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Commando Cody

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Everything posted by Commando Cody

  1. I wanted to know when this was taped. Mel B's birthday was on May 29th. I figured the singer's performance of the Elvis song was just too slow and boring to show all of it. I didn't like the opera singer. Her voice sounded like it was all over the place. I find the life of the 87 year old woman fascinating. She is so vibrant and happy for her age. She doesn't have enough talent to continue in the competition, but she is really admirable. I'm sorry to hear about the dancer's vision. Judging him on his talent, he needs a lot more training. I found the ladder guy's first audition much more entertaining. It was awesome the way he went up and down the ladder. Still, balancing on a ladder is pretty impressive. It's weird, but it left me with "Is that all there is tonight?". I like the Craig Lewis Band. I don't think they needed the GB. However, I don't think any of the other acts were worth using it on. Wow. The bus crashing team was really lame. What the hell. The guy rode his bike up and down a ramp - through some large burning arch. It was really pretty sad. When he finally runs through the burning wooden wall, he wipes out. It's great if you can be middle aged dads and still move around like they do, but that's as far as it goes. DM Nation is too busy for me. There was a lot of arm waving. Where the hell did the Chippendoubles come from? I do not remember seeing them before. They sucked donkey balls. I don't know what went on with the hypnotist. Sorry Scott the comedian couldn't remember his lines. I really enjoyed his act the first time. I'm still not impressed with the choir. Maybe it was the song. Seriously. -They picked the kid dancer over the much better woman dancer. Even in the little clip they showed of her, she was tons more talented than he was. -They picked fucking puppets over the magician. What the hell is going on here?
  2. Hogan's Heroes is one of the shows where they were pretty consistently recycling actors. I also recently noticed that Ty played two different vampires. I think I realized it the last time this episode came around.
  3. I would totally watch a Donna and Jodi-o show. They could use Jodi's home for wayward girls as a backdrop, but it would need to stay way in the background. If it was just Jodi and ex vampire girl, I think it would be good. I'm generally opposed to how people from MN are portrayed, but over time I really have learned to like Donna. Some people do talk like Donna does, but I get tired of being used to bring the point home that they're from MN and everybody talks that way. It's kind of a caricature. The expression on Jodi's face when she was flashing back to when her husband was killed made me tear up. Overall I enjoy this episode. Donna's initiation into the freaks and freaks club. I liked that she accepted it all so well. Accepted might not be the right term, but I can't think of a more accurate word right now.
  4. Both? I am very skeptical about how these two shows will mesh. I will be very impressed if they can successfully pull it off. The only character I can see getting excited about all this is Hodgins.
  5. The Soup used to make fun of Ang quite a bit. I think I saw her on something that wasn't her TV show and she seemed rather sweet. I hope that's the case here as well.
  6. I think Penny was brought in during her year just for the drama. There was another woman a couple of years ago whose name I can't remember. I think she was a plant as well. She was annoying, but a couple of people actually liked her. A lot of these people who keep turning up on different shows, do "reality" TV for a living. I didn't think much of Dom from the beginning. The only reason he's still on the show was because Emelia screwed up so badly. If she had only just stumbled during her segment instead of making fun of people, I'm pretty sure Dom would be gone. All she had to do was be better than Dom. Which pretty much meant not running away from the camera.
  7. With all the other talent on the stage, they put that crappy band through. It was good to see Piff again. The lady who shot the apple off of her own head was amazing. I was more impressed with the 13 year old Mexican girl singer this week than the first time she was on. The rest was all pretty mediocre. I find the multimedia dancing too distracting. It makes it more difficult to see the actual dancing. *Sorry, I made a mistake with the title. It should be episode 8. I do not know how to edit it.
  8. What happened to the first white male ballet dancer who auditioned? I thought the was better than the Asian dancer. I don't even remember the black dancer from the auditions.
  9. Ty was the first robot on Eureka? I was going to watch the series again, but Netflix only had the last two seasons. I think that's when they turned it into the Felicia Day show, so I didn't bother. I think I have the first season DVDs somewhere. If I had watched, before I read this thread, I wonder if I would have recognized him.
  10. I think at elimination, Dom knew it was either he or Emelia. It came off as if he knew she was getting the boot. I think he just knew the other guy wasn't leaving the competition. Did Emelia have too much booze while she was cooking? Just saying she's an alpha and taking a risk doesn't excuse anything. It was really bad. I was about ready to fast forward because it was just making me wince. It was almost like the wine she and Michelle were drinking, gave her a little too much courage. I thought Arnold did well with his presentation. Eddie pretty much knocked it out of the park. Or a touchdown - I guess.
  11. The guy just might be tired and cranky right now. If he was well rested, maybe he would have handled things differently. Or possibly it may have been the last straw in a string of other mishaps and it was the airline who received the brunt of his bad day. Little things can set people off on certain days. Other days it may have been handled better.
  12. Who was the new woman contributor on the show tonight?
  13. They had a man sitting in the front row at the press conference, who looked like the 11th Doctor.
  14. I never saw the chemistry between Parker and Hardison. I liked her with McSweeten. I don't know if they could have worked out their differences in the way they lived, but I thought he was really cute when he was around her.
  15. I finally got hooked up with Netflix and watched the pilot last night. I never saw it when it first ran. I think I found Leverage around season 3. I am used to the edited show they air on the network channel. I had no idea how much was cut out. I didn't find what was cut out a very necessary scene anyway, but it was kind of like watching the episode for the very first time.
  16. Here is what Wikipedia has on Pia Zadora and Pickfair. Pickfair was the old Hollywood home of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickfair#Sale_and_demolition Pia had all the resources in the world, while married to her billionaire husband, to make it big. Yet she only gained a small amount of fame which she seems to be barely clinging to. Other than having no real talent, Hollywood probably doesn't like her. I thought Pia had two daughters, but there was no mention of them on the show. They would be older than the son, so maybe they're off on their own. Cloris was probably right. She has been a vegetarian for years. Eating meat probably would kill her. Trying to make her wear a fur coat wasn't very nice either.
  17. Santa Claus Conquers The Martians? "Will you buy me a Golden Globe, then?" She tore down Pickfair and claimed it was because they had ghosts. That club she had didn't look very big. Pia kept complaining about the granddaughter not picking up after herself. Cloris had the same complaint about Pia's son. Cloris was hilarious rolling around in those huge gloves.
  18. This show seemed heavy with montages. -I didn't like the rock band. The singer wasn't very strong vocally. -The choir didn't do anything for me. -Once again, the dads dancing were fine for being old, maybe even impressive for their age, but I think they are at their peak. What do they do next? Do they strip? I'm not even sure that that's a good idea. -The duo singing together seemed to harmonize well. It was hard to tell because we only got a small clip of what they do. -One guy breaks watermelons with his head and the other drinks eggs. Both have nowhere to go from here, but okay. -Pretty Big probably won't go pretty far in this competition. Their moves weren't all that sharp. It just seemed like a feel-good novelty act. -I was glad that Vox wasn't a pop vocal group. Not my thing anyway, but, to me, they sounded good together. -Sex expert? WTF. I have to admit though, Nick going in for the kill was kind of hot. Apart from that, it was a big waste of time. It's weird that they ended the show on a no.
  19. Dang. I didn't think that show was coming back, so I took it off my dvr. She doesn't seem like the fun, game playing type.
  20. I would rather just see an age limit. If they started a show like "Kids Got Talent", it would open the door for every crackpot parent who thinks their child has talent. I don't think a show like that would be good for the children. I don't know if a show like this one is good for the children as it is, but since it isn't specifically for kids, there are probably fewer traumatized children.
  21. I don't know if the producers would be comfortable in getting rid of all the judges at once. It don't mind Howie. It would be nice to get rid of Heidi.
  22. I turned on Supernatural on TNT this morning, and instead found a movie from 2010 called The Losers. With Jeffrey Dean Morgan. It's one of those lighter toned mercenary type movies. It doesn't seem to be graphically violent so far. Zoe Saldana isn't a very good actress - or maybe she's just not trying very hard in this movie.
  23. I was going to cancel the re-watch after season six ended this time around. I got sucked into season 7. It wasn't as bad as I remember it. I just finished season eight again. Season 9 isn't doing much for me, but for whatever reason I'm still watching.
  24. I have no idea where the watermelon head guy goes from here. I don't really believe it's a record without a judge there to make sure all the watermelons were broken. Some of them looked questionable. I liked the five year old girl. She was so cute. Not enough to keep her going in this competition. My hearing must be really terrible. I couldn't understand a word she was singing. Someone blew up while sitting in a vehicle... and she's a grandma. Whatever. A dude likes to jump off cranes. He would probably do better being a stunt double in Hollywood.
  25. This episode has always bothered in that Sam and Dean never got rid of Abaddon in the first place. Since she was all in pieces, they didn't even need to get all of her body parts out of the trunk. Was it ever explained as to why they still had her? It really was pretty predictable after Sam and Dean left the room that she was going to put herself back together. I didn't really have any other issues with this episode except for Cas taking up with Marv.
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