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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. To be fair, he had been dealing with Jackie and Veronica all evening. That had to affected his brain functions. Plus he probably figured if she hadn't killed either woman yet, she was good enough to handle the SA's office and all the shenanigans that goes on there.
  2. WHAT??? Surely that would be a conflict of interest. But wow, what a way to give Alisha power in her own right. Drunk Jackie and whatever Alisha's mom's name is will never not be hilarious. Those two love to snipe at each other -- and their children just stand back and roll their eyes, If Peter and Alisha do get back together this will be why. As for why it is never easy Eli, have you SEEN the Florrick's lives? I think they do it just to see you work your magic fixing everything. If Diane brings in $38 mill a year, why does LG always have financial trouble? But her jumping ship is the best solution. Why on earth would she take a set salary as a state's attorney that would be peanuts compared to what she makes at LG? She is not politically ambitious. She wanted a judgeship as the culmination of a legal career, not as a stepping stone to higher offer. Canning can have LG until he dies. Sure his wife and kids are thrilled to find out that if he doesn't have work he doesn't have a life. Or did the show forget he had a wife and kids. Gosh Kalina not fun being sexually used is it. Sucks to be you. I would feel more sorry for you as a domestic violence survivor if 1) that storyline hadn't sucked beyond belief and 2) you had used so many people then discarded them. BTW, not a flicker from Peter when Kalinda showed up with Diane?
  3. Okay the one thing I did like was the Ford Explorers and then being told to dig. Unfortunately it was not to bury the final 3 and start the season over.
  4. Anyone who uses a cutesy nickname to refer to herself and her spouse is forever barred from having children. Period. It was Rachel's tendency to run first and think later than ruined them more than the taxi. Plus wasting time trying to steal the taxi. Okay your driver is slow so don't take extra time at a task. The final task was terrible. I am betting that due to flight regs only one chopper could be over the stadium at a time so whoever spotted first won. How ... not exciting. A memory challenge would have been so much better given the Country Singers inability to think for themselves. D & C - "unexpectedly u-turned?" Unless there was a rule about not u-turning the old guy, everyone should expect to be u-turned. I am going to believe this was a set up to have the first parent-child team win the race. Which was disappointing considering the personality of the team involved. The David Copperfield stunt was interesting except for the ending. Did people really believe that a nationally televised show would put people in danger by setting them on fire? C'mon. Killer fatigue does not explain stupidity.
  5. They could have redeemed her by having her become a good mom. And get revenge on those who she thinks took her baby. The way she acted when she was running out into the street after the car showed this was a viable interesting storyline. INstead, they have her conviving with those she thinks too her baby and raping Nick.
  6. It does seem wrong. Calling it rape is exactly right. Nick did not consent to sex with Adalind. Turn it around, if Nick had used polyjuice potion to go sleep with the Renard's girlfriend, would everyone be okay with it? Of course not.
  7. Wedding Interruptus. If it is a sitcom, wacky hijinks will ensue such as the groom disappearing or the dress getting set on fire by being too close to the heater while the best man and maid of honor have hot steamy sex. If it is a drama -- well anything can happen. Grooms dying, mass shootings, doubles that eat frogs. In real life, most weddings go off without a hitch. The worst that happens in real life is that drunk friend you knew you shouldn't have invited but did gets .. . drunk.
  8. So Nick bleeds on her and Adalind loses her powers. But she has to have sex with Nick to takes his. Have fun with that one Freud. I'm okay with Theresa playing "I've got a secret." For years she was told she was crazy and seeing things. She just recently was told she was a Grimm. She thought she saw 2 Juliette's, it's not surprising she reverted to thinking she was crazy than talk to someone. At least we got the vows and the kiss before all hell broke lose. And I will forgive that (somewhat) just for the scene outside the bridal shop when they are looking at the replacement dress. Rosalee on hearing the price says they can't afford it. Without hesitation, Daddy Monroe says We can. And he meant it. Cliched and schmaltzy I know, but I love stuff like that. See what happens when Renard gets off the phone? He gets shot. Now Wu knows something is up. He is going to demand answers and quick. But first they have to unwhammy Nick. So that is 3 season finales, 3 whammies: 1 Juliette in a coma, 2 Nick as a zombie (and wouldn't it have been nice if his zombie powers resisted the spell to lose his Grimm powers) and 3 Nick depowered. C'mon writers come up with a new way to end the season.
  9. Ehh, I'm a lawyer. We talk about firing clients about the time. It means terminating the relationship. Clients can fire us, we fire them.
  10. Jan got engaged to ubernerd. They went to tell her parents. For some reason Ma and Pa Brady suddenly went all 18th century on them and insisted that they had to wait because Marcia as the oldest should get married first. Because that would do so much for Jan's self-esteem, not to mention the utter stupdity of the idea. Jan complained to Marcia who felt bad at holding up her sister's wedding since she wasn't dating anyone. Well, then she met Wally somehow. She cried on his shoulder how unfair her parents were. They had a worldwind romance (7 days), got engaged and lived happily ever after. Well, except for Marcia's bout with alcoholism when they brought the whole blooming Brady Bunch back for a weekly show.
  11. Some jackass told him he could make a difference. Now it is just about saving themselves to fight another day. Oh my little reader's heart broke at losing all those books. One minor thing bugged -- I hated that Root was the voiceover at the end. I really do not like how the focus has shifted to her. I watch this show for the interactions between Finch and Reese. To me, they should always be the center. But alas, the writers have fallen in love with Root and we will have her pyschopathic ass showed down our throats until we puke. But did love how Vigilance got shown to be no better than the government. Just as on his high horse about his vision of the US as they were. And wow, Ma'am with her story about the Pentagon and then saying "I have spent every day since then putting a bullet in those responsible." GULP. I had flashbacks to Golda Meir unleashing the dogs after Munich.
  12. It should be noted he was drunk on Grape Nehi "and that's not easy."
  13. How about because people who work together do not necessarily fall in love with each other. Millions of people are perfectly able to work with members of the opposite sex for decades without UST. Can we have just ONE show on tv where the partners are just work partners and do not wind up lovers?
  14. I have to get this off my chest. I hated the Coach and Tami Tyler marriage on Friday Nights Lights. Tami was like every other tv wife, constantly criticizing her husband, refusing to accept his dreams that intefered with hers, etc. Best example -- he finally gets a college coaching job. Just what he wanted. She doesn't want to leave Dillon. Why? The kids she is counseling need her. She has done so much in her job. Her job that she fricking started after the beginning of the school year and it was still football season. In Texas, the high school playoffs are early December. That means she started sometime in September and was whining how her dream job was more important than his was about 2 months later. To the man she married knowing he wanted to be a college coach. Just ugh.
  15. This cannot be said enough. I also like the crack about CHinese Secret Agents. I was also thinking having the big wedding and fix the paperwork later. Ticketyboo, we should ALL send a thank you not to that pipe.
  16. I just threw Mombatross out there as the first one I thought of. Spydad and serial killer are also good.
  17. Nooooooo. Marlowe is in so much trouble. I wanted a nice wedding with no wacky hijinks (other than Castle being Castle with an assist from Ryan and Esposito) or murder intefering. Instead we get: 1. Long lost husband. Because New York would have a record of a Las Vegas wedding for a couple living in California at the time of the marriage. Hello, did anyone notice throughout the gay marriage debate that marriage is a state thing? 2. Some convoluted plot that OUr INtrepid Heroes must overcome to be together. Because all the OTHER times they were shot, kidnapped, blown up, dropped in the river, etc, were not enough to show they were Meant To Be. 3. The fugly beyond belief dress being ruined. Okay that is a plus. So she winds up getting married in her mother's dress. Which is a very Beckett dress and should have been the only dress she considered anyway. 4. The wedding venue burning down so they have to get married at the house in the Hamptons. Which I said they should do long ago. 5. The world's fastest divorce in history. Even with a consent, it don't go that fast. Plus waiting period after the license issuance? Except we don't get a wedding, Instead we get a mysterious car running Castle off the road. Who said the Mombatross was dead? And who called it last week it wasn't the end. I did love Martha's speech to Kate. Thanking her for making her son happy. I really hoped that meant a happy ending. Nope, Marlowe just can't let these 2 be happy. He has to fuck with them because he is a miserable person who wants everyone else miserable.
  18. Alisha is still now owning anything about her life. Hence the anvil from her client that she IS part of the 1 percent. She just thinks of herself as this housewife from Chicago. She's only the governor's wife when she wants something. SHe is only a tough attorney when she wants something. The rest of the time she really believes she is just Mom. She does not accept she is a wealthy woman with power in her own right and power from her husband that most women just do not have. Since she has no power, she just floats along letting other people make decisions for her.
  19. Just this season. Best I can come up with is he got whammied by some artifact that screwed his hair up and they can't figure out which one it is is, so they can unwhammy him. Because no one would voluntarily have that haircut for more than 5 minutes. I would shave my head bald before being seen in public with that hairstyle.
  20. Don't do it Peter. Don't do it. You love Alisha. You need to work it out with her, if you want to keep her. An affair would be bad. Very bad. Canning is violating his fiduciary duty to the firm if he is driving away cases. He signed a partnership agreement that contains language about not hurting the firm. But oooh, pissed off Diane is a sight to see. As is snarky Cary. Good for you Cary pointing out how it feels to push around your own firm. But Cary please stop sleeping with Kalinda. You know she is just using you.
  21. Aaand this is how conspiracy theories start. There was a lot of mention of how if they won D & C would be the first father-son team. I remember all the talk about how an all-female team had never won. Then they finally cast the hyper competent Nat and Kat. The level of female contestants have declined since (IMHO).
  22. Really Country Girls whining that Connor and Dave are taking your first place? Really? You wouldn't even be trying for the final 3 if it weren't for them. Hell, you would still be trying to put your car together back in Malaysia (?) if not for help. This is the very first leg you had to do everything yourself without absolutely any help. I also noticed how generally angry you got that the goalie would not let you through on your looks alone. Am not looking forward to hearing Brendan and Rachel babble about having a baby if they win all next week. All the freaking time. Some people should not reproduce. Hey, did you know Dave is old? I had no clue.
  23. So as far as I can see, it's all Johnny's relatives who have caused mayhem, not his dad, not his mom and not him. Sure he got has been pictured partying and drinking while underage. What a shocking act for a college kid. The only thing he has done bad is screwed up at the Manning Football Camp.
  24. We already knew a Grimm could produce a non-Grimm offspring. The first time we met Mamma Grimm she said her brother never developed the abiity, while talking about learning from her father.
  25. I love when the people bring in letters from famous people and then are amazed it's not actually signed by the famous person. Like they have never heard of form letters or autopens. Who in this day and age has not heard of form letters? Do these people really believe that this famous person has nothing better to do than write personal letters to every single person who writes to them?
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