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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. What is it with you and daybreak.
  2. Another season in the books. Can we please not have Elliott next year? Josh may be annoying to some people, but there are people who like him and those who are indifferent. I haven't heard of anyone wanting to see Elliott and his douchebag antics. He just instituted a no booze policy ON the boat. Oh brilliant. We are out at sea in dangerous waters doing a dangerous job while exhausted let's drink too so our reflexes are even further impaired. And I really don't want to hear him talk about seeing his kids. That protective order that kept him from his kids was there for a reason. Sure Keith found a lot of opies fishing near the Russian border, but how much more did it cost him in fuel to get there and back? It is telling that he has stated he is not doing that again. Boy these ships are old. But still don't they update equipment, overhaul them ocassionaly? Like the Northwestern's block? It hasn't been replaced in 30 years of hard work? And the water pipes on the Maverick? Speaking of Jr. Too funny on the bait when he comes in sitting in a wheelchair. He did have a relief captain, who wasn't finding the crab. When you got bills to pay, you make tough choices.
  3. Translation: My doctor has been on vacation and I haven't had lipo in a month. Just tweeting I am at the gym so when I look skinny in photoshopped photos again, you will believe that excuse.
  4. Oh my. That didn't end well. Those houses were thrown up quickly without a lot of concerns about safety standards. Although it looks like Los Alamos was better than Oak Ridge with its dorms. Oh and those prefab homes -- asbestos walls. Oh goodie. I wish they had a Feynman character. His antics were awesome. He loved to break into the personnel files just to show how lax their security procedures really were. The only reason he didn't wind up in the stockade was that he was too brilliant to do more than be asked -- repeatedly -- not to do that again. It never worked. One thing about the spy storyline was you forget how many other inventions came out of all this research. It wasn't just the bomb, but all the other processes that went into making the bomb and monitoring the enrichment of the Product (never use the U word).
  5. So then at 73 she is already married to Kanye longer than to Humphries. Poor girl, she must be worn out with making her marriage last so long, probably needs a kid free vacation to recover.
  6. CNN helpfully pointed out that Kim and Kanye have been married for 73 days now. 6 more days and it will beat her marriage to Kris Humphries. Of course Kim wanted to adopt a 12 year old Thai girl. Unpaid nanny for North. Not paying a nanny means more money for vacations.
  7. It's gotta be better than losing out to sports overruns.
  8. They did a close up of the game last night of guys flipping through photos. And today Pettine noted that the tablets didn't work for part of the game. Stillshots will never leave us until technology is perfect.
  9. If any show connects to Without a Trace, then they are connected to the CSIverse, because CSI original flavor did a crossover with WIthout a Trace. The story started in Vegas and ended in NY with the Without a Trace gang helping to find a missing kid.
  10. I like Cris Collinsworth as one of the SUnday Night Football guys. Al is the best of course. But I think Al and Cris work well together. Sure he says something stupid ocassionaly or blows a call. But it's live tv and he is a human being. I prefer him over Joe Buck and definitely over I-an Eagle.
  11. That was my immediate thought too. I did not see the Joe Theismann break live. It was the one time I decided to study on a Monday night. I never did that again. I also did not see the actual break until a couple years ago when I looked it up on you tube. I knew it was bad, I didn't need to see it happen.
  12. My absolut all time favorite blooper was "movementum" by Ahmad Rashad. It was a Thanksgiving morning and he was doing the pre-game show before the football game. He was nervous because in the last segment he had proposed to Phyllicia Allen live on air and was awaiting her answer. She was announcing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and he asked the NBC folks to bring her into the studio to get her answer. This took awhile. He still had to keep reporting. He meant to say momentum but was so nervous it came out "movementum" To this day, I will still say "movementum" sometimes.
  13. The Verizon points commercial makes no sense. For some reason the moronic husband (a whole other rant) is standing in the backyard trying to get birds to land on him. Why? Who the hell knows. Meanwhile his wife is inside jabbering on about getting verizon points. How you get points and what you use them for is never explained. Because we have to see the husband have multiple birds land on him until an eagle comes along and takes off with him. WHY would I get verizon and accumulate points again?
  14. You have no idea what a woman would have done for stockings during WWII. Nylon was rationed. You couldn't get new stockings for love or money. It was wear socks or go bare (and some women did draw stocking lines on their legs with makeup). So bribing the women with stockings was the best way to get what the bosses wanted. Those woman probably hadn't seen a new pair in months.
  15. And by the way Greg Hardy was convicted of abusing his girlfriend. Nobody is talking about him and how he disgraced the League. On a happier note -- the NFL Network is airing the Gold Jacket dinner at the Hall of Fame for the first time ever. Of course, I am watching it. What a silly question. If you are a football fan, I urge you to take a trip to Canton. It is amazing. When you walk into the Hall of Fame Gallery with all the busts, it literally takes your breath away. Seeing them all lined up on the walls, you can believe they talk to each other at night.
  16. Awww I loved the baby New Year. But Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July was weird. It screwed with the mythology too. Apparently flying reindeer are not genetic anomlies created by the original ones eating magic feed corn. Nope fairy magic is involved.
  17. San Antonio is the new LA. Teams will tease SA into believing it will get a team as leverage against their current city. A team is not moving to SA anytime soon. Hell the Spurs won't even play in the Alamdome anymore. There is no way an NFL team will play there. I have always wondered why Florida and California have 3 teams each and Texas only has 2. New York doesn't count the Jets and Giants play in NJ.
  18. Oh yeah, Kelly stomping the shark with her stiletto. Michael Strahan wrestling the shark. So bad ass. For those who missed it the NIH Bear (the bear that was wandering around the NIH campus a few weeks ago and was tranqed then released in the wild) was live tweeting. Believe me, some of his lines were better than the movie. Also, I live in the DC area, the last thing I am doing during any catastrophe is getting on the Metro. It can't even run well on a good day.
  19. Oy, yes bad. But also gross too. Could really have done without him reaching into the shark's mouth to pull out his wife's hand (how convenient that it was the same shark from the plane that landed on top of the Empire State building) and pulling out the gun. Then just tossing the hand aside. Yuck. Also the people being sucked out of the plane -- truly frightening. And hey, old girlfriend from the neighborhood, did you notice he was trying to get back with his ex-wife. Not the time to be hitting on him. Yes SciFI cheesy bad. But you know if they do a Sharknado 3 I am soooooooo in.
  20. I missed that part. As if she hasn't had enough romance storylines already. Including the pick up the bad boy in a bar, get accused of murder storyline.
  21. I don't care how much they were paid to do it, it was not enough. They probably had to stick their hands in bleach for an hour afterwards, or something even more serious. Gah just the thought of having to touch that nasty ass that we ALL know where it's been makes me sick.
  22. No she really didn't. To her she should be able to write a private letter to her father without it being read. After all she knew she wasn't a spy so what was the problem? They should be catching the real spies not reading her mail. That was a very real attitude of the time. People did not get that if you even mentioned that you had lunch with General Groves' wife, you might give something away to the enemy. Plus SHE wasn't working on the project, so why she should have to follow security regs? It was tough on the families to be under the same regs as the scientists. The show did a great job of showing how everyone had to be so careful with what they did or say and the effect of keeping the secret on their psyche. Her blowup wasn't just that her mail was read, it was everything coming out over that.
  23. I get not wanting to pay if you didn't cause the accident. But in the commercial, the lady was the moron who caused the accident. Then was all "hey people make mistakes." HER attitude is why your rates went up.
  24. WOW. Did they get the tension right or what? These people are there to help end the war and save lives. But on the other hand, their mail was being read. Husbands couldn't talk to their wives about their work, even though they always had. The pressure of knowing you were working on THE weapon of the war, but couldn't talk about it drove more than one person on the Project around the bend. Yeah, I am totally in.
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