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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Charles L and Bob would be my choices, hands down. Lovely humans
  2. I’m tall, was 6’ at my prime before I shrunk an inch. Veronica is uncomfortable appearing to be taller than Micah, and I wonder if she wasn’t a shy outcast awkward kid before she recently grew into her looks. I bet she feels really awkward on camera. I agree that there’s something insincere about how Micah talks about their relationship and to and about her. Like he’s not convinced. Well, he’s young. I recognized Micah’s friends right away and wondered how they’d explain it. Good job, show. And Ethan and his Eeyore self can take a seat with his attempts to explain away his belief that all women should be in the kitchen. He’s really a a yokel. And Moriah with another great big heartbreak dramatic tragedy. That’s all she has. I think she is so pretty but is definitely playing a character for the cameras.
  3. I wish it had been Marcus for bachelor. But he’s got a lot going on, mentally and with family, and may not have wanted it.
  4. I lived in Worcester for a year. It was awful, I’m a midwesterner who came there by way of living in Texas. The New England people….no one was friendly and the consensus was if you aren’t old money living there for generations, you were not worth notice. At least in the circles I moved in. Different strokes for different folks.
  5. Why are they all protecting Bri? She’s not learning, she doesn’t care.
  6. The chick with “Inky” really grates.
  7. Meowwww


    Sam and the throat clearing! Obvious sign of lying. Karma trying to make him stop talking. Also, radio hosts knew Sam was a fraud. Good for them putting him in the hot seat.
  8. Same. Seems all put-on or exaggerated for the cameras.
  9. Liz’s new man looks like cop son of Debbie, the blond Debbie with the young poet dude. I’m seriously very disturbed by Angela. If this was a man in a woman’s face like that, he’d be arrested. And all the other cast just giggles. It’s so disturbing, I have a an ex who would scream and swear at me like that so it makes it worse.
  10. SUCH BS. I am terrified of heights. Tried ziplining once, got off sobbing after the second line (there was no way down from the platform between line 1 and 2). I can’t walk by the railing on the second of third or fourth floor in the Mall of America. Jenn is NOT afraid of heights. She wanted to be comforted and prioritized. Once she felt validated, she was just fine with the heights. This clearly offends truly-terrified me. So not realistic.
  11. I think that Aesha is just learning how to lead, she’s taking the role of cheerleader vs leader. I feel like she learned a lot this season, as Ellie rolled right over her. The shots of Aesha listening to Ellie with a big smile, lights on no one home, well.
  12. Meowwww


    Jenn and the constant “like” and the uptalking, the “OMG!!!!” followed by giggles, trying to be all cutesy is starting to grate on me.
  13. My opinion. Ryan had the fame go to his head with Gypsy’s comment about their sex life. And he wanted a Pet. Gypsy comes across as bipolar/on a manic high. All the laughing and frenetic energy is a lot….my best friend growing up was/is bipolar and sooo many similarities. And Gypsy’s stepmom not caring that she’s friends with Gypsy’s ex? With family like that, who needs enemies.
  14. The very minute it flashed back to Rachel explaining the tomahawk to the guests, I knew this chef was sunk. Those are big shoes to fill even for a highly trained experienced chef, which I feel that Jono is not.
  15. So cringe. These women my age trying to be sexy to young guys but looking every minute their age. But yet I watch! Did they say where new Rebecca(?) is from? She sounds SO Minnesota. (It is my home state so I can say that).
  16. I hate Angela. She’s awful and shouldn’t be on tv. And the Sophie and Rob thing. She had no business bringing her mom into it. They’re adults. Mommy can protect you when you are 12.
  17. Thank goodness Hannah is gone. You don’t treat your teammates like that and expect to get ahead. And the way she took credit for everything, and chimed in with her own review of the other team’s food….Gordon Ramsay she IS NOT. Does she own a restaurant? She kept talking about food in her restaurant like she’s the owner. Imagine being her manager. Or staff!
  18. Alex has another show, something like “The World vs Alex” and she’s hilarious. Suuuuuper dry sense of humor. I see her in a whole different light now.
  19. I called Kenzie’s win from the moment she asked if her eyes were soooo blue when she cries. Another unlikeable winner. The real players get eliminated and the milquetoast wins by default. Show, do better.
  20. Gordon has been enamored of Gabby since day one. Zach should have won but the pretty girl won instead.
  21. Maybe I’m in the minority but I love Ricky and Cesar. They don’t argue, they are a heck of a team, and they have such a positive outlook. I don’t see any gloating. They have killed it and kept on killing it! That said, the military guys are my favorite, Juan and Shane.
  22. Show is setting up for a Kenzie “do my eyes look so blue? Everyone says my eyes are amazing blue when I cry” win. Ugh. And Liz says the money isn’t needed (offensive when buying groceries is a stretch) and she’s allergic to everything. Liz is so unlikeable. As is Q whose speech comes off as he isn’t very bright.
  23. I’m here. I’m 53 so these women are my age, and I’m cringing so hard every minute.
  24. Sorry I am behind, just watching now. Q with his grandiosity and wild eyes thinking he’s the ringleader? Uh no. And Kenzie needs to go. The edit she’s given is that she’s the winner. I hope not. And Liz “this isn’t much money, I don’t need the money” apparently played a move and got teary cuz no one noticed it. Whut. Venus for the win, because I hate this season and the players.
  25. Sperm donor REALLY thinks highly of himself. Concocting the point system like he’s a sex god. Ugh. He thinks he’s so cute and smart, when really he comes across as a balding dunce. Did Shawn say he was 60 something? I rewound my DVR severs, times but couldn’t really tell what he said.
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