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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Pretty sure that call was made. Man that was a lot of laundry on the field as Al Michaels would say. And did comment about the penalties. That first quarter when the defense was playing 10 yards off Malik Nabors I yelled so loud at the tv my husband in another room came out to check on me. I told him I was fine just that Dallas had done something stupid -- AGAIN.
  2. It's been almost two weeks and Jill is still angry at being called out for her invasion of privacy. She is still going to make it all about being persecuted for being the "right" Christian. But no one else is even still talking about because they have lives and have moved on.
  3. Oh and a pool. Of course. that is clogged with that all that ratty hair and clothes fibers. When are people going to wise up and stop offering them places to stay and/or swim?
  4. Ehh, I have no problem with repeat trips to some place. Cannot count the number of times we've been to Gettysburg and Antietam. Heck, we've visited the USS New Jersey so many times I've gotten all her commissioning patchs and am starting over. And trust me, there is only so much to see on a museum ship. If they like it, let them enjoy it. You know, on their once a year vacations.
  5. Stripper/ pole dancer -- the organizers clearly did not understand what a Bridgerton Ball meant. Which was my point. I don't care if she was a stripper - its a fine profession. Just not right for this venue.
  6. Janet, the one Jackson whose career was not dependent on MIchael and was indepent of him is now stuck taking on his role, supporting the rest of the family because they are too lazy to get jobs themselves AND give up the celebrity lifestyle. Notice you don't hear from the sister Ruby in all this. She married a man who went into real estate and got the hell out of this messy family.
  7. They had a stripper at a Bridgerton Ball themed event. Nothing against strippers but someone clearly did not understand the assignment when asked to find dancers.
  8. I tried to warn ya'all about him in 1996 but no one would listen.
  9. oops Jill forgot it was a "retreat." Oh well she hopes that the clearinghouse won't hold it against her because she is showing them at devotions. It's late September, shouldn't she be homeschooling the younger kids by now?
  10. No, he literally holds the title of GM. Its not that he meddles. It's his job. He refuses to hire a GM because he says "why hire someone who will just have to convince me to take a player when I can decide myself." Which, how about the GM not convince the owner of who to take but work a good coach to craft the team they want.
  11. I know the names of many of the owners -- some for good reasons (Biscotti), some bad (Tepper) and some historic (Rooney, Mara, Ford, McClaskey). It's just that Jones is the ONLY owner who is also the GM.
  12. One of the reasons Jill is having a meltdown is that Tim did not rush to her defense. He didn't say "Oh no, its fine she invaded our privacy, we wanted the world to know about our sex lives." The fact he is not and actually holding his boundaries is destroying her. She knows she lost control of him. We can't have that in Jilly World. But yeah, the poor kids left at home and Kaylee, they are bearing the brunt of Jill's unhinged behavior right now. At least Nurie can go home to Florida -- and claim Nemo must have turned off the ringer on her phone when he was playing with it when she doesn't answer Jill's calls.
  13. Dallas has the lowest yards per game since the 89 and 90 seasons. I have come to the sad conclusion Dallas needs to really suck this year in order to maybe finally convince Jerry Jones that he is a terrible GM. That picking coaches who defer to him instead of producing on the field is not the way. If you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results ....
  14. Not enough to not take the money I notice. Or cross them off the grift tour. Money is what Jill really loves.
  15. Letting their kids make actual choices. I 100% believe Heidi chose to wear dresses (for now) because it is clear she had the choice to wear pants. Her sisters do. Tim might have argued in private, but he wasn't giving up Heidi over pants. Especially when he has seen what you wear doesn't actually affect your beliefs. Goodness how many churchs have they grifted at where there are women in pants, bare arms and even - gasp - tattoos. The church does not seem to have be hit by lightning due to this "immodesty."
  16. Hahahahahaahaha. Yep, Jill is going on an information fast. She gets the information they want to her have, when they want her to have it. So she can't post it herself and make it all herself. I mean she will anyway but by then it will be old news in their circle and everyone will see what she has done. She simply doesn't provide enough food and when questioned claims the kids are voluntarily fasting. None of the kids, so far, have an opportunity to speak without Jill present so they can't be questioned about it.
  17. Maybe he should fire the GM if he's unhappy. Jim Nantz said the Cowboys defense just looked demoralized. And boy was he RIGHT. Where have gone Micah Parsons a lonely (Cowboys) nation turns to you.
  18. Oh they will, they will. Sadly they will. I mean I love the Ravens -- except today. Bryce Young's agent needs to tell the Panthers to trade him. If Tepper can have a short leash for his coaches, the players can have a short leash with the team. At least Robinson knew how to win. Tepper is going to get someone killed or seriously injured.
  19. Matthew 7: 3-5: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. From the KJV no less. Jill and David have a whole truckload of beams in their eyes. Whilst, of course, complaining about the teeny specks in other peple's eyes. Of course Jill is rallying the troops to "her" side. She was wronged and must be avenged. Even if everyone else has moved on with their lives. While they are "retreat" of course. Yeah the clearninghouse called them out on all the vacations, hence the religious theme to this one. And David having "meetings" on his way to Florida to see the new grandchild.
  20. Of course Nurie chimed in. The only difference between Nurie and Jill is that Nurie is married to an actual preacher who works. Otherwise she is a carbon copy of Jill, brain dead and judgmental. Jill is not going to take over Heidi and Tim's lives and that is going to drive her crazy.
  21. I hope Heidi and Tim never see Jill and David again. Never let them see the grandkids, the hard boundaries with toxic people thing. And may Jonathan and Kaylee decide they need to be closer to his family.
  22. It's not about the kissing. It's as Heidi's grandma so eloquently put it "TMI." Its nobody's business whether its their first kiss or not. Ya'all may KNOW it is. But that does not mean you have to broadcast it to the world. But Jill and David will never get it. He may look checked out watching his map, but in his own bored and boring way, he is as bad as she is.
  23. They moved far away from her. For her to make them pay would require effort on her part. Not that she won't try, but it will not be as easy as making Kaylee and Jonathan pay if something similar happened. They aren't going to be seeing Mahmo 24/7 due to the distance. I finally figured out what shut Jill down for a bit and might do it again. It wasn't the pastor having a talk with Dave because since when did either of them listen to a pastor? They just move churches. I think the clearinghouse got wind of her grifting and non-dogly trips to places to Las Vegas and Punta Cana for Plexus, while also always seeming to be on "traveling for dog" while doing very little actual "missionary" work while showing off a lot of tourist pictures on her social media. I bet they threatened to cut funding and find another printer. Money is the only thing Jill would change her behavior for. If the clearinghouse sees a public spat, they might have another little talk with Jill. Because Jill is on thin ice with them and they do not want to deal with her behavior any more.
  24. I would not be surprised if the Coveretts found that new job for Tim, and an affordable house near them, just to make sure Tim and Heidi were not so close to Jill that she could interfere on a daily basis. They realized that Jill would be at T & H's every day with her "advice" and "decorating tips.." Or expect T & H at the barndo every day at all hours just Kaylee and Jonathan are. So they decided to make sure that wasn't possible by having T & H move too far away. Now they only have to put up with the Rods descending for free food and lodging every 3 months instead of every day. Eastern PA is now on the grift tour.
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