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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. I imagine her pantry smelling like one of those natural food type places that stink to high heaven 🤮
  2. I just watched the episode where Christine tries to talk to Meri about her problems with Kody, and Meri basically tells her to suck it up. Heaven forbid Kody ever be expected to change 🙄. Then she tries to talk to Robyn, who says in her talking head that the wives agreed for her to join the family, if they hadn’t wanted it Kody wouldn’t have married her (yeah, right). Robyn’s attitude was, I don’t understand why Christine has a problem. They both reminded me how much I despise them. Especially Robyn, who keeps talking about how important her sister wives are, while making sure Kody gives her the lion’s share of the attention. The wives scrimped to get Kody a laptop for his birthday, and he pouted because it wasn’t a “fun gift”. Of course Robyn pipes up that she knew that he didn’t really want a computer. Such a wench. Poor Christine, Kody really treated her like crap and her crappy sister wives just piled on (with the exception of Janelle, who was probably off having indigestion after eating Fritos with peanut butter). Kody fawns over Sol and barely acknowledges Truely. Meri went on about how much more excited she was for Sol’s birth than Truelys. I sincerely hope she’s never seen the old shows, poor kid.
  3. Jemima Virtue 😳?!? That poor child, she and Spurgeon can start their own support group for people with truly awful names.
  4. So true! I’m into season 4 where Robyn just had Sol and they’re still in the Vegas rentals, yet they’re still talking about wishing they could have one house. They seem like a completely different family from what they are today. I feel bad for the kids who’ve had to pay the price for the adults terrible decision-making.
  5. I’m so with you. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, and have never felt less motivated to do something about it. I’ve been thinking about weight loss surgery when things ease up a bit. I know it’s not a magical solution, but I’m so tired of losing weight and gaining it back. It’s been a lifelong struggle 🙁
  6. There’s the concept for next season—1890’s Polygamy House! Watch the fur fly when the wives are forced to share a kitchen and make their own butter by shaking a jar!
  7. Love that third picture, she’s got the side-eye down pat 😂
  8. I hope Caleb’s job has good insurance. Even with decent insurance, you know it’s still going to be expensive. I work for a Fortune 100 company, and our only option is a high deductible plan. The annual maximum for one person is over $7,000. I hope they have something better, because obviously she’s going to need a lot of care. I wonder if Maddie will have to get a job at some point.
  9. Wait, so Janelle needs someone to hold her accountable, but she wants people to pay for the privilege? I can’t even wrap my head around this one. I hope no one signs up. Get off your ass and get a real job! That goes for the rest of them, too!
  10. It reminds me of one of those clothes ads they used to stick in the coupon section of the paper. The kind with young, blonde women in polyester pants they wouldn’t be caught dead in in real life.
  11. Poor little darling, it breaks my heart that any child should have to go through those kind of surgeries. I hope they can do a lot of the work while she’s too little to remember. Get well soon, sweet girl.
  12. I had no idea you could make butter in a jar. Still not doing it.
  13. Has she lost her mind? Does she honestly think people are going to CHURN BUTTER? Sure Meri, I’ve been working all day but let me pull out my churn (because we all have one in the year 2020) and work a couple more hours on the off chance I might win your stupid contest. For a 2 night stay in a place I have no desire to go. Let me get right on that 🙄
  14. Apparently I hate myself today so I played the video and dogs down the street started howling. I guess it’s Jill talking, but her fake sweet talk hits octaves I’m guessing are not audible to the human ear. I feel like I need to shake my head to clear it.
  15. Boo freaking hoo on how hard it is to go east. Try doing it for work and having to get up at what feels like three in the morning, and then going to meetings and trying to make sense. But wait, that would require an actual job. I was watching the old episode where they were talking about going into real estate, and Janelle said something about how she has to be busy 🙄. I’m telling you, the old episodes are gold if you want to think snarky thoughts.
  16. I tried my new shampoo bar and conditioner today. The shampoo lathered up beautifully, and it felt so good coming out of the shower I decided to just let it air dry without any product. I have curly hair so I always air dry anyway. BIG MISTAKE. My hair is so pouffy and frizzy I look like an electrocuted alpaca 😳. I’m starting to wonder if that shampoo stripped my hair or something? Praying that it goes back to normal when I use product tomorrow, I have an appointment with my hair stylist and I’ll die of embarrassment if she sees it like this!
  17. I saw that one too, and it made me furious on Janelle’s behalf. They were talking about how money was tight and it was a struggle to get things for their own kids, and then Kody wants to add five more people to the mix? Of course, the reality is that Robyn did bring money in a sense because that got them the show. If it wasn’t for the show though, I think the other wives would have revolted. I’m probably giving them too much credit. I just know there’s no way in hell I’d take money away from supporting my kids to pay for another woman and her family. It would be so interesting to see where this family would be if TLC and Robyn had never showed up.
  18. I ordered all natural shampoo and conditioner bars, I’m just waiting for them to arrive. I’ve never tried them before, really hoping I like them. Facebook has figured out I love bath bombs and handmade soap and now I’m barraged with ads. I try to resist but sometimes I’m weak, lol.
  19. It was sweet of Aspyn to send her mom a gift out of the blue. She’s always seemed like a genuinely nice person.
  20. I guess I was more naive back then, because I gave her the benefit of the doubt for far too long. Watching the episodes again, I don’t know how I didn’t see it 🤦‍♀️. Especially her protesting that she’s looking really hard for a job right after she married Kody. Uh-huh, like she ever intended to work a menial job again. Sure, Jan.
  21. I watched a few shows from Season 2 and realized I missed a lot when I originally watched it. I didn’t remember all of the passive aggressiveness that early on. For example: Robyn talking about Christine after she just had Truely—I’ve heard it’s much harder to recover from having a baby when you’re older. Meri talking to Kody—Do you like the way the tables are arranged? Robyn likes it that way, but I don’t like it. I’ve got to watch some more episodes, it was diverting to watch for the little jabs. And yes, I am extremely bored, why do you ask?
  22. Let us know how the Madison Reed coloring goes! I’ve been tempted to try it but never pulled the trigger. I colored my own hair for years but wasn’t thrilled with the results lately. I decided to have my stylist color and highlight it after the quarantine and I love it, but it’s not cheap 😲. It’s ironic that I have the best color job I’ve ever had and hardly anyone has seen it. Probably dumb to spend the money right now but it does lift my spirits a little so there’s that.
  23. That backsplash is going to look splotchy with food stains in no time, and I can’t believe anyone would put open shelving right above the cooktop. I’m not a fan of open shelving anyway, but that’s the worst possible place to put it. Even if the workmanship is good, when function is ignored the project ends up looking amateurish. Pretty sure we’ve done more analysis of their kitchen than they did!
  24. Joining the true confession group—we didn’t have much money when we got married, and our honeymoon was in Pigeon Forge. We got an old time picture dressed as bride and groom with a sign that says “Just Hitched” 😊. 27 years later I’m still a sucker for cheesy fun!
  25. @Yeah No, I am so sorry 🙁. I know words don’t help much when it feels like your world is spinning off it’s axis, but sending you big hugs and warm thoughts. Wait, make that cool, refreshing thoughts 😉. Hope they get your power restored soon!
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