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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Rhondinella if you have not read her biograpy, read it. You will not only want to have a drink with her, you will willingly pay for said drinks.
  2. I hate when they do "competitions" with the guys. First of all, it is so fake and detracts from the show that is about cool items being pawned. Then they are always set up so that the village idiot that normally can't even seem to tie his shoes wins. Why? Because for reasons that escape me, Chumlee is popular. So they cater to the fans and have him win. So blatantly it is physically painful to watch.
  3. If Dave has some sort of immunity due to his being "too old" he shouldn't be on the race. As for strong teams, this is the guy who finished first in a leg while on crutches. IF they weren't such entitled, judgmental whiners, I would be rooting for them as a very strong team that has a good chance to win.
  4. This was it I am done. Really DB? Let's put an innocent person with small children at risk by putting her out there. Because apparently he forgot when his grandchild was KIDNAPPED. Even the DB we met in his very first episode would not have done that. I hate when they do character assassination just for the sake of the plot. Then there was the computer crimes chick. Who does everything from cyberstalking to financial crimes. And is apparently the only one in the US. A behaviorial psychologists no less so she can tell when someone she just met is lying. But has no people skills whatsoever. Whatever school gave her the degree should take it back. She never tried to track down the real Kitty, just put her picture out there with no thought of how it might affect her? Good thing Kitty cared enough to drive all the way from San Diego to Vegas to get it straightened out. Clearly her husband also just believed her that it wasn't her. No repercussions on her marriage at all. Which reminds me, the FBI never figured out it was blackmail behind the set up beofre this? Never followed the money? Yeah I love where my taxpayer dollars are going there. Oh and all that talk she had with the bad guy in the house? Completely inadmissible because she never read him his rights and he was clearly not going to be allowed to leave the building. Just so much wrong with this episode.
  5. And if the fox or the chicken is waiting on the other side.
  6. Sweeney is not dumb enough to drug Alicia. He knows he a needs a good attorney who has a good reputation to protect him from his less savory acts. If it ever comes out he drugged her, she won't represent him anymore, and even if she did, no one would believe anything she said about him because he messed with her perception of events one time. As for why FA keeps representing this guy? Money dear people money. Did you notice that FA gets a million dollar bonus from this merger. That's bonus on top on their time already spent on the deal. As long as the money is good and he doesn't cross the line too far, they will keep representing him. After all for our system to work even the slimy creeps need good representation -- for which they pay dearly.
  7. "what is your real name?" "Elspeth Tascioni" That's all I've got because my house got extremely dusty at the moment Finch gave himself up and it hasn't cleared up yet. If Decima harms Finch in any way shape or form or allows any harm -- I will personally rip out over single wire it has, then tie them into a big old knot and throw them into a volcano.
  8. You missed the ending of the Pete, Jinks conversation Pete: You don't. I do. Maybe I'm the gay one.
  9. Awesome, Alison will be there. You know it will be HIGHlarious then. Big announcement? A reunion show? Wait the town blewed up. They all meet up in Missouri? Oh please, please please.
  10. NO. You are not to ruin the wedding with the Mombatross. Just NO. Not that the wedding is all that compelling anyway right now. Oh gee, who will be Castle's best man? Who should have been chosen MONTHS ago. And remember the hissy fit Castle threw when he wasn't Ryan's best man? way to recyle show.
  11. My show is ending and the family may not stay together. Sniff, sniff. But OW that anvil hurt "when you love someone you want to see them happy." While Myka is bitching about giving her life to the Warehouse and not being able to find someone. Okay she was possessed but still ... I love AS singing. But oh gee singing one last song with your sister before she goes into a coma to save others is just heartbreaking. And boy has Claudia done a lot. Saved her brother from an interdimensional vortex, brought Jinks back to life. If anyone can find a way to save her sister, she will. When did Jinksie become such a sourpuss. "I want to be an FBI agent." FBI agent, Knight, comme si, comme sa. Did coming back from the dead remove his funny bone? Loosen up dude and have some fun. It won't kill you. Really it won't. Because it can't be said enough "Dear god what is up with Pete's hair?" Did no one involved in the entire production comment on it when he came back from hiatus?
  12. Oh the drill bit. C & D's whining drove that right out of my head. I so wanted Brendan to say it was a sinusoidal curve for determining alphanumeric to roman numerals. (hey I can snark on them for their actual stupidity).
  13. Exactly. I am sure the producers asked C & D how they felt about being U-Turned. The only response is "It's part of the game. We just gotta move on." There was absolutely no reason to keep going on and on about it and making fun of Rachel while they were whining.
  14. The problem for me with the mocking is they were mocking Rachel for one meltdown she had on one leg on a previous race. She got over said meltdown and did not refer to the problems again. Meanwhile, even after a rest stop, D & C were still bitching about being U-Turned. A legitmate part of the game. So they can moan and cry over more than one leg, but Rachel gets made of more crying on one leg? Yep, they are the "right kind of people." I am no fan of Rachel and she can get off my screen anytime. However, right now she is more mature than the 60 year old guy.
  15. C & J give blondes a bad name. True story: I have a blond friend. She is a wonderful person. But she drove home from an event once and wound up at the wrong house. The event was about 2 miles and very few turns from her home of more than 20 years. Even knowing this little incident, I would find her a stronger racer than C & J.
  16. Hi Finn, welcome to the Florrick-Gould political machine. Try not to get steamrolled. Despite the floundering with Zach, Eli was his old self tonight. Eli, I need 7000 signatures. Cook County or Federal? Cook County. Give me an hour. ME: Swoon. One advantage of Will's death (yeah that sounded wrong but it's a tv character not a real person), way more Diane in court. She is FUCKING awesome. And you notice she doesn't need last minute Kalinda to pull her chestnuts out of the fire. Kalinda just gave her the waiver and that's it. All the rest was Diane being Diane. Damn Renata is one sick twisted bitch. Perfect for creepy Colin Sweeney.
  17. Their "our kind of people" thing really rubs me the wrong way. It's code for believing certain things. And those things are not "let's all work together in a race that only one team can win" if you know what I mean.
  18. Oh ack gag, the country girls live again because of ANOTHER non-elim. This is why conspiracy theories start. Because honestly, those girls cannot race on their own. You notice the first time they had no help, they wind up dead last? They couldn't even figure out the Mustang clue without the Afghananimals feeding them where to find the answer. It was literally right in front of them and they were still "Uh duh, what? You mean we have to think for ourselves?" Connor and Dave making fun of Rachel for her meltdown from her last race was made doubly disgusting by their STILL whining about being u'turned. "I just don't understand them." Yeah, you don't comprehend someone wanting to win and rack up as many prizes as they can along the way. Although I did laugh that Brendan and Rachel u-turned Dave and Connor because they thought that leg was the cars, only for D & C to get the cars this leg. But honestly, it's a RAAAAAAACE. You are supposed to be comptetitve. I thought Connor was a competitive cyclist, surely he at least gets it. Still love my Cowboys, even as directionally challenged as they are. They just race and stay out of the damn drama.
  19. The one where Marcia loses her diary was just on. You know maybe if Marcia had not left it in the half open garage, it might not have gotten mixed up with the old books. BUt the thing that hit me that I never realized before -- Alice knows Lucille Ball's housekeeper. How cool is that? Of course, the show just refers to her as Desi's mom. Must have been a rights thing. I wonder what other starts' housekeepers Alice knew. Did they have housekeeper conventions where they periodically got together and bitched about their bosses?
  20. Let me get this straight -- the Kellers are hosting Thanksgiving. They invite their own flesh and blood. Boob - another invited guest - objects? Sorry, the correct response to that is "So sorry you can't make it Boob." The host decides who the guests are. If the guests don't like other guests that then the objecting guest does not go. That's called manners. Which of course Boob severely lacks.
  21. I had a headache so will need to rewatch this but some great lines. Hank: "I'm just a cop" to the Wesen victim. Wu and his arcane fry knowledge. Looks like he gets some other knowledge next week.
  22. That has to be the most awesome summary of the whole situation I have ever seen.
  23. Dr. Freedman was needed to counter all the silliness because despite all the yucks, the Doctors were seeing young kids shredded to death by modern warfare. Not that the Good Dr. couldn't do the yucks too. As noted, especially with Flagg. Who needed someone to put him in his place that had the rank to do it, but didn't give 2 hoots about army intelligence or lack thereof.
  24. I prefer a much more direct approach. Big Budget director has her come in for a screentest for a movie. She must be there at 2 p.m. When she shows up hours later, she is told, sorry some other actress who could be bothered to show up on time got the part. Preferably her greatest enemy. When there are real consequences for her actions, she might finally get it. Showing up late for the photoshoot had no consequences. She got to do it when she felt like it and the way she wanted. Not filming the show had no consequences. They just filmed when she felt like it. Instead of saying, oh you're not here for the photoshoot? This is Manhattan, we found another pretty blond who appreciated the word. Oh you didn't feel like filming today, we didn't feel like paying the rent on the apartment this month you are being evicted.
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