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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Not quite. I do a little different style. Still patchwork though. Mods dears, is there a way to post pictures? I mean I could post a link from my quilt blog but that sounds more than a tad self-serving (yes a lawyer is worried about seeming self-promoting, it happens).
  2. Fabric stores have all holiday fabric all the time (they used to just have a few months lead time). They get a pass because, well, crafts take time. You have now inspired me to make a Christmagivingvalenoweensterjuly to school quilt.
  3. Now sure how long Brisco County, Jr. could have survived. The actors themselves said it was the hardest show they had ever worked on. They loved it, but it was physically and mentally demanding. Burnout would have happened no matter how much they wanted to continue. Vegas last year. Oh my. Dennis Quaid, Jason O'Mara and that young cutie that played Quaid's son. Compelling storylines about Old Las Vegas and the mob. Had so so much potential. And TPTB after greenlighting it to series killed it off practically before it aired. Don't greenlight something that change your mind. Either promote a show or don't produce it in the first place.
  4. My my my. Such pretty to look at. Especially Aramis. Welcome back Lancelot, hope you are better written this time. It may be unpopular but my favorite movie version was the 1993 one. Mostly for Oliver Platt's Porthos but the rest weren't bad to look at either. Nice to see some good lines here too. Like during D'Artagnan's fight with Athos "Is he keeping up with Athos? No, he just doesn't want to kill the lunatic." THen later after Constance stops the fight, they admire her spirit. Yes her spirit. I'm in.
  5. I cannot stand the duo of I-an Eagle and Dan Fouts. Mostly because I-an can't pronounce his own damn name. It's just pretentious the way he pronounces.
  6. I just went to a family wedding. There were pictures of the parents on their wedding day and the grandparents on their wedding day. I thought it was great to show the history. I also told my dad he needed his eyes checked if he thinks I looked like his mother. But that's family weddings for you. But geez, putting your registry out there so people you never met can send you gifts is just greedy. And not modest AT ALL.
  7. I'm sure your right. But honestly, there are plenty of good causes that companies could donate to that would garner the same level or higher than paying the Ks to promote your product. Do companies NOT notice the ratings are diving, the Vogue cover was a bust and most comments on news articles are negative. Who wants to be associated with that?
  8. This is why they have to keep pimping themselves out to support their "lifestyle." If you get a fricking Ferris Wheel for your kid's first birthday party, you are wasting your money. Also, the kid is not going to remember it so why bother? Oh right, as noted, it's not about the accessory, I mean child, it's about the Ks bragging about how they had a Kidchella themed party and the "famous" people who showed up.
  9. Last I saw, Kim was jetting into a place, just as Kanye was leaving. The perfect marriage -- they are never around each other. But Kris was right there to support Kanye at Cannes Lions (whatever the hell that is). She so wants to be the one married to him instead of her brain dead daughter.
  10. Here;s a simple solution then -- don't get in the damn car just to get tv time. She did not have to be there. In fact, she made an advanced labor Anna wait for her to get her ass over ot the house just so she could be seen riding in the car. Just so Michelle could claim she was at the birth of each of her grandchildren. Big whoop de doo considering she ingnores the little angels thereafter. Who cares she was present? Not Anna who is a little busy? Not the kid who won't even remember it. MIchelle is just doing it for attention.
  11. I knew as soon as Sig said "let's see what your mother says" that Mandy would be back.
  12. I am falling in love with the new Cheerios commercial. Dad asks his kid what his favorite Cheerios is (when the hell did they get more than one?). Kid lists them all off. Exasperated dad finally says "Okay what is your really favorite one." Kid "The ones I eat with you, dad." Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, right in the feels.
  13. Not so easy to find the crab is it Josh? Maybe it wasn't Captain Derrick's fault. Having said that, I believed Josh when he said it's different when you own the boat and are the responsible one. It might have started as a way to keep the fame coming, but the reality is hitting him that there is a lot more to running a boat than showing up for filming. If he continues to step up and do what needs to be done, I will applaud his efforts. He might be growing up after all. What the hell is going on with the Northwestern? She used to be the most reliable boat. While the others were breaking down right and left, she just sailed on. Now two weeks in a row, there is a big problem. Sure Edgar can juryrig something to keep her going but it might be time for a major overhaul. Sig might get his wish to enlarge the boat since it is going into drydock anyway.
  14. They tried to do a "fish out of water" show instead of a beat up the bad guys show. Remember the episode where he had a cold and he wanted his mom to send him her home remedy from China? It turned out be collard greens which his black partner was pushing on him. Too many jokes like that and about his accent not being understood, not enough beat up the bad guys.
  15. Marlowe got canned for his "new mythology" crap. The excuse is just the company line, like politicians resignining "to spend more time with family." For all we know TPTB were arguing with him for awhile about it, he refused to budge and so they showed him why they are TBTB and he is not. However not sure about the new guy. He wrote "That 70s Show" and it was dumber than dumb. There were so many plot holes that even someone like me who doesn't over analyze every word and scene noticed them. Not sure he can handle overseeing all the complexity of a show, even without all the crap he has to clean up.
  16. And yet another unfortunate comparison between Kimye and the Cambridges. There is a picture in the Daily Mail of Compass sound asleep with about a foot of space between her and Kanye, with Kim gushing what a great dad he is. There are also pictures of the Duke and Duchess out with baby George. Kate is holding him, helping him walk, playing with him. William is seen looking at him and giving him a sip of his water. It is the most natural looking family in the world. No matter how hard Kim tries to make herself out as American "royalty" and the equivalent of Kate, pictures like this will show the lie.
  17. All I know is if I saw the Duggars headings my way after a natural disaster, I would dive back into the rubble of my home and pray it collapses on top of me.
  18. RIP Ruby Dee. That lady did it all. She had work right up until last year. May I be as active as she was all her life.
  19. Gah, the I Ate the Bones commercials were the worst. C'mon people are you that freaking oblivious that you can't tell when you are chewing something as hard as a bone versus soft chicken skin? If you are, you got bigger problems than being confused about the new KFC menu item.
  20. Man, right in the feels with Jonathan and his health. Remembering what happened to Phil and taking care of himself. Speaking of Phil, way to milk his memory Disco with the flashbacks. Geez. The P in RIP means peace. Let the poor man go. Also right in the feels, all the Captains talking about Jr. They may have made fun of his last year with his legend talk, but they do respect him and his work ethic. On the other hand, way contrived moment having Edgar go talk to Elliott about addiction. I hope Elliott stays clean just because that is best for everyone. But with his babbling about staying clean for his kids, his family, etc shows there are problems. Unless you want to stay clean for yourself and understand the daily struggle it is, it won't work. Sig, would you still be encouraging a son to do something else besides fish? On the other hand, he has a point. Big strong men have trouble with the physical nature of crab fishing. It might tough for Mandy to make it on a crab boat.
  21. What really gets me is the whole basic premise that this family is so great because they had 19 kids. Big whoop de doo. The heavily Catholic town I grew up in had 2 families with 18 kids. Nobody thought they were special, nor did they think they were so special either. They just had a bunch of kids -- who went to public schools, were involved in extracurricular activities, went to college or trade school, then got married and started families of their own (or didn't as they chose). They did what they did and lived their lives without seeking adulation for having a passel of kids.
  22. There's a reason I started calling the show "General Mobster" years ago.
  23. I would like Root gone. She is a crazy person who cares nothing about the work of the team, it's all about her relationship to the Machine. And then she is the one who ends up saving everyone? No thank you. I was perfectly happy with the core 4 with occasional appearances by Zoe when a female special ops person was needed.
  24. Some of the "Did you know" Geico commercials get on my damn nerves, but I love the first trick. "Looketh over there." "Made you look." "So endeth the trick." I crack up every time they are on. I think its the "eths."
  25. Help me. I was in Sears today looking for a dress for my sister's upcoming wedding. I stopped to look at one that seemed nice. That I realized it was from the Kardashian Collection. I still considered it for a second -- it covered everything decently, was a nice color, nice cut, didn't look trashy. But I realized I couldn't admit where it is was from.
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