try anyway (mostly when I'm bored).
  23. It really was only a matter of time before the machines tried to take over the world.
  24. I have to echo Stewedsquash's advice about telling you HR person about this. Even if you don't think the relationship hasn't made an impact on your work life (and I would suggest that it already has, give the inappropriate comments he's made about your interactions with your coworker), you want to be prepared on the chance that he brings it more directly into the workplace (saying terrible things about you to your coworkers, for example). As others have said, he has been abusive, you are in an incredibly difficult spot of working with your abuser. A support group, therapist, hotline should be able to help you if your not sure how to approach you HR office. I'm sure it will be unbelievably hard but it's something you need to do. A resource that you might find helpful is http://www.askamanager.org/2012/02/dealing-with-domestic-abuse-in-the-workplace.html Ditto to Raven's reminder that it's not your fault. Only he is responsible for his words and actions.
  25. I wonder if she looked at him as a wounded bird or diamond in the rough that she could "save." Kind of like the stereotypical good girl saves the bad boy. Regrettably this is common - I speak from unfortunate but valuable experience. I wish her luck because she's going to need it.
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