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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Robyn's eyebrows look like my dog's Greenies treats.
  2. Thank goodness the spoiled little princess is gone. She's so unlikeable and what a wasted spot. It could have been someone who actually wanted to be there.
  3. I'm in love with my husband and have been for many many years, and I see all his red flags. I'm not infatuated, I'm not disillusioned, I'm not projecting perfection onto him (God no lol). I'm sorry your experiences with being in love have been so awful. I think Krysten is just biding her time and will be a no on DD. Mitch isn't what she needs, I believe. But I adore her, she's giving it the good ol' college try.
  4. No idea who these people are. So annoying.
  5. These people don’t know that love is everyday comfortable togetherness. It’s hanging out together, or not, and being good with it. It’s knowing that your spouse is in the next room and finding comfort. It’s security knowing your partner is there for you. it’s knowing your partner is your best friend.
  6. I agree. This was filmed so long ago, and I can imagine Kody has a super tight rein on what is aired and when. I mean, 90 Day Fiance is airing now from June and July filming this year. Sister Wives is from 18 plus months ago.
  7. Robyn and her goiter saying they don’t need a truck. Kody standing there and saying a soccer mom Janelle won’t drive it. FU idiot Kody
  8. And plus this was filmed years ago. They want us to react as if it was current. It isn’t.
  9. Gross Robyn digging at her fake tears eye boogers and looking at them. You’d think she had learned.
  10. Well now, you are assuming he actually washes them.
  11. These people are all just so unlikeable. Half of them look like they don’t bathe. Even Mzi is not that great. Courtney is sloppy and annoying. I’ll stop there lol.
  12. Ugh. Rachel going on and on and on and on. Dude can’t win. I have a giant headache.
  13. Janelle has some angry gums there. Savannah is beautiful.
  14. YES! A big rich cowboy, tall and handsome and sweeps her off her feet. And you too!
  15. You know that when Koduche was saying "let's do this for the kids"....he wasn't talking about Christine's grown and gone kids. He meant Truely and Robin's kids....the women are moms to all the kids right? It's like he was daring her to correct him about the kids. She didn't fall for it. I'm proud of her. I also hate that this show was filmed over a year and a half ago.
  16. Bill is weirdly fascinating. He’s wayyyy smarter than the weirdos housing him.
  17. Dannnnielle is over reacting. Protesting too much. My fake fake radar is on fire Editing now I’ve watched it all. She’s mourning the loss of the money. With fake tears.
  18. This has all got to be fake, right? They sound SO scripted. Ugh. And that fight between Emily and Laila was faker than fake.
  19. This season is getting old. I’m sick of Tasha and Dave. I’m doubly sick of not understanding much of what they say. It’s not just the accent, it’s the mumbling in a quiet voice. Annoying. I also can’t understand Natalya much of the time and her weird tantrum while on the night out was just….weird.
  20. Justin, no matter how complicit he is in this, will never win with Alexis. It’s her way or the Highway and she’s keeping track of every word he speaks. Nothing will ever be her fault. It’s always going to be his fault, whether it is or not. I do not like her at all. And how she was all “I know we promised to never talk about our issues in front of others BUT” all smug. Mitch is so immature. Lindy and work. How does she pay rent and bills if only working part time? I feel like there’s lots more to that story.
  21. I think this is one of the most unlikeable casts ever. For me anyway. Natasha is…not a good person, it seems. Jason is an angry stick in the mud. Mzi is quiet. Courtney, I’m still annoyed by her shrill “daddy!” From last season. The only one I like is Storm. Hubby and I are also having a really hard time understanding what many of them are saying. My family is from Europe, I’m good with accents, so maybe it’s cuz I am getting old.
  22. Man, Bilal was PISSED. Shaeda was in big trouble, and it worried me. Someone somewhere posted that in the Muslim religion, the wife must only publicly support her husband and say nothing bad. He was dripping with rage. We too must have said “shut up Jibri” a hundred times. Was he on something? He was so amped up. Unlikeable human right there. Ya’ll beat me to the idea of Ari meeting Leandro in Ethiopia. Something is weird there. My favorite of this whole season is Kobe. I feel like he’s a really good guy.
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