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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Gauugh, the Liberty Mutual commercials. Apparently Liberty Mutual insurance is for people who don't understand how the world works. Get in a car accident with your brand new car and you only get the depreciated value? Well, yes. Everyone with a brain knows your car depreciates the second you drive it off the lot. And that insurance goes up if you get in accident? Well yes. You see car insurance companies exist to make money and they lose money if they cover too many accidents. The bigger you are as a risk, the more you pay.
  2. "I would ask you to come with me (glancing at the waiting Musketeers and Constance) but you already have a family." Oooooh right in the feels. Damn you show, I watch you for the swash and the buckling and the pretty. I don't want to feel too.
  3. Too bad Kylie is 16. If she were just a bit younger, Bruce could go to a judge and say "Look how well Kris parents. I may not have been perfect as a dad to my other kids, but I was there for Kendall and Kylie. With me, Kylie would be in school and not partying with known abusers." He would get custody in a red hot minute -- and Kris would be paying HIM child support. But sadly, at 16 in California, the kids pretty much decides custody. And Kylie is so going to live with the mom who has no rules except "hang out with famous people and make money."
  4. Oh I totally want to know the name of the comptetitor to Angieslist. Because 1) Angie is a frigging liar. Everyone pays to use that site. So someone could sign up and just make good reviews about themselves. Plus you are only get reviews form people who bother to pay to make reviews. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. 2) Apparently that consists of only morons like Riley's owner who has never heard of Petsmart (seriously you had to go to Angie's List to find out where to get the supplies you needed) or any other resources to get what they need. Apparently without Angie's List you are frozen into inaction on anything.
  5. Yep, Girls of Atomic City is by Denise Kiernan. I am reading it on my nook.
  6. SHark Week on SciFi channel begins this today. Lots of Shark or at least weirdly attacking animals to look forward to like DinoCroc, Megapiranha, 2headed Shark Attack and lots of others. All culminating in the long awaited premier of Sharknado2. (some of the above is meant to be serious).
  7. There are no words to express my outrage at the latest Hot Pockets commercial. They re-wrote the words to Hot Blooded to extol the "virtues" of Hot Pockets. I wish I were lying. This should be considered a crime against humanity.
  8. AZChristian, thank you. I really should have know that because duh it is where the wheel is housed. My only excuse is that it was 3 a.m. and I wa suffering horrible insomnia and knew I had to be up at 6:30.
  9. And that is why the captain has to be a competent. He has the life of his crew in his hands. Elliott's crew signed on, putting their life in his hands. And what did they get in return? A captain crying into the phone and doing drugs so he had to go to rehab. Then when he is back, he brings his fricking girlfriend on board so he can get laid while they are working. Then she deliberately makes one of them sick and Elliott does nothing about it. Oh and he makes their job harder by not letting them use the hopper and has them use totes instead. His incompetence is going to get someone killed. The guys did their job. They were hauling gear and sorting crab. He wasn't doing his job by actually fucking captaining the boat, instead he was actually being fucked. At that point, the crew said fuck you. Just like happened to Captain Bligh. He went too far in disciplining people without also caring about their health and wellbeing. The end result was he was set adrift in the South Pacific in a dinghy. I don't think Elliott's crew will do that, but I can foresee and en masse quitting when they get back to Dutch. I also foresee Elliott having a tough time getting any good crabbers to sign on with him once word gets around (and it will even without the show) about how dangerous he is out at sea. You know why the Northwestern crew functions so well? And is a consistent crew? They know Sig has their back. Hell, even the boat design is done to protect the crew. The captains place (the name escapes me right now) is in the front so the waves hit it, not the crew. Not all the time, but it offers some protection. Sig has said they did that way on purpose for just that reason.
  10. Believe it or not there is a website that gives the answer: Why Cousin Oliver? Sader87 you are correct, they were in South America.
  11. It just annoys me because he is searching for attending an upcoming conference. Dude, the school is probably paying for you to attend and there is a department secretary who probably makes all the travel plans so shut up and teach.
  12. I am reading the Women of Atomic City about the women who worked on the Manhattan project both in Oakridge at Los Alamos, so I kinda want to see this. Buuuuut on the other hand, I am very worried it might be Sex in the City with a World War II backdrop.
  13. All that beautiful expensive fabric and that dress is what came out of it? And no wonder they run out of money to pay the light bill for kissing scenes when they spend that much on a dress that will never be seen again.
  14. I can see Dungy's point as he is a conservative Christian. I also see his point as a coach. Michael Sam went in the 7th round. He is a marginal player at best. With marginal players, it is a lot harder to ignore the media circus. Michael Vick although a media circus was a first round draft choice and remained a decent player (I personally think his playing abililty is overhyped). But it is true, in the NFL the better you play, the more slack you are cut about offfield issues. First round with a lot left in the tank -- no problem about the dogfighting. 7th rounder who has Oprah following him around -- big problem. How do you explain to Oprah you cut the guy because he didn't play well -- on a team stacked with passrushers already -- rather than because he was gay? Easier not to draft him in the first place and avoid the issue all together. Michael Vick is a back up on the Jets now because he couldn't stay healthy, not because of the dogfighting. Tim Tebow is out of the League because he wasn't that good despite the hype (his mechanics suck but he got some lucky plays so that hid the problem) and the circus that came with him was too much for teams to put up with. That said, I have no problems with a gay player in the NFL, a gay person in Congress, on the Supreme Court, etc. But you gotta be there because of merit, not because you are gay.
  15. Just last week on the Bait, Captain Keith said he talked to Jr. and it looked like he might not be fishing again. This week, amazingly enough, Jr. is back fishing and looking quite healthy. Oh Disco you sly devils you. You notice how eager Elliott's crew is to break his stuff? Also they tend to ignore anything he says. Once his dad left, discpline on that boat fell apart. You know Elliott would never have brought his bimbo on board if his dad was there. Speaking of which, she is so there to get her face on tv. It was not a coincidence that she was right at Elliott's shoulder when he was being asked about women on boats. His crew clearly has no respect for him, and don't care if he knows it or not.
  16. As a nobleman, only the king can pass judgment, not some "lesser" person like a judge, etc. In England, it was the House of Lords tried their peers. Having no parliament, France only had the King.
  17. But that's just it -- Kate Beckett is not Stana Katic. We are watching the adventures of Castle and Becket, not Fillion and Katic. If Stana wants to dress like a model in her real life that is fine. Go for it. But that doesn't mean Kate Beckett has to dress that way too. I mean it's not like they had her dressed in fugly clothes in the first season, so Stana cringed when she saw what was presented on the screen. If she cringed it should be in that fugly fugly fugly couldn't have been destroyed soon enough wedding dress -- which supposedly the glam squad Beckett would have loved, not first season Beckett.
  18. Tried to post this earlier but I failed miserably. Actually I wander all over the well when presenting my case. It think better when moving and the judges don't mind. They also get sick of giving permision to approach the witness so we just have free rein. Of course, I do family law so that may different than other types of law.
  19. The Cambridges released some pics of them with Prince George ahead of his first birthday tomorrow. You can tell that they are a family first and royal second. In the Daily Mail article are more pictures from his trip Down Under. IN one of them, little George has his mother's hair and is chewing on it. All I could think is if North ever got close enough to her mother to do that, Kim would break her little fingers. Be prepared for more pics of North in retaliation for the Cambridge pics.
  20. Because the Duggars only allow softball interviews. The reporters have to stick to the agreed upon rules if they ever want to interview anyone again. Break the rules to zing the Duggars and President Obama won't do an interview out of fear of the same thing happening. Now why someone who was once friends with the family and is no longer friends doesn't do a tell all I don't know.
  21. If it is about talent and personality -- why hasn't Tony Siragusa been replaced? Honestly he is just there so he can say "When I played ..." 50 times a game. On the plus side, Bills opened training camp this weekend. FOOTBALL IS BACK.
  22. So sad. RIP James Garner Remember the polaroid commercials he did with Mariette Hartley? They were so funny.
  23. He who makes the Rules gets to break them. Besides they probably blamed the girls for it happening. Don't they believe it is up to the woman not to inflame the man? Remember, Michelle is so self-centered about her own looks that she believed she caused a neighbor's divorce just by mowing the lawn in her bikini. So she at least would easily believe that the girl did something to tempt Gothard who was really realy really sorry after it happened (then kept doing it).
  24. And even though you are only in your late 20s, you have several Ph.D.s Because it is so easy to do the classwork and write dissertions in multiple diverse subjects in a short period of time.
  25. I also don't see A-List celebs showing up for the wedding -- if it does happen. They wouldn't show up for Kim and Kanye's wedding, they are not showing for one of the lesser Kardashians. This is more of Pimpmomager's spin to keep the family name in the public eye. She's got nothing else this week so she is trotting this out.
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