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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Elliott is the biggest whiny crybaby. I don't have a problem, I don't bring it to work. Dude you went on a bender that involved drugs and you then you got behind the wheel of your boat. That is bringing it to work. Sure you weren't snorting coke while running the boat, but that doesn't mean you didn't endanger your crew by trying to operate that big boat while impaired. But of course, it's all everyone else's fault. Get off my screen. Seriously Disco, invoke the morals clause I know is in the contract and fire his ass. Second biggest crybaby is Tinkerbell. If he was telling Wild Bill for two years what a bad ass fisherman and what a bad ass Marine he was, you know the rest of the crew heard that talk too. So big bad ass Marine can't take some name calling and wants off the boat because the work is hard? What a little whiny butt. And you know why Wild Bill kept you on? So you could have some money. Oh what a horrible person. If you want to know what it is like to be stuck in Dutch with no money, check with Elliott's crew. Can anyone tell me the story of how the Coast Guardsman was lost? I clearly missed something. Thank you.
  2. I have to echo the hatred toward the marionette family. The little boy is not so bad, because what little boy HASN"T tried to hook his belt to the ceiling fan and try to fly. But the Mom just creeps me out. Especially in the latest one, where she is doing the "sexy" dance. I have to leave the room when it is on, I don't want to see it or hear it. Talk about the ultimate submissive wife. You can literally control her. Just ICK.
  3. And heavens when they do blow the costume budget is is horrendous. Remember that hideous bathing suit with the fluttery pieces of whatever when they went to LA? And yes, the wedding dress will forever be the top of the list. Especially when it turned out she looked best in her mother's wedding dress. Personally, if I have to follow the showrunner's or the writers' tweets to understand what I just saw on my tv, they are doing it wrong. TV is a visual medium. If you don't show it, it doesn't count. If you have to explain afterwards the deep meaning you meant to convey, you didn't. Put your time and effort into showing the story, not media budgets that explain the show.
  4. Whew glad it is fake. Because my goodness, all you want is stablity for your family but you sell of everything but what you can fit in a truck and head to another part of Alaska to live. You get chased off there after your family is shot at, so you head back where you came from. Then you put everything you own on a boat, then run that boat after dark where you hit something and sink said boat with all your wordly possessions. And in between you have to go salmon fishing so your daughter can get her tooth fixed. Yeah real stable. Get a J.O.B. and live in a house on a street with an address, send your kids to school, etc. Believe it or not, having a regular income with neighbors you can turn to in times of need is the way you get a stable life. So yes, glad these morons are not really endangering their kids with this stuff.
  5. Wait another episide involving fire. Landon was seriously a little over fascinated with fire.
  6. If the writers are back, that means they are all in one place. Maybe someone (clearly not Marlowe) can give them a good talking to about not fucking up the show anymore.
  7. Don't forget the episode where they found out John Sr. never graduated high school. He dropped out to join up and go fight WWI. Which means the high school reunion show is bogus and he marched off to war before marrying Olivia.
  8. Ehh teenage girls. I know I was one once. We shall not discuss what MY room walls were covered in. Of course, your average girl does not have your latest celeb crush showing up on your doorstep. Mostly we were content to have an picture that was signed by an assistant and a form letter telling how wonderful we were for writing.
  9. Yep. Woman believe that all a man needs to be a wonderful father, a good husband and a successful provider is the love of a good woman. She looooooves him. Sure he was a douche before. Sure he had other woman. But this is different because he looooooooves her and she loooooooooves him and so it will be totally different than before. Except it never is. I see it all the time. Guys come to protective order hearings with the new girlfriend. And the new girlfriend is all "She's crazy. She's just mad because he is with me now and not her." about the old girlfriend. "He would never do that to me -- he loooooooves me." Guess who is the next one filing a protective order against douchead? *snip* Not that I am blaming Val for what she has endured. At least she seems to be realizing that he is not going to change. He is not going to suddenly be a responsible father. That she has to do what she has to do to protect herself and her kids physically and financially.
  10. Elliott is a typical abuser -- it's all his victim's fault. If she were just nicer to him, he wouldn't have to do the things he does. Because abusers have to justify their abuse somehow. He needs to get a clue that the relationship is over. His whining "I just want us to be a family" is so disgusting. You are not a family. She is your baby mamma that you visit when you aren't going around with someone other woman. You can still be a dad to your kids even if you aren't with their mother. But it isn't about being a dad, it's about keeping Val under his control. First epsidoe they said everything would be fine if they could keep him off the phone. Last week he gets served with the papers, what's the first thing he does? Gets on the phone. And did anyone notice he was planning on taking off to visit his family while the rest of his crew was preparing the boat for baridi? Way to set a good work example there CAPTAIN. This week it was all on the phone. His crew should have refused to work until he got off the phone. His dad should have gone up there and ripped the phone out of his hand and pointed out that the boat (and the bank loan) come first. On the other hand, I felt so bad for Junior. At this moment he doesn't know how he will support his family if he doesn't fish. I am sure he will come up with something if that happens. BUt god, to think you are so physically damaged you might not be able to care for your family is heartbreaking for a proud man. Although could have done without more pictures of his puking.
  11. Oh it frosts my hide something fierce when dads refer to watching their own kids as "babysitting." You do not babysit your own kids. You parent them as LJohnson said. Pretty sure even Jeebus would agree on that one.
  12. Bringing the why don't they do joint interviews discussion over here. I don't know if the rumors are true that they don't do joint interviews because of crazy shippers or not. But, assuming in arguendo it is true, I am not going to tell an actor to suck it up and do the interviews. Each person has to decide for themselves what they feel safe doing. ANd if either Nathan or Stana feel safer not doing joint interviews that is their decision. They can promote the show just fine without doing joint interviews. If the show requires joint interviews to save it, then they got bigger troubles than how the stars promote the show. I am not going to demand of the actors they do joint interviews or else. To me that is almost as bad as the crazy shippers. These are people -- not puppets. They don't perform to the commands of the fans -- positive or negative.
  13. During the marathon yesterday I saw an early episode (might have been the first episode) where Davy Deals is trying to pawn a motorcycle to make payroll. Corey is treating him like a stranger. Fast forward a few seasons and Davy is an annoying semi-regular. As for the barber chair, in the past we have always seen Rick Dale restoring the chairs. Now, this new guy wanders in and acts like he has been doing the restorations for the pawn shops forever. Same thing has been happening with cars and bikes, no Count. Guess if they have their own shows, they would have to be paid to appear on Pawn Stars. But I miss the regulars.
  14. Kanye is just as self-absorbed. So they can just go about their business ignoring each other while being "married." BTW, they aren't legally married yet. Italy has rules too about marriages. I will only believe they are truly married when a legal ceremony takes place.
  15. Thirty years. WOW. Good for them. So sad though they didn't get at least 30 more.
  16. I heard a rumor that the reason they don't do joint interviews is because of the perception then of them as a "couple." Apparnetly -- again just rumors I have heard -- Nathan Fillion's significant other has gotten some threats for being with him instead of allowing him to be with Stana. Some people cannot separate the actors from the role. If Beckett and Castle are together then anyone dating Nathan or Stana is interfering with that. Yes there are weirdos like that out there. Heck, if you read Alison Angrim's autobiography (she was Nellie on Little House), the first and only time she and the actress who played Harriet Olsen did a joint appearance together in costume they were physically attacked by people who hated their characters. ANd that was the 1970s. That is why I give some credence to the explanation of why Nathan and Stana don't do joint interveiws.
  17. I remember Billy Clyde. RIP. And condolences to Ms. Baranski and all his family and friends.
  18. I think they lost the money in dock fees and such when they were idled waiting for the permits. They plan X number of days at the docket getting ready to go out. Waiting for the permit office to open added to those days which cut into the budget. Rather than making the projected amount based on their quota, the contracted price, minus their expenses, they had higher expenses. The only way Keith cut his $3 million dollar debt in half was by running a tight budget. The government shutdown wreaked havoc with that budget.
  19. O heavens, she barely pays attention to preemie Josie and her continuing development problems. Josie only gets held up when they want show the "evils" of abortion. Can you imagine if Michelle had a child with Down's Syndrome? There is no way Michelle would put in the effort that child needs to function to that child's fullest ability. God is telling you loud and clear MIchelle that you are done making babies. Stop whining about wanting a baby so you can hear what the Big Guy Upstairs is telling you.
  20. Because he would have had to drop the idiot ball in order to pick up his phone. I know, Sean and his phone are rarely parted but clearly a plot contrivance can come between them.
  21. preach it. I have actually said this in court before. I absolutely hate dads that claim they will do anything for their kids but aren't paying child support when they have the money to do so.
  22. If they leave the number of children up to God, why are they visiting a fertility doctor? Maybe God is telling her the clown car vagina has run out of gas.
  23. Letters to the Deadliest Catch Crew: Dear Sig: I love you to death but stop micromanaging your brother. He is not going to see things through your eyes because he is not you. Accept this fact. Let him make his own mistakes just like you once made your own mistakes. Dear Elliott: If you don't pay your child support, you probably should not be on national tv where it is pretty easy to figure out how much money you are making. And no you are not a badass because you refused to roll down your window to accept the papers. You are just a douche. Even the crab know you are a douche and stay far away from you. But, good job on rescuing those guys. Dear Greenhorn on the Cape Caution: What. The. Fuck? You have a warrant out for your arrest so you have to get off the boat? Really? And yes everyone laughed at you when Captain Bill called to check your story. Dear Junior: At this rate, the only way you will be a legend on the Bering Sea is as a cautionary tale of killing yourself through overwork. You have a relief captain. Use him to fish baridi while you go get your back fixed. Your health is more important than your quota. Yes it is. Really. Plus we didn't need to see you puking from pain.
  24. Endless wonder. It was comforting to know the Warehouse does not move and goes on. I mean it would go on even if moved, but its still there in Unaville. Pete, Myka, Artie, Claudia and Jinks are collecting artificates. Mrs. F pops up every so often, then disappears. We just won't be hearing from Our Gang every week. Enjoy the endless wonder that is life, the universe and everything. But be careful of getting whammied.
  25. I wish Margie didn't have that albatross that was Luke. Then she could have been the oldest winner. Does she have other kids, so they could have been the first parent-child team to win? Margie mentioned her age a couple of times, but she didn't expect special treatment because she was "old." Of course, she was too busy wrangling her whiny child to take time for herself.
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