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Everything posted by MargeGunderson

  1. I came here just to find out! I'm vaguely disappointed that your coworker didn't throw a giant hissy fit.
  2. Don't forget throwing a Mason jar at her ex's girlfriend, and putting feathers in her hair for a Ke$ha concert. She's accomplished so much, y'all.
  3. At first I thought you meant the title should be changed to "Damn these bitches" and I thought it fitting.
  4. I like the zucchini noodles with bolognese sauce. I sauté the noodles in a little bit of olive oil just briefly to take the rawness off.
  5. I should not have laughed at that, but I did. Add it to the (long) list of reasons I'm clearly going to hell.
  6. Those poor kids. Already confused about the divorce and now Kail's going to introduce a new sibling (and presumably a new man) into their lives. When you are keeping up with Jenelle you know you need to make some changes. Jesus God (tm Leah). @TeeMo - Jinx!
  7. Leah is a prime example of money not solving all problems. There are some people who could have all the money in the world and they will still be ignorant and low class. You can't fix stupid. @gunderda - BBQ beef pizza? That's the bomb! Sadly my family has now moved away from Iowa so there's a good chance I'll never have Casey's pizza again.
  8. Thanks for the honest review @starri! I have crossed it off my list. I found a new-to-me podcast: Casefile True Crime. The host is Australian and some of the stories are as well, but it's not focused on Austalia. It can be a little slow but enjoyable.
  9. I probably shouldn't point out the archives to you. I think I lost weeks in there!
  10. Watching the TV movie about the Hindenburg scarred me as a child. My husband and I have reworked it to "Oh the cat-manity!" when my cats act indignant.
  11. My favorite item at Fresh Market: Duke's Mayonnaise. It's the best ever. Cookie: chocolate chip cookies, specifically the ones I make from the Flour bakery cookbook. Hands down the best choc chip cookie recipe for chewy cookies.
  12. Homemade sloppy joes. I added a little too much cayenne but otherwise tasty. Plus, leftovers!
  13. Joy's only seen 3 options for her life: marry and have a passel of kids, don't marry and take care of siblings/relatives (Jana), and don't marry and be a spinster teaching someone else's kids (Tabitha). If she's not interested in any of those options, I can understand her apparent lack of enthusiasm about anything. How depressing to be so limited.
  14. Who in the world would buy a Maci & Taylor coloring book? Where do these people live? Have they really so little hope in life? Are they heavily medicated?
  15. You know it - Iowa represent! Maybe we could send a few taco pizzas to Leah. Back to snarking: if Leah spent a little less time on those tarantula horrors the rest of us know as eyelashes she would have had time to "did" her hair.
  16. And no hot water. (Wait, is that what you meant, Delurker? My brain is slow today) I'm a big fan of askamanager.org for workplace advice, and today's letter was a doozy: My Boss Wants 20% of My Salary From My Next Job. The comments are pretty good too (it's a well-mannered and well-moderated message board). I sometimes visit the site when I'm really annoyed at my job to remind myself how good I have it most of the time.
  17. I wouldn't put it past Janelle to wait until the last minute to ask knowing that Barb would say no, just so Janelle can blame Barb for not seeing Jace. If Barb had said yes I bet Janelle would have found a reason not to take him.
  18. Speaking of Hustle and Flow (recap title), if Jenelle's life were a movie, she would have be played by Taryn Manning. Who I like, but is always playing characters just like Janelle.
  19. "I should've just did my hair?" Leah clearly is not paying attention in her remedial English class. @MissMel, you brought back childhood memories of taco pizza at Happy Joe's! In my neck of the woods the best place for taco pizza is Casey's (a gas/convenience store place, oddly enough).
  20. In The Office Job, about Parker: "she has the nuclear winter inside her."
  21. @janestclair, by all means write it down if it helps you remember everything you want to raise. One piece of advice (from someone who has had to deal formally with a few poor employees): examples are great, but what is their impact? For example, if the person calls in sick every other week, comes in late a lot, is not reachable when they are supposed to be, then that person is unreliable. Frame the problem and support with examples. That can help you to focus on the problem not just the laundry list of incidents. If you have time, check out http://Askamanager.org There's lots of good advice, and you can search the archives.
  22. Who needs chemistry when you have God? Science is for heathens.
  23. @BookWoman56, those are words to live by. Saves a lot of frustration. My new(ish) coworker (one level senior but not my manager in any way) is an "external processor" meaning he wants to talk through every thought/decision/musing he has. I'm the only other direct team member so guess who gets to listen to him for hours every day. Also needs a lot of validation - I lose track of how many times a day I'm asked "you agree with me, right?" Answering no does not solve the problem. For the last week I've heard almost every day about the one document that he is working on for a single project and how busy he is with it. At this point (because he's been working on it for months) all he's really doing is noodling with it. Meanwhile I'm managing multiple projects (not just documents) and handling everything else, including stuff he should also be doing. I'm losing my patience with the situation.
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