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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. Here’s an interesting article with different details from inside the courtroom: https://people.com/tv/what-it-was-like-in-court-when-josh-duggar-verdict-was-read/?utm_source=emailshare&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-share-article&utm_content=20211210
  2. Maybe he’s there to support his sister (Anna)?
  3. While I'm not at all surprised that Kody says he only has relationships with his kids through his wives, it was still infuriating to hear him say he didn't know Ysabel was in so much pain. WTH? I can't imagine being oblivious to a daughter in daily, intense pain. I guess since he wasn't the one in pain, who cares 😠 And how sad we all are that Kody's stuck with a lot that's not sellable, so he can't escape /sarcasm font . Kody, you made this situation, deal with it! He's a pathetic excuse for a human being. He deserves to end up alone and penniless, with none of his kids coming to visit.
  4. 4. All of the above and more, probably
  5. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know this is a small thing, but if you’re worried about oversleeping again Amazon has an alarm that is not only loud, but it has something you put under the mattress to vibrate your bed. I got it for my son who’s a heavy sleeper, and it works. It might take one worry off your mind while you get things sorted out. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BCKJFY4/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_EYHQZDBVYYQJV7H19CZH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Schrodinger’s Kody 😉
  7. Maybe Kody’s got andropause going on, he certainly has the irritability and mood swings. Also, if his testosterone is decreasing that’s even less motivation to have multiple sexual relationships going on.
  8. Deleted scene https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/robyn-brown-says-god-played-a-role-in-pushing-the-browns-out-of-vegas-in-deleted-sister-wives-scene/
  9. I wouldn’t consider that shiplap, that’s faux wood paneling that was all the rage in 1977. I get they’re on a budget, but all those different faux wood finishes against the real wood stairs just looks terrible. The stairs are definitely the best part of the addition.
  10. Just what every 16-year old wants, a window into their father’s heart 🙄
  11. If Tammy was on My 600 lb Life she’d rank right up there with Steven Assanti as one of the most dislikable poundticipants ever. I was ready to throw something at the screen when she kept calling Amy lazy. She won’t lift a finger to do anything but has the nerve to call someone else lazy? Seriously? I’m concerned about Amy, though. It seems like she hasn’t really changed her eating habits, and that’s not going to work long-term. Right now the surgery is doing a lot of the work for her, but if she doesn’t watch it she’ll start gaining again. I would hate to see that happen to her.
  12. Just finished watching, and seems like the only thing these people are good at is making each other miserable. They’re all in the bad place torturing each other (if you watched The Good Place you’ll understand that reference). They all need to part ways, because no amount of faux therapy is going to make this work.
  13. I totally agree, that wedding was pure gold! That whole season with FT was entertaining. I respect the kids who are living their life off camera, but as a viewer it was a better show when the older kids were involved.
  14. I watch because it’s fascinating to see the seething resentments simmering under the surface of everything they do. They’re all terrible actors, their body language says more than anything coming out of their mouths. I’m both embarrassed and slightly appalled at how excited I am for Sunday night 😁
  15. I was wondering the same thing, so when they showed the sign as they were leaving the rehab place I googled it and found this: https://windsorlanehome.com/bariatricweightlossprogram/ I don’t see any mention of mental health therapy, which Tammy so desperately needs 🙁. Anybody else remember that show about Brookhaven? They were supposed to be helping with weight loss there too, but in reality they couldn’t prevent people from ordering food in, and of course they did. It was basically a nursing home for the super obese. This place gave me the same vibe. Tammy is more unlikable than ever, I could not deal with her. When someone gives you a present, the correct response is THANK YOU! What an ungrateful piece of work. When she passes, who will truly mourn her without a sense of relief? Sad waste of a life.
  16. 🤮🤮🤮 https://okmagazine.com/p/sister-wives-kody-brown-flirts-in-new-cameo-video-after-christine-brown-ends-marriage/
  17. That’s rich. Tell us Jill, what do you and your lump of a husband ever deny yourselves? You only deny your children (food, decent clothing, an education) 😡
  18. I watched the documentary and wondered who’d be stupid enough to keep going with LLR after seeing how those two operate. I guess we have the answer 🙄
  19. I suspect he’s relieved. He’s made it plain he’s tired of the lifestyle, and he has no problem ignoring his kids, so more time for him to sit around playing on his phone 🙄
  20. Christine, good on you for respecting yourself enough to leave. No one deserves to be treated like the three of you have been treated. At the very least, Meri should be right behind you.
  21. Sorry, but his shoes are so wrong. The bride is, um, well covered? But they both look happy, and that’s what matters.
  22. Looks like what happens if you use latex paint over oil-based paint. Learned that one the hard way 🤦‍♀️
  23. https://okmagazine.com/p/sister-wives-stars-kody-brown-and-wife-robyn-brown-reportedly-owe-in-taxes/ Once again the Brown clowns are delinquent on property taxes. Shocking, I know 🙄
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