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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. To me, the TikTok videos are creepy. They are very dark. I’m certain they are Jackie. She shut down “Sam’s” blog and is craving attention. A lot of what they say are old news anyway. And they use a different fake voice in each video. Dollars to donuts it’s not a “team”. It’s one sick person named Jackie.
  2. I say good for Janelle. I hope she is celebrating her new found life with a massage too! I can’t imagine begrudging her for this.
  3. Kody and Janelle were originally planning to get married on Meri’s birthday. Wayyyy before Robyn.
  4. It’s the Grangela show. Ugh. Her abusive tirades and ugly faces are my ex to the tee and I have to leave the room when she starts up. What a horrible human being. Andrei is definitely part of the problem and doesn’t think he is. Her family is equally awful though….for the show anyway. Who knows what’s true. Andrei sure loves to blame.
  5. Right? Conveniently, everything is Christine’s fault. Everything
  6. I feel like Jess’ food either isn’t mentioned much or perhaps isn’t as good? As other chefs on other BD shows. I don’t hear the raves like I do for, say, Rachel’s food. Head charter guest was typical loud crude American. (I’m American too and super aware of the stereotype while overseas) so I cringed. Add me to the group who thought this is BD ADVENTURE so we would see a lot more actual adventures.
  7. Valentine seems like a picky, particular man-child. He seems devoid of feelings or something. These people are so unlikeable!!!!!!
  8. Aryanna is another one with permanent anger. She’s ready to fight. Here we go with the tops vs bottoms again. They explained it enough last week.
  9. Amber is resenting him because he’s not legally able to work yet? WTF is he supposed to do? I hate her and her permanently angry face.
  10. Ooooh they had these in an airport I was in. They are great! I felt so good after that. Her face looks thinner. I can imagine she’s not needing to eat her feelings anymore, now that she separated from Kodouche.
  11. Mael looks so much like Freddie Mercury. I can’t Un-see it. Gurleen has a beautiful smile, but her negativity and rude tone in her voice bugs. Brian (?) took a U Turn when he found out Danna’s age. You could see it. None of us are guaranteed to be able to have kids. He just wants a hot 24 year old who will run his farm with him. How old is he? 45? I didn’t catch his age. So glad I’m married and not dating. I am 51, and the men my age all want hotties in their 20s and 30s.
  12. I HATE HIM. Mocking that they were panting to be picked by him.
  13. I just started rewatching, and as he says that, the camera pans to Janelle. Good Lord. He was the sickest little man in the world from Covid. Give me an f’in break. A good friend of mine had a fever of over 105 several days in a row. Went to the hospital. Was admitted. Then on a ventilator. Then had strokes while on the ventilator. She’s 45 and now, over a year later, she’s finally out of a rehab place and her left hand still doesn’t work. She’s 44 with two teenagers single mom. Unless Kodouche was that sick, I don’t want to hear it. Once again he manages to be so offensive. Blah. I am with the poster wondering if Robyn’s tear ducts were removed. All the “crying” and not one tear.
  14. So. The 40 plus year old living in a van is stunted? She’s been sheltered? Because most of us her age have a ton of life experience. Plus this host is painfully thin. I don’t get it. Apparently no one else does as there are no comments.
  15. I can’t, or CAN believe he was late to his party because he didn’t like his pants. What a baby.
  16. The idiot….Mark? His mommy probably paid for that party. I see I’m not the only one over this show….
  17. When Janelle’s boys got Covid, Kody was SO ANGRY and casting blame left and right. He shunned them, didn’t care if they lived or died. Suddenly he gets Covid (sorry, Covid-19!!!!) and he’s ready to forget social distancing. Too little too late, asshole. The rest of your family moved on long ago. And it’s sweet sweet karma that Christine never had it. He dogged her for traveling. I hate Kody.
  18. Who are all these random women that Heather is hanging out with. Are the producers trying to bring in new blood? The last few episodes have been several women who I have never seen before, acting like they are part of the circle.
  19. Derek continues to make me wonder how he got here. I like Claire but can’t stand him. Go twins! Through adversity, they are still hanging in there. The water challenges terrify me. I’m not a strong swimmer unless I’m in a swimming pool.
  20. The great Coolabox mystery. It took me a while to figure out what she kept saying. I was like “goolabux?” 🤣
  21. I HATE Derek. He’s always on the sidelines criticizing while Clare does the challenges. He’s a wuss and a coward. Ugh.
  22. Fucking Meri was giggling. Gloating. Smug. Nasty. Superior. Thinking she was SO cute now that Kody acknowledged her again. What a nasty men human….not just for this but for how she’s acted since the beginning and how preachy smug she is on her social media. Two faced bitch. Lol I am way too angry about this lol
  23. Mitch really relishes his role as “outcast”, doesn’t he? He has no wish to be “normal”. Alexis and Justin….they can be off my screen forever. What a pair of thoroughly unlikeable people.
  24. Yara’s mom is either not smart or very manipulative or both. She’s acting like it’s just Yara and Mylah and herself…whose fault is that? Does Yara only tell her mom the bad things? Or does the mom blindly think this is real? I feel like they are mean-girling all over the place. Mom is not coming across in a favorable light. At all.
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