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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. West coaster here, since it’s the season finale wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the excellent snark this season. It’s been far more entertaining than the actual show. As crappy as this season has been, hope we get to do it again next year!
  2. Nothing says childproof decorating like a candle and container of greenery on top of a rickety crate 🙄
  3. I haven't been out of the house in a month, and it's been starting to wear on me. I took today off work and we went to Costco. I've been hearing that if you don't go at opening, it's been pretty quiet. Maybe so, but not today! There was people everywhere, and they were making very little effort to social distance. It was virtually impossible to stay 6 feet from other people. I didn't like it at all, and all I could think was, please don't let us undo all the staying at home with one trip to Costco 😒. Unless the virus slows down significantly, I think we're going to bite the bullet and use Instacart. At least the gas we got was cheap--I'm in WA state that has some of the highest gas tax in the country, and we paid $1.97 a gallon. They just announced that our county could move to Stage 2 (which opens restaurants and stores with limited capacity, hair salons, etc. at 9:30 this morning. We passed my nail shop at noon and it was already packed. I get it, I want a pedicure too, but it's going to take a few weeks without significant increases in cases before I'll go in there. Thankfully my hairdresser works on her own, and I got an appointment for Tuesday to get my hair cut and colored--I can't wait! I know there's a small risk there, but after being in Costco today it's like what's one more person?
  4. Logan looks different, I almost didn’t recognize him. Love Michelle’s shirt 😂
  5. Yes, yes they do, to the chagrin of mothers everywhere because the little darlings inevitably forget to mention it until you’re trying to get them to school that day. Or better yet, they remember once they’re already at school. Ask me how I know 🤦‍♀️
  6. Spokane has two Trader Joe’s now, one is ten minutes from me and I’m so glad to have it again. I missed it too when we moved here. Back on topic—I think they should shake things up for Season 12. They need to lock Kody and all the wives into one house and last wife left gets Kody! Would the wives get locked into a fierce competition to outlast the others? Or more likely, there would be thirty minutes footage of wives saying “I don’t want him, you take him”, followed by a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors to determine the “winner”.
  7. Quarantine Day 54: I had to lift up my glasses and get within a couple inches of the screen to see what was on Kootie’s crotch and it was the most entertainment I’ve had all day 😬. What shall become of me next week?
  8. Speaking of her pits, I saw this ad on Facebook and well, I’ll just leave it here 😉
  9. @Kyanight, thank you for sharing that with us-it made me think about what day to day life in polygamy is really like in a way that Sister Wives never has. What you wrote is really powerful. Thank you.
  10. I feel you, @ChiCricket. I love my family, but they are collectively jumping on my one last nerve. Even my beloved cat is annoying me. PMS and quarantine are not a good combination!
  11. A plant? That’s all I’ve got. I know open shelves are trendy, but I would never want them in my kitchen. Everything on those shelves will constantly be dusty and/or greasy. I don’t want to have to wash something before I can use it.
  12. That tile reminds me of something you’d see in a grungy truck stop bathroom.
  13. Christine may be flaky, but that post is sweet—it’s nice to see that she loves the Brush kids like they were her own grandkids.
  14. I wouldn’t be surprised if their quarantine activities included filling out bankruptcy paperwork once they run through all their equity loans. I can’t imagine what their monthly expenses are, and you know they’ve been holding on by their fingertips. Major retailers are having trouble selling clothes right now, there’s no way the LLR income hasn’t gone down. Plus Lizzies has to be losing money.
  15. Great recap, @laurakaye. I’ve gone back and watched a few older episodes recently and it’s very interesting to compare then and now. I would totally be up for rewatching and discussing old episodes. It’s not like I have anything better to do. I’m afraid we’re going to hit a wall where there’s very little new programming coming out. #firstworldproblems
  16. I wonder why they needed that money so urgently? Has filming for the next season been indefinitely postponed? Have Meri’s sales finally dried up? I can’t imagine there’s many people spending big bucks on Lulano right now. Inquiring minds want to know!
  17. Wow, just realized that Kody and Meri’s 30th anniversary is in 3 days. Wonder if they’ll even acknowledge it.
  18. So Kody was surprised to realize he’d have to court her affections? Arrogant is right. Guess he thinks every woman sees his beady eyes and Shirley Temple haystack and thinks “Mmmm, gotta get me some of that” 🤮 I still have the book sitting on my night stand unread, you’re inspiring me to crack it open. I’ve been busy reading library books.
  19. Your meal sounds better than mine, Kya! We had the gift card from Red Robin that our neighbor gave us after the Uber delivery mishap, so he got a burger and I got a chicken Caesar wrap. I didn’t care where we went, it was just so nice to get out of the house!
  20. I had a really nice day today, I was off work so Mr Kbo and I actually left the house! I put on makeup and everything! We ordered lunch for curbside pickup and then found a place to park and ate in the car. It was a beautiful sunny day so we rolled the windows down and got some fresh air with no kids around 😊. When we finished I ran into Target to get a few essentials and it was so nice to do something normal. And plus I love Target, I had to fight the urge to browse but I did. I even scored a 4-pack of toilet paper. And clearance Easter chocolate 😉. It was exactly what I needed to endure another couple weeks of seclusion. Hope everyone else is doing okay.
  21. Thank you all for talking me out of the Adirondack chairs. I wasn’t thinking about comfort, it was all about looks. Oh well, didn’t need to spend the money anyway. Even though my job is pretty secure I don’t feel good spending money right now. Our a/c is ancient and we planned and budgeted to replace it this spring, but now I’m hesitant. And then I feel bad because if we all hold back on spending the economy will tank even worse. Sorry for all the rambling. Isolation is getting to me 😬
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