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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Yara’s mom is either not smart or very manipulative or both. She’s acting like it’s just Yara and Mylah and herself…whose fault is that? Does Yara only tell her mom the bad things? Or does the mom blindly think this is real? I feel like they are mean-girling all over the place. Mom is not coming across in a favorable light. At all.
  2. Ok I don’t know names. But the idiot girl with the fake gummy liars smile who keeps petting her hair. I hate her.
  3. Lord, you stupid Kodouche, Robyn, Meri. There’s no religion. There’s no legal contract. Kody has said all along if a wife isn’t happy, it’s ok if they leave….until Christine did. The kids who aren’t “fitting in well with the family”. FU Kody. He said he and Robyn and their children are bonding. And blaming the other wives kids for not bonding. What an ugly human.
  4. Hi again. Fucking Derek. Needing his hand held again, what a special snowflake. I hope he isn’t Claire’s boyfriend because how can anyone be attracted to his ineffectual self. He’s gross, needy, entitled
  5. Justine, stop petting your hair! It makes you look like an idiot.
  6. My opinions, which no one asked for 😍 Suddenly I am a fan of Glenda and Lumumba. Something in this ep did it for me…couldn’t stand them before. Echoing the poster(s) above wondering about medical attention to the twin’s leg!! I couldn’t stand the guy who can’t roll his r’s. He stands around flapping his arms and all useless. Has he even done a challenge? Even in this alphabet one he was a special snowflake who needed help. Ugh. And to the other posters who were talking about being short and short men: I’ve been 6’ tall since junior high (I’m a woman). I’m from Minnesota so lots of Scandinavian tall people there. But man, short men loved me. I’m old and fat now and married to a tall man….but in my teens and 20s, short men loved me lol.
  7. I think Janelle looks really good lately. I know some of you will scoff….but I am NOT attributing it to the pink nastiness. I’m hoping it’s because she left the Kodouche stratosphere for good. I can’t even look at the pink drink crap. Anyone else a kid in the 70s and 80s and has to take spoonfuls of liquid pink penicillin? Makes me gag to this day, I was a sickly kid and had that a lot. YUCK.
  8. Alexis is, to me, a very unlikeable person. Always trying to trap Justin with words she says. Pot-stirring, gleefully relaying confidential information that’s none of her business. Pretty much every word about Justin was negative….and the half-assed way she read her “note” at decision day? Awful.
  9. So, we have a giant camper. Leveling it isn’t all about it rocking. There will always be some movement even in the most solid campers. Leveling is mostly about optimum black and grey tank efficiency. The poop and the wastewater systems must be level to work at their best. It’s usually not a big deal if you are camping for a few days and have sewer and water hookups….but boondocking? Must be level. Auto level works pretty well on cement or pavement. Dirt has give. And leveling is an art. It’s definitely not a marriage-enhancing exercise lol. Hubby and I have a great relationship but it was…..taxing, those first several dozen times and even now sometimes. Between that and learning how to back the giant thing up, well….we just look back now and laugh.
  10. Angela is just like my ex, to a terrifying degree. Same yelling, same aggressive getting in the face, same demands to see the phone. Same screaming “you don’t love me!!!!” Same damaging physical things. I’ve been in therapy for years over this, yet the show keeps airing the abuse like it’s ok. It makes me physically ill. How can I watch this show without this? This isn’t ok. How do they think this is ok? How?
  11. Robyn's eyebrows look like my dog's Greenies treats.
  12. Thank goodness the spoiled little princess is gone. She's so unlikeable and what a wasted spot. It could have been someone who actually wanted to be there.
  13. I'm in love with my husband and have been for many many years, and I see all his red flags. I'm not infatuated, I'm not disillusioned, I'm not projecting perfection onto him (God no lol). I'm sorry your experiences with being in love have been so awful. I think Krysten is just biding her time and will be a no on DD. Mitch isn't what she needs, I believe. But I adore her, she's giving it the good ol' college try.
  14. No idea who these people are. So annoying.
  15. These people don’t know that love is everyday comfortable togetherness. It’s hanging out together, or not, and being good with it. It’s knowing that your spouse is in the next room and finding comfort. It’s security knowing your partner is there for you. it’s knowing your partner is your best friend.
  16. I agree. This was filmed so long ago, and I can imagine Kody has a super tight rein on what is aired and when. I mean, 90 Day Fiance is airing now from June and July filming this year. Sister Wives is from 18 plus months ago.
  17. Robyn and her goiter saying they don’t need a truck. Kody standing there and saying a soccer mom Janelle won’t drive it. FU idiot Kody
  18. And plus this was filmed years ago. They want us to react as if it was current. It isn’t.
  19. Gross Robyn digging at her fake tears eye boogers and looking at them. You’d think she had learned.
  20. Well now, you are assuming he actually washes them.
  21. These people are all just so unlikeable. Half of them look like they don’t bathe. Even Mzi is not that great. Courtney is sloppy and annoying. I’ll stop there lol.
  22. Ugh. Rachel going on and on and on and on. Dude can’t win. I have a giant headache.
  23. Janelle has some angry gums there. Savannah is beautiful.
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