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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. I can’t imagine being in a place where I’m not talking to my kids and being like “oh yeah, I need to get around to working on that someday”. Asshat.
  2. I watched this morning, been waiting all day to comment 😁
  3. Why did I click that link? Off to delete cookies before Amazon shows me “more like this” 😂
  4. If I told Mr. Kbo I wanted that cameo, he’d be calling the men with a padded truck (and rightly so). We have a See’s store nearby where you can pick out your own chocolates. I’m good.
  5. I miss Logan on the show. I totally respect him for getting off the crazy train, but he was always my favorite Brown offspring.
  6. Like they so often do, they gave away the best bits in the preview. I want to know WHY Kody is saying the trust was broken and intimacy ended before the catfish incident. Could Meri have had a real life affair? Was so annoyed they didn’t pursue that line of questioning. All the talk of fellowship made me think of Lord of the Rings. Is Koduche Pass the new Mordor? And more importantly, why would anyone want fellowship with Kody? Robyn was dressed like a JC Penney ad from 1987. Just as bad as LLR in its own way. I will not believe Meri is staying for any reason other than show money unless and until the show gets cancelled and then she stays. Not holding my breath!
  7. The Browns are “big hat, no cattle”. They are leveraged up to their eyeballs and it will collapse someday. The show gave them a chance to secure their financial future, but they appear to have sunk all their cash into land they can’t afford to develop. None of them know how to handle money.
  8. Agree about Ari groping Christine - why didn’t Robyn tell her to cut it out? Kids don’t enter the world knowing appropriate behavior, it’s our job as parents to teach them. If that was my kid I would have called them to another room and had a chat about how guests should be treated.
  9. It reminded me of one of my favorite memes
  10. Kody with a really bad mullet
  11. Kody, your adult children are painfully aware that your life revolves around your minor children. You just left off “that I had with Robyn”. You don’t give a crap about the others. Would you and Robyn have come if Truely wanted a party like that? Seriously doubt it. Hilarious that the nanny is the one who exposed the family to COVID. Leave it to Robyn to make a huge deal about it with that overly dramatic video, like they’re the only family who’s dealt with it in the last few years. Get over yourself. When Christine said her marriage has been in trouble the past 12 years, it occurred to me that Kody married Robyn in 2010. Total coincidence, I’m sure 🙄. I wonder if Christine is watching these episodes? I kind of hope she isn’t, because I can’t imagine how painful it would be to hear your husband say he’s relieved to find his belongings in the garage. She should have dumped them on Robyn’s front yard and set them on fire.
  12. Oh yes, that picture just screams “modest Christian woman”. Jill, you are a light to us all 🙄
  13. Me, too. Mr. Kbo mocked me so much I finally stuck it in the closet and I’ve never gotten around to actually reading it 😊.
  14. I was cringing so hard when they had Gage in the hot tub. Sure, he was having fun splashing around, but babies can get overheated quickly. Plus, if he pooped it would contaminate the whole thing. Gross, gross, gross 🤮 Not sure if the timelines are being manipulated, but they made it seem like Tammy went on this new downward spiral after finding out that Amy is moving. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was more screaming for attention. Did anyone else think it seemed like she was on something when she was doing the talking heads towards the end of the show? Tammy is so deep in addictive behavior it’s really hard to watch.
  15. After seeing the previews, I can’t wait for next week. Kody seeing his stuff in the garage makes me
  16. Kody saying he doesn’t know if he’d ever be forgiven if he tested positive for COVID tells you what he cares about 😡. And what Robyn cares about, for that manner. Janelle’s mom died, but all she cares about is her kids seeing Kody for Xmas? Kody gives the not-Robyn’s a peck on the cheek when he greets them, but Robyn gets the big hug and kiss. But he doesn’t play favorites 😡
  17. Robyn, don’t pretend you were close to Janelle’s mom. Stop trying to push out fake tears.
  18. I know what you’re saying, but it’s not just about COVID. There’s a myriad of ways Kody could have stayed in touch with everyone, but he made no effort because he doesn’t care.
  19. I will never understand why anybody would want this self-centered, narcissistic fur ball for a husband. Even if you can accept being neglected for yourself, how can you watch him causing your children pain over and over?
  20. Christine saying it’s hard for the girls to respect Kody when he clearly has favorites gives me life. Go Christine!
  21. Kody, just admit you want to be a monogamist with Robyn and stop blaming everybody else.
  22. You can hear the pain in Gabe’s voice and Kody won’t even acknowledge it. Kody, you’re the one who’s f’ed up. Love Gabe calling out that Kody made no effort to call or stay in touch. I hate Kody with the heat of a thousand suns.
  23. Hi, all! I watched this earlier on Discovery Plus but thought it would be fun to watch again with all of you. COVID is going through my house, I'm sick so I'm confining to my bedroom and I'm BORED.
  24. I think Ontreon knows that if he loses weight his wife is going to expect him to get a job and he doesn’t want that. I think as soon as she gets her green card, she’ll be out of there (if he lives that long). I wouldn’t blame her a bit. Side note on cinnamon rolls-Trader Joe’s has a canned version that’s pretty good. They’re expensive, but they’re also larger than Pillsbury’s version.
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