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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. I don’t know why the website is even up at this point. Seems like they gave up the pretense as soon as the tax write off for business losses expired. Robyn even said at one point that MSWC was good for them at tax time.
  2. Mariah reminds me of a 13-year old girl going through an awkward stage. All that’s missing is braces and acne. I don’t mind short haircuts for women, but both those styles are awful. And when you get a bad short haircut, there is no place to hide (ask me how I know, lol).
  3. I think it has a lot to do with how the kids saw Meri treating their mothers. No matter how much they try to deny it, the kids primary loyalty lies with their birth mother (in my opinion, anyway).
  4. That’s what she said. I’ll show myself out.
  5. If this last year has taught me anything, it’s that a depressingly high number of people aren’t very bright 🙁
  6. Kbo


    I’ve been rewatching the episodes leading up to their wedding and it’s refreshed my dislike of FT. From insisting on helping to pick out her dress to insisting she wear her hair down, he was a controlling asshat through the entire process. I guess they’re happy, but I can’t and don’t want to imagine procreating with that 🤮
  7. I’m bored so I went to check out Jill’s recent rantings on Facebook. Two things stood out: In Part 2 of the women shouldn’t work outside the home series, Jill says women who work are more likely to be unfaithful 🙄. Yeah Jill, we’re all a bunch of hussies just waiting for our chance to find us a man to cheat with. It’s been slow going this year considering I’ve been working from home. Gosh, why am I still working 🙄 Some of her followers think the COVID vaccine is an attempt to sterilize women. I just can’t with these people.
  8. Coming out of lurkdom to say thank you and everyone else for sharing their shingles stories. I had a mild case of shingles a few years ago but was too young for the vaccine 🙄. I just turned 50, so I should be a candidate now. With everything else going on I hadn’t thought about it, so appreciate the reminder. The mild case wasn’t fun, I don’t want to experience a severe case!
  9. I’m bored, so I went over to Cameo so I went over to see what she’s charging ($35), but was struck by how gaunt she looks in the pictures on her page. Yikes. https://www.cameo.com/christine_brownsw
  10. That last outfit is a lot to unpack. Wow.
  11. That looks revolting, I don’t want to imagine what it tastes like 🤮
  12. I wonder if Mariah is still going to school? Obviously this year has been anything but ordinary, but if she’s just hanging around Lizzie’s noshing on Rice Krispie treats she sure is wasting a lot of time.
  13. It seems like they have family pictures taken constantly. I can’t imagine having six kids and trying to coordinate everybody all the time. I only have three kids and it’s exhausting every time. Our last family pictures are a few years old at this point. Then again, we’re not trying to maintain a social media presence, thank goodness.
  14. All those people, no masks, no social distancing, what could go wrong 🤦‍♀️
  15. I did a double-take at that first picture, it looks like a dead baby on the floor. Those dolls are so creepy! That room is so confining I feel claustrophobic just looking at the pictures. And I feel terrible for the one poor girl with the obvious dental issues. It’s probably too much to hope that Jill could grift braces 🙁
  16. Apparently the new Cormoran Strike book (written by JK Rowling) has a serial killer who’s trans, which set off that diatribe. The new book hasn’t even come out yet, so pretty strong words for a book she can’t possibly have read.
  17. Remember in the 80’s when they blasted Noriega’s compound with rock music to try to make him surrender? If they’d had the Rod’s singing he wouldn’t have lasted a day 😩
  18. That’s a full plate of worries for anybody, no wonder you’re feeling anxious. Sending big virtual hugs. Can I gently encourage you to call your Dr. about getting back on meds, though? I know it’s hard, but just make that one call ❤️
  19. @Yeah No, are you doing okay? Haven’t seen you post in awhile. This thread has been too quiet, how is everyone doing? Nothing exciting here, just trying to get the kids ready for the start of remote learning next week. My first grader did get to meet his teacher in person today, so I’m thankful for that.
  20. Misunderstandings happen, but hope it doesn’t keep anyone from posting! @Gramto6, your step count is very impressive! And @Kyanight, I’m right there with you on the low step count. I’m working in front of a computer all day, so my exercise consists of trips to the bathroom or kitchen. I keep reading everyone’s comments here because I want to get inspired to do more. I’ve realized that depression has been creeping back up and it just makes it hard to do anything, even if you know it’ll make you feel better in the long run 🙁
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