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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I think Elijah is a smirking asshole. But my girl Alina is seriously disappointing me. Her whiny demands, her not understanding that flying 30 hours with no sleep means Caleb passing out dead tired, other things I see about her. I’m not a fan. And Kimbaleeeeeee looking 70 years old while being weirdly jealous was….not a good look.
  2. This whole conversation, hubby and I were yelling “fuck you kody” at the tv. It disturbed our dog lol
  3. I think Janelle runs interference with this Because they totally would Kody or Robyn, dat you? They are acting out because they feel slighted. As they should.
  4. More than that. My sister had thyroid cancer and hers was smaller. I am severely hypothyroid and mine isn’t like that.
  5. And Kody was like “they are over 18. Buh bye!!!!” But not for Robyn’s kids
  6. Gabe “how about that he’s been at ROBYN’S for 9 months???” kid is on it.
  7. Lifelong horse person here. She had a good seat, good hands, good center of balance on her horse. Nothing poor about that horse, she’s a good rider and it’s obvious to me she’s been riding for a long time. I taught riding lessons for many years. Even a skinny little person with no seat, hands, or balance can be more painful and jarring to a horse than a heavier person who had riding skills.
  8. Oh and. Kodys sarcastic derision over the gender reveal! Going on about how well it was planned (not). Such an angry little man.
  9. I really felt for Meri. When Robyn was backtracking and changing the story 25x about Meri seeing her kids, you could tell it hurt Meri because she knew it was a bunch of BS. And Kody, you can fuck all the way off with your “New Jersey was a vacation “. His ugly angry face when they had their meeting was so punchable. Can’t wait for the next Episode from the preview! Go Janelle!!!
  10. Thank you. This is much later now….hubby recovered, got a job offer, and we moved to NW Arkansas December 1. What a whirlwind. I love it here. As things go, I found a good job at a national pet food store. Hubby is happy in his new job. I’m being promoted already on December 26. We didn’t realize how much we were downsizing in our new rental home. Went from a 4 bedroom with fully finished basement plus giant storage room in basement to z 3 bedroom here in AR with no basement, no storage, smaller square feet. So we have a garage full of boxes that we will go through Christmas Day. (He’s working every day and I’ve been working 6 days a week so no time ). We look like hoarders. My friend is still in the ICU, on the ventilator, struggling. She had blood clots in her head etc so they are trying to reduce her vent needs to evaluate that. They can’t until she’s off the vent. She has a trach tube and secondary pneumonia. The doctors aren’t optimistic but those of us who love her know what a fighter she is, especially for her kids. I just think it’s so interesting how things happen.
  11. That’s what I was wondering too. Plus it’s a pre-existing condition…does that matter?
  12. Exactly. Fuck you Kody. Christine didn’t try to get insurance till Ysabell was in pain every day. That’s so weird to me.
  13. So the pond/drainage ditch. I imagine as the water sits there over time, the bacteria load in it multiplies at a great rate. It’s certainly not fresh water at all. I wouldn’t want any of my friends or family in that water. There is a lake in my hometown that’s stagnant. No one is allowed to swim in it anymore….2 kids got brain eating bacteria a few years ago from swimming in it.
  14. The mom looks like an addict, and has the same jerky movements, skin, actions of an addict. So she’s using drugs but needs a good star for staying off alcohol?
  15. Team Xander here. A little worried Ricard will win though.
  16. Carried over from a thread. I can’t STAND people wearing masks below their nose. Makes me so angry.
  17. Who is the old annoying dude with no teeth at the store with Paul, yakking against all normal nutritional beliefs. So awful.
  18. Poor Kody. Marginalized in his wives homes. /s.
  19. Oh the horror to Robyn. Janelle wore black shirts and heavy makeup to concerts!!
  20. Robyn fake crying and having Covid rules. Does Kodouche not understand that him going from house to house IS spreading germs? Ugh.
  21. Watching late, but Gabe is one smart kid. “is it Robyn or is it dad.” “If I get Covid and dad still won’t visit, we know it’s not about Covid at all.”
  22. They are acting (keyword:acting) like Winter isn’t a grown adult who can maker her own decisions. If she’s happy, be happy for her. Infuriating.
  23. My older stepson is 30. He does this too. It’s a “thing” . At work, many of my 20 and 30 something customers and coworkers do it too. I’ll take it over saying “like” every other word. It was really prevalent this episode though. Super annoying. My 90 Day Fiancé Watching self was horrified that he admitted that on tv!
  24. What a boring episode. Rehashing. Kody screaming at Truely an Sol in the preview gives me life. Their Covid reactions cracked me up. The show is over a year behind real life. Ugh.
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