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Everything posted by MargeGunderson

  1. If Cate ends it he will milk that for all the sympathy he can get. He'll paint himself as this wonderful husband and father that Cate didn't appreciate. Too bad his true colors have been recorded for posterity!
  2. Starfire, it's like you read my mind! The first weight Cate needs to lose is the 140 lb jerk she's attached to.
  3. Zeebreezy, I agree with most of this but I don't think that the reason Tyler doesn't leave Cate is because he doesn't want to hurt her (unlike your situation which I can related to). I think Tyler doesn't leave Cate while the cameras are still rolling because he needs the adoration of all of the fans who tell him that he's a great father and husband. Once the show is over, I bet he divorces her within a year. My fantasy is that Cate wises up, dumps Tyler, gets real therapy, gets her life together and goes on to be a happy and productive person.
  4. Petunia13, do report this to HR. He sounds more than a little creepy and this is the kind of thing you want to have on the record in case it escalates. I hope it doesn't but better safe than sorry.
  5. As a busty girl (naturally), I do not understnad why women want fake porn star breasts. They are often uncomfortable and in the way, and buying properly fitting clothes can be a pain - wait, clearly Kail doesn't worry about that last one.
  6. Zoomama, in the words of Owl (from Winnie the Pooh), HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY (Owl was wise, but more of a Thinker than a Speller).
  7. Looks like the saddest fraternity picture ever. Also, could it be more white?
  8. I'm not sure that Farrah is that much of a hustler. Sure she's done a bunch of things, but none so far have been all that successful. I think she's more of a dabbler, trying this or that, anything that she thinks she could make her a bunch of easy money. I'd be more impressed if she actually stuck with something and worked hard at it.
  9. You all are giving me so many ideas! Too bad I'm low-carbing it for the foreseeable future (dr's orders). I will live vicariously through y'all!
  10. Yes, please. Send your pumpkin my direction! Except pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. Do not want.
  11. Thanks, I wasn't sure but couldn't imagine that they are real. She's on her way to looking like a blow up doll.
  12. She's taken it upon herself to get better at her grammar. The word you are looking for is "improve," Leah. Keep working!
  13. Did she have a boob job? (I can't keep up with her changes). Both her boobs and her butt look totally fake.
  14. Hey, don't bring the Big Boy into this mess!
  15. No deep dark food secret to share? Come on, you know you want to!
  16. Unfortunately I don't think that Kim will ever realize that the problem isn't Cate but Tyler himself. She's delusional if she thinks that without Cate Tyler would be some great success. That wasn't in the cards for Tyler; he's too lazy and egotistical and has no ambition beyond gathering likes on social media. Without Cate, Tyler would have found another girl with low self esteem to keep under his thumb. Cate's a convenient scapegoat for both Kim and Tyler.
  17. Yes, but they are whores who defrauded the man and made him have sex with her. The headship is the only one who really matter in a child's life. Without the guidance of a godly male nothing good will come of the child.
  18. My favorite part was "blown under my nose."
  19. Nothing even comes close to these. I would trade all of the Cheetos in the world for one can of Planter's Cheez Balls.
  20. Thank you - what was I thinking? Oh right, that's the man's job. My headship clearly doesn't have me under proper control.
  21. Duggar marriages are not partnerships. The husbands lead and the wives do what they are told.
  22. Those two deserve each other, but no one deserves either of them as parents. On the upside, now Jenelle has a new excuse for not getting custody of Jace.
  23. My elderly kitty has the same problem. She has arthritis so we switched to the Lucky Champ litter box http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3261 1926 19119 31616&pcatid=31616 which is easy for her to walk into. I put puppy pee pads underneath of the front of the box as this is the only place where there was spillage. The sides minus the front are are still high enough that she doesn't spray over them. The pee pads are easy to clean up, jut wipe down the front of the box, thrown out the pee pa and put down another one. Today is Emma's 20th birthday. She's celebrating with a good nap.
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