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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. Okay, I know this show is a crap fest but I’m so happy they’re coming back 😊
  2. Good for Logan! Really admire his work ethic and for getting away from the TV circus. I hope he and Michelle have a happy life together.
  3. Did she forget her bra? Her girls are at her waist. Swing low, sweet chariots.
  4. Kbo


    Good grief, as if 2020 wasn’t already messed up enough now we have to worry about these two reproducing. What did we do to deserve this? I’m picturing a baby coming out with FT’s head of hair. Scary thought!
  5. That dress is pure 90’s, I’m surprised she doesn’t have a big bow on her butt. What bugs me though is that it looks like she’s wearing something underneath it or they tacked lace and it’s not the same color. It’s not like she would have been flashing people without it 🙄. They both look very happy though, and I hope they have a good life together.
  6. I’m imagining the wedding from Steel Magnolias, but instead of blush and bashful it will be purple EVERYWHERE. I will be SEVERELY disappointed if it isn’!
  7. Thanks for all the advice! I’m hoping it won’t be too bad for him. Poor kid only has a week off between semesters and he gets to spend his in recovery 🙁. I’m thankful it’s nothing more serious.
  8. My oldest son has to have his wisdom teeth out. I hate to do it during a pandemic, but we've put it off as long as we can, and he's in pain. I know a lot of you ladies have grown children, any tips for a smooth recovery? I don't know why, but tooth removal just absolutely grosses me out. I've already told my husband, you're the one who's going to have to change the gauze!
  9. Kbo


    From the sounds of her post, she wouldn't have a problem with that part 😂. Agree with everyone else, she needs to chop that mess off and start over with her natural hair, which is so pretty. If she did that and laid off the Sharpie eyebrow pencils, she'd look so much better.
  10. I totally agree. What bugged me is how she kept talking about how the church would be putting pressure on the family to shun her--um, what church? We haven't seen them involved with any church since they left Utah, except the Church of Kootie (and even that seems pretty non-existent at this point). If the family is shunning Mariah, it's because of what they believe. I do think Kody has issues with Mariah being gay. How that's playing out behind closed doors, I have no idea.
  11. @toodles, thanks for sharing something so personal. Sending you lots of hugs and healing vibes! This crappy year just won’t quit 🙁
  12. Kbo


    Can you imagine walking into a bank for help and you see that coming towards you? How can he think that looks good?
  13. Just took the test, I’m INFJ. Believe me, I didn’t need a test to know the introvert part 😂. When we went into quarantine my life barely changed! I was already WFH except for going into the office two days a month. Now I’m full time WFH until the virus settles down, and I have to admit I do miss my old schedule. Two days a month around coworkers was just the right amount of socializing 🙂
  14. Yes, so that he could listen to himself sing to enhance the “grand finale”
  15. So who wants to pay $20 for a personal message from Janelle? Form an orderly line, ladies. I can’t even type this without laughing 😂
  16. Actually, I would think that would drive most people away from Instagram 😂. I notice Audrey is wearing her engagement ring. So much for the breakup theories. They look happy in their squinty-eyed way.
  17. Yes please, @laurakaye! Would love to hear your reaction to the honeymoon episode 🙂. I rewatched it recently and it does not disappoint if you’re looking for snark!
  18. I totally understand about the hair--I got my hair cut and highlighted last week, and it really helped my state of mind. At least I'm not reminded of the pandemic every time I look in the mirror! It also convinced me I am NOT ready to go grey just yet. I'll be 50 in a few months, and I think I'll just deal with the upkeep for a few more years. I'll rock the grey someday, but I'm not there yet. It doesn't help that I had an "oops" baby at 42--I don't want to look like his grandmother! On the down side, while my hairdresser is doing extra sanitizing, she's not wearing a mask and has no intention of doing so. I was there the very first day she started seeing clients again so I wasn't too concerned, but when it's time to go back it gives me pause 😕. I really like her and I don't want to try to find a new hairdresser right now, but it's really awkward. What would my fellow COLs do?
  19. I’m sure you’re right, I wasn’t snarking on you 🙂. This show’s idea of interesting content is laughable, that’s all.
  20. What’s next, a segment where we watch the weeds grow?
  21. It got deleted before I could capture it, but someone eviscerated them in the comments. Basically said, with everything going on in the world you think anyone cares about this? You’re the most self-centered Christians I’ve ever seen, the hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Wonder how many comments of that nature they’ve deleted? I
  22. I almost said I’d pay an admission fee, but didn’t want to give Jill any ideas.
  23. It’s been a tough year...please let them live stream this hot mess of a wedding. We need this! Please, please, please, please!!!!
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