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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. I’m with everyone, the tedium is wearing me down. I’m taking a day off work tomorrow for my mental health. Even though we can’t really do anything, at least I won’t have work stressing me out. I’m having to fight the urge to indulge in some retail therapy. So tempting when everyone is having sales. Cost Plus World Market has these Adirondack chairs in cheerful colors on sale and I want them. But I don’t need them. But they’re red and 40% off 🤷‍♀️
  3. I don't fault Maddie for screaming or making whatever noises she needed to make to get through that experience. What I don't understand is why you would want that filmed for the entire world to see. I know everybody's different, but I'm a private person and to me giving birth is an intensely personal experience. There's no way I'd ever allow cameras to film that, no way, no how. The only pictures we have are from after the baby is born 😉 On a petty note, I couldn't stop staring at that hideous top Robyn had on when they were at the mortgage company's office (black and white checked with flounced sleeves). It was so matronly and unflattering, she dresses like a frumpy 60-year old.
  4. Same here in Washington state. It’s hitting me that the kids are going to be in the house full-time for the next five months. Deep breaths, one day at a time...
  5. Out of respect for anyone who is eating right now, I’m not going to elaborate on what this looks like. I think we all know 🤮
  6. Watching Meri stand by the truck so obviously wanting Kody to hug her was painfully awkward. I don't think it's just that he doesn't care about her anymore, he is out to punish her. I think he has so much anger still over the catfishing incident. He tried to pretend he forgave her, etc. etc. but it's so clear he hasn't. They either need to get real or just go their own separate ways. If she's staying for the money, she's earning every penny. When Kody was objecting to Robyn moving halfway to Sedona, did anyone else notice he said he couldn't be that far from his KIDS, but never mentioned his wives? I'm convinced he doesn't want to do polygamy anymore, but if he cuts off everybody but Robyn there goes the show. It will be very interesting to see what happens when this crapfest finally goes off the air. When Robyn said she wished there was no legal marriage, I rolled my eyes so hard I could read the tag on the back of my shirt. Once they were legally married, I picture her going into the backyard at night, trying to pick up a handful of dirt and settling for dirt under her fingernails, and doing her best Scarlett O'Hara impression: "With God as my witness, I will never be a spirit wife again!" When Kody offered to stay with Janelle and she quickly turned him down, you could almost see her thought bubble....OMG, I've already dealt with a toddler all day, if I have to see this man tonight he's going to end up in a shallow grave. Wait, digging is hard. Maybe I could find some tall weeds and throw a few leaves on top. Yeah, that could work.
  7. Have a story that might lighten the mood a little. My two oldest kids were both working last night, so Mr Kbo and I decided to try ordering something from Uber Eats. We ordered from a local restaurant we’ve never tried before, and we’re excitedly waiting...and our food never shows up. To their credit, Uber Eats responded really quickly and said the driver didn’t follow procedure, and we got our money back. Fast forward to this morning, and I see the following post on Next Door 😂. Glad somebody enjoyed our food! She posted a picture of the receipt, it was our food all right. But with things being so dismal, if it brightened her day I’m glad.
  8. You’re not alone in being scared. How could any rational person not be scared? Just trying to take it one day at a time.
  9. Trying to imagine 26 years with that douche canoe. Shudder...run, Christine, run!
  10. Agree, they need to be there in tents during the rainy season when the flood plain lives up to its name. I had the feeling this entire episode that we were watching a re-enactment like they do on true crime shows. All of Robyn’s fake boo-hooing with no actual tears, and she kept saying the same thing over and over like she forgot her lines. I’ve disliked Robyn for a long time, but this episode made me want to smack her. Grow up, you big whiny, frumpy, waste of space. Next week looks very promising, though. I’m surprised all that cheap polyester didn’t create a fireball just from being in close proximity to an open 🔥
  11. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to take the thread off-topic. I will be more careful going forward. I totally understand the need to escape from reality ❤️
  12. We normally keep the big packages of toilet paper in the garage, since they’re bulky. The other day Mr. Kbo pulled them in the house because he’s afraid we might leave the garage door open and someone would take it. I was like that’s a good idea, and then it struck me, is this what we’ve been reduced to as a society? 😣 As for Christine and family, I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable flying right now. Hope they don’t end up regretting that decision.
  13. “I am not an expert”. Understatement of the year.
  14. They just closed all Washington state schools for SIX WEEKS. I get why they’re doing it but it’s going to be a long six weeks. At least my husband is home during the day so he can corral our 7 year old. My older kids will be doing school online. I really feel for families with two working parents and no childcare. Such a stressful situation.
  15. I don’t blame you a bit. It’s enough to make you lose faith in humanity. I only stay on to share pictures with distant family and friends.
  16. I got the book a few weeks and haven’t started it yet. Sadly my husband found it and I’ve been enduring his mockery ever since. He asked if we should mark this as the start of my intellectual decline. I looked down, scuffed my foot on the floor, and muttered “Probably “.
  17. My company just extended our internal travel ban through the end of April (initially it was just through March). Plus they’re encouraging everyone to work from home. I feel blessed to be in a position to do so, I feel for people who have to be out dealing with the public all day. All the people on Facebook saying it’s nothing are driving me crazy. Pretty sure the people in ICU fighting for their lives wouldn’t call it nothing. Nor the families who’ve lost a loved one. So many people just seem to care about themselves 🙁
  18. How tight is that bra to create that flap under her arm? Put a shirt on for pete’s sake.
  19. I’ve dreamed of going to Prince Edward Island ever since I watched Anne of Green Gables (the one with Megan Followes) years ago. I definitely hope you post pictures when you get back! It’s so beautiful. Makes me want to pull my old DVDs out, I haven’t watched it in awhile. That version was so perfect to me, even though I love the books I won’t watch the new Netflix version. I turned it on for a couple minutes and said nope! I feel the same way about the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. I don’t think anything could top that for me.
  20. Jumping on the kitty train (funny how so many of us have cats), here’s our rescue named Lucas. That was the name the shelter gave him and it stuck because my boys like Star Wars, George Lucas, etc. He’s my baby, he sleeps in my office while I’m working and hangs out with me at night while I watch bad TV 🙂
  21. It’s not just international travel that my employer suspended, it’s all domestic travel, too. If enough companies do that, it’s definitely going to impact the economy, that’s for sure.
  22. I’m in eastern Washington, and the outbreak feels close. My Fortune 100 company has suspended all travel through the end of the month. I was supposed to go to India on the 29th, but that had already been canceled. I’m so relieved I don’t have to go—that trip is super hard anyway, last thing I want is to risk getting sick or quarantined in a third world country! Plus we’re allowed to work from home for the duration. Our Seattle office is closed because somebody was exposed (not Amazon, lol) Our Costco locations are sold out of all wipes, TP, hand sanitizers, etc. I can’t say much because we were out trying to stock up this past weekend ourselves. I was more focused on filling our freezer than anything, so that we have plenty of food on hand. I also don’t get the run on bottled water. It’s not a hurricane, people! I’m just trying to make sure that if we need to stay home for a few weeks that we can.
  23. Loved the expressions on everyone’s face when Meri says they can all meet at her house. They looked like they’d just gotten a dinner invitation from Jeffrey Dahmer. I’ve never been involved in building a house, but since they have to run all the utilities wouldn’t it be astronomically expensive to have the houses 150 yards apart? Not that common sense is ever a deciding factor with this bunch 🙄
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