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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. The sound quality for Tom and Mariah is absolutely awful. Do better, producers
  2. My immediate thought was a bandaid over a zit so he doesn't leak zit goo on the bed. Then I got nauseous lol. I'm a stepmom, have been for 12 years now . Being a stepmom is HARD, ya'll. I had to learn how to step back, and it's worked out. They call me by my first name. I would never have them call me anything related to "mother" as they both have mothers who love them very much. Shaeeda just doesn't know and she's in for an awakening. She's beautiful btw.
  3. I’m sorry…but seeing Emily at the dinner table with Kobin breastfeeding, pulling on her nipples and chomping? At dinner with everyone? Too far.
  4. Total new money. Making demands as if the crew were slaves. So awful.
  5. If Maryanne wins, it will be disappointing to me. She just coasted under the radar of the “real” players.
  6. So…so far the one list is correct right? My only issue is Jonathan coming 4th. He was my pick. Certainly not Maryanne who is listed as winner.
  7. I think the only ones still together will be O and Katina. Yuck. Did Michael say they aren’t moving in together? Well that’s done then.
  8. Did O draw on or spray on his hair up top? He’s such a bloviating jerk. He’s deigning to stay with her poor self because she’s making an effort to please him. Give me an f’ing break. I hope they are done by the reunion but I bet they aren’t.
  9. Synjin grosses me out. All I can think of is Tanya saying he doesn’t wear deodorant and she loves to sniff his stinky armpits. Tainted him forever for me.
  10. We were in Rapid City this past October. Lots of girls looking like a Kardashian there.
  11. Ari and Bini. Her parents pay for everything! They rented Ari and Bini an apartment. Ari’s not paying for the plane tickets or spending money either for sure. Aren’t they 30-ish? How strange.
  12. Nicolina killed it. It’s a campy song, it would have been weird if she didn’t bring the camp. I’m SO over Katie making it all about herself with her little fits and theatrics. Katie:it’s not about you, it’s about the singers. Ugh.
  13. Ugh Noi! With the living apart. And her snotty faces. She should never have been selected for this show. But Steve and his “oh hey I had a job for 4 years” like he deserves a gold star. Ugh. And a 1.5 carat ring for that snotty little girl? But I did like his sense of humor while they were in bed. O is awful. So many tests for Katina and she’s still falling short to him. She looks exhausted and she’s not enough for him. Not passing his tests. Not enough of a woman. He wants to travel the world and she will hold him back with her striving for an associate degree. He’s an idiot and I wonder how he functions in real life with his inflated sense of self worth. Jasmina and Mike. Boring and boring. Too many complicated conversations with friends. It shouldn’t be so hard. I still think Mark and Lindsay are perfect for each other. They are so busy fighting it that it will never happen.
  14. Being of an age where many of them could be my own kids, I can’t imagine how their parents feel about some of this stuff. Probably all proud at first, posting and telling everyone “Hey my kid is going to be on Below Deck!” Neighbors, friends, church friends, family….all watch. Then your kid is like Ashley or Gary or Sydney.
  15. Lindsay got rid of the fake eyelashes. She looks great! Younger and fresher. Whatever fillers she might have had are tastefully done
  16. F’in Noi still wants to live separately. I can’t believe I liked her so much at first. O and his “I plan to travel the world”. O, at this point it’s “we” not “I”. Guaranteed if they stay together he will make her stay home and go to work and school because “she’s not at that point in her life yet”. And show, make it stop! Decision day should have been 2 weeks ago. Ugh. And it’s not even DD next week!
  17. Ok I am crying over Mark’s kitty. My own 12 year old kitty Moo is having dental surgery tomorrow and I’m terrified. And the song “goodbye friend”. 😥
  18. Isn't she around 7? How old is she? She still has a pacifier???????
  19. I've noticed that some of them appear to be fake-drinking. Maybe there's nothing even in the glasses?
  20. I thought Daisy was too crabby about the sailing. It's not HER vacation, it's the guests'. And plus, they are on a sailboat. Sailboats sail. ETA I don't know why Gabi even told Ashley anything about what she was feeling. That was strange.
  21. Pyanama. Jyasmine. He is from Michigan and has the accent (no judgement, I’m from Minnesota/Wisconsin).
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