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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. Why did I hit play? When I close my eyes I see ugly prints swimming across my eyes. Make it stop! But seriously, I can’t conceive of a more inconvenient way to shop. Are these people watching all shut-ins with nothing else to do? Even if I thought their product was amazing there’s no way I’d sit through that crap. I just don’t get it.
  2. Kbo


    It looks like she drew them on with a Sharpie.
  3. This post makes me want to slap her silly. I’d be joyful too if I spent my days in coffee shops pontificating to sycophants whose collective IQ must be in double digits to take this drivel seriously. I seriously can’t wait for their z-list celebrity to fade away so that these idiots have to get real jobs. Who am I kidding, they’ll grift until the end of time. I just hate that social media not only encourages but rewards such vapidity. I weep for humanity.
  4. I keep picturing Kathy Bates doing that in Fried Green Tomatoes 😂
  5. Kbo


    My eyes are rolling so hard I can read the tag on the back of my (non-LLR) shirt.
  6. Kbo


    Agree. She needs Burt’s Bees lemon butter cuticle cream. It’s the only thing that keeps me from getting hangnails in the winter.
  7. Did you see Mariah’s leggings? Horizontal stripes, for when you want your ass to look like it needs it’s own zip code!
  8. We need a group photo of everyone standing in front of a rundown looking building with lots of weeds, as we stare pensively into the distance contemplating how woke we are. No black and white pictures though, we need to show off those leggings #livingourwhy
  9. I just saw this on Facebook marketplace, who wants a new pair of LLR leggings? I call dibs on the balloon animal print. I was just thinking the other day, I bet my ass would look awesome covered in balloon animals and here they are 😉
  10. I don’t quite qualify as an old lady but count me in. My memory sucks and most people under 30 annoy the crap out of me 😋
  11. I just googled “lesbian sneaker” and got some results that were not what I had in mind 🙀. If I die, can one of you please erase my search history so my family doesn’t think I had a second life going on 😂 Meanwhile, I still have no idea why white sneakers are queer. And I think I’m okay with that.
  12. Kbo


    I have a visual of FT sprawled back in a recliner. “Babe, take my picture”. FT belches, transfers his taco to his other hand, and quickly snaps the photo just before taco sauce lands in his lap.
  13. For a second I thought you were referencing a picture of him in tight pants. I’ll see myself out.
  14. I had to go look and see how old Renée is—she’s not quite 17. Does Jill seriously expect people to believe a 16-year old wrote that?!? If she actually has a kid that talks that way, it would make me even sadder for the kids. But I’m not buying it, unless she teaches lessons on random capitalization at the SOTDRT.
  15. I don’t recall seeing these kind of pictures when they lived in Vegas. Stalking a sister wife at a farmers market is creepy. Mind you, I would probably snap a few pictures surreptitiously and tell all of you about it, so maybe I’m no better 😬 Janelles feet/legs look like she’s lived in a cave her entire life. I’m very fair myself, but her legs are cadaver white. Although those pictures looked so sad I feel bad for saying it.
  16. Robyn’s outfit looks so matronly. She’s the youngest of the four but she doesn’t dress like it. The hair doesn’t help, either. Clinton and Stacy would have a field day with this group - I would pay money to see that, I kid you not!
  17. That car seat strap makes me want to vomit 🤮
  18. After only a month on the market they’ve dropped the price of their house by $10,000. Its a 5-bedroom house, it doesn’t seem like they should be out of space. Are they desperate for money? https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/anna-and-josh-duggar-drop-price-on-arkansas-farmhouse?cid=psc_uu_fb_evo_editorial_cel&content_id=fb%3A3vh.hiugs6m32xoj27ydxsxpb2eepjzmx7ib.nb2hi4dthixs653xo4xhezlbnr2g64romnxw2lzvgeztamjx
  19. Kbo


    That top looks like something an unfashionable 80-year old would wear on a cruise while playing bingo.
  20. Same! I always think of you guys as I watch, though. I’m kind of sad this season is ending, no new shows to snark on for awhile. Thank goodness we have their social media to keep us entertained. It’s hard to remember the dark ages of reality TV before social media, when you actually had to watch the show to know what the cast had been up to.
  21. Oh my, just saw this and realized Jill and company were only 20 minutes from my house. I’ve eaten at that restaurant. I suddenly feel like I need a shower. I suspect I know which mall Timothy frequents, I’ll have to keep my eyes open if I’m there on a Saturday 😉
  22. Was just laughing over the live chat comments about Kody posing in his kilt. You know he’s imagining himself as a Highlander on the cover of a romance novel 😂. Here’s how it’s done, Kody:
  23. Thanks, I feel stupid. Then again, it’s simply never occurred to me to take my picture in a mirror 🤷‍♀️
  24. Wait, have we discussed the tattoo? First picture no tattoo, second picture huge tattoo. What is it with these people and trees? You’d think they’ve spent their lives on the moon and had never seen foliage. It could almost be an ode to Prairie Dog Plague Flats if there was an actual mountain in the distance.
  25. I finally got to finish watching the episode. I downloaded it before I left on a long business trip and was intending to watch it on the plane, but I just couldn’t do it. If a coworker sees you watching this crap, how do you come back from that? Anyway, some random thoughts: That venue was stunning. Way better than her sisters choices. Especially the taco time wedding. I think Aspyns giggling was just nerves. She clearly was uncomfortable being the center of attention. I get it, I was the same way when I got married. This episode made me like Mitch a lot more. For the first time he really seemed in love. I hope they’re happy. Kody was such an ass. That day was not about you, dill hole. And dancing before the bride and groom? Really?
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