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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Such crap!!!!!!! That blog. Words words words. Jackie is good at convincing words....a sign of a good con artist. No real proof of pics together etc. There is no record of a Samuel Jacob Cooper or any variation of "his" name as owner, officer, agent, founder, signer, key executive of a company, anywhere in the US. I work for a national biz development group and have access to public and non-public databases. And there is nothing. At all. There's an SJC investments in Chicago....but it's a 70 year old company...the Stan Johnson Co. With offices all over the world. Not Sam Cooper Co. I posted as much on the blog and voila! Blocked.
  2. So fake!! I have access to non public databases with my job (national business development stuff) and there is no Samuel Jacob Cooper or any variation of the name as owner, agent, partner, signer, key executive, CEO, founder, exec etc ANYWHERE in the USA. No record of SJC Investments LLC in any state. No record of any one of his name with international business locations. Anywhere. No Sam Cooper with any bank accounts even! Oh wait, there was one Samuel Cooper who died in 1947 who started a logging biz in Texas. I sent a message to his/her blog stating so and was banned. Wonder how long this will go on? So brazen. For all we know, it was all dreamed up and executed by TLC.
  3. So. Terry's wife has had too much done already. And the receptionist? Geez. Wayyyyyyyy too much done. They look like muppets.
  4. Meri's checked out because she was IN LURVE with ole' catfish Sam at the time of filming. She doesn't want to take the chance that he might see the show when they are "together forever" and be upset if she was happy and participating. But she was so rude about the necklace. I really hope Meri has her thyroid checked. I am severely hypothyroid and I see it in her.
  5. The portrait idea was really, uh, out there. But the artist? Wow.... That's a heck of a beautiful portrait job! /sarcasm Edited because my sarcasm didn't come through.
  6. Mariah tweeted at one point that someone should hurry up and give her a job because she is tired of applying all over Las Vegas. Give, she says. I don't have her verbiage right, but it rubbed me the wrong way with its entitled tone.
  7. Thank you!!!! I must have seen that scene a million times and wanted to gouge my eardrums out.
  8. Ahhhhhhh!!!! She is the lyingest liar who ever lied. It wasn't consensual, my butt. Add me to the crew distracted by the Herpes sore. Apparently the one guy grabbed her and kissed her against her will....because she is so attractive? He couldn't resist? Yeah..... Liar liar.
  9. So.....now Janelle is all apologetic, kissing Meri's butt. Meri is the one who has to be able to trust Janelle again. Huh? Everything we have heard and read states that Meri was the offender...
  10. I love Tenley. There. I said it. She is freakin' adorable! That's all.
  11. So, I was sitting here watching tv.....a commercial for a car came on. I was like "Chris Soules grew a beard and is in a car commercial?" It was Matthew McConaghay. Or however you spell it. The resemblance was uncanny. Edited for typo
  12. Just checking in to say: Jade? My absolute favorite. She is the most real of them all, and she seems sweet. I hate to think that her past decisions will rear up to dq her. :(. Jade for bachelorette!!!!
  13. You know, I know everyone is on the bandwagon of Janelle not losing weight. But this show? Holy moly has she lost weight. She couldn't even sit with the giant belly! We are getting the back story of Robyn worrying that her kids will go to her husbands planet. I think that is all part of it.
  14. Carly said on Twitter that she is hypothyroid and her brows don't grow. I am very hypothyroid and my brows haven't grown in 20 years, and I have the same unfortunate shape (but not as bad). So I feel her pain and completely am living her brow situation. We can tweeze, but then they will be just gone instead of growing back. And I am on lots of thyroid meds! ETA Kelsey is a nutter. I lived in Austin for many years and am ashamed for my favorite city in the world. Keep Austin Weird? Sure. But not that weird.
  15. Huh. Well, that was not so exciting. I have totally changed my opinions on everyone. Well almost. Jason and Cassia are my favorite. I think Daya is probably a very sweet soul who is easily hurt. I feel like Brett is probably a sweetheart too. Ok so I changed my opinions on the two couples I listed. :). It's a shame that production did them no favors in the beginning. ETA that Daya's fingernails? Love!!!!!
  16. Saw an old Love Boat tonight. Bruce is on it. He used to be such a handsome man. All man. A huge difference from who he is now. I wonder, had he looked into his future.....
  17. So.....are they launching a new website tonight? Tomorrow? Or did they spend the money on more of the same product? It's a wordpress site right now, and I hear the shopping cart checkout is not https.
  18. Another TWOPer here. :). You know, I LIKE this show. There, I admitted it. I feel better now.
  19. Madison looked great. Mariah looked awful. Fake brown hair plus bangs? Just no. I am still bugged by her twitter bio...."just your average tv star" or something like that. Janelle looked great too. She is my fave. I was so looking forward to tonight's episode. And we didn't get much.... I think we all expect too much from Janelle financially. Just because she worked for the state and is the only one who cares, doesn't make her CFO material. Not fair to her. Remember the years of charging up cards and bankruptcies? Janelle was part of the family then.
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