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Commando Cody

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Everything posted by Commando Cody

  1. Just as i read this, the villain on TV started laughing just like that. Then everyone on TV just sat and laughed - just like that. It kind of freaked me out. I think Sam has been fine with dying for years now. It looked to me like Death's death was accidental. I think mid swing Dean couldn't do it and Death was standing too closely. I just watched the episode where Crowley was explaining that the scythe was rumored to be the only thing that could kill Death. Of course it was only a rumor, but Death did crumble pretty thoroughly.
  2. I thought we learned Angela's name when she and Hodgins got married.
  3. I kind of thought they would somehow wrap things up this way. I was glad to see Victoria end up with Johnny. I forgot all about him.
  4. This was just weird. I know nothing about the Siegels. Did she actually have all those kids? I think having the nanny teach babies to crawl is really going too far. I can't imagine missing those moments. Knowing nothing about either couple or heard of either of them, the people with the one kid did seem down to earth. The Siegal lady was right about one thing though, they do have to ditch the kid once in a while. Although not to the point where your kids are pretty much saying just leave already.
  5. I wanted to know what was going on with that giant furry monster - the one Howard hated and they didn't show the act. That thing was walking off the stage and I"m thinking I want to see that. Instead, we had to watch some kid shoot milk out of his eye. The problem I had with the girl singer was she only half good. It was impressive that she can belt out some lyrics, but she was pretty much a nothing at the beginning of the song. I don't think singers even bother to learn how to sing softly anymore because their depending on wowing the audience on how well they can sing the big part. To me, it's only singing part of a song well. I liked those two male singers at the beginning. One of the guys voices was too high for my taste, but I thought they sang the song well. I would have liked to hear some harmonizing. I started noticing the Heidi "glasses" thing tonight too. Probably because so many pointed it out already. That's kind of weird. I don't like danger acts. I have nothing more to say about that. The 87 year old lady sang great for an 87 year old lady. Even for a 60 year old lady. Being a horny 87 year old woman shouldn't really give you a pass. She was another one who seemed to hit the big notes pretty well. Just not the regular notes. I was starting to wonder if she was going to let go of Nick. Good for her in believing she can still get the young studs. Maybe she does. Did any of you think that the regurgitator man was hitting on Nick? He also looked like he was checking him out at the end before he walked away. The all woman hip hop group in the beginning looked pretty sharp. I didn't hear how old the sight impaired kid was or how long he's been dancing, He might have potential, but he has a long way to go. More muti-media dancing. It's not really different anymore. I thought last year's couple were better. This year's director was Val. It wasn't as funny as Howie made over last year's director. I can't remember his name. Even though Howie repeated it several times. Another waste of the golden buzzer. I thought maybe they would save that thing for acts that they loved that the other judges hated - like those Kung Fu defense guys from last year that Howie and Howard thought were great and Heidi and Melb just didn't get it.
  6. I wondered years ago why Paula was on American Idol when SYTYCD was a much better fit for her. She never was much of a singer, but I knew she could do choreography. I was kind of bored. The dancing was technically good, but none seemed to have that "spark" that I need to see when people dance. I think they in showbiz call it "It". I did kind of like that Ballroom dancer Hip Hop guy. I think telling him Hip Hop Ballroom wouldn't get him very far was kind of lame. Unless he has to dance that way through the whole competition, but I think if that's there reasoning, he had a leg up on all those guys who just lock and pop or whatever you call it. My problem with that kind of dancing is that it's so localized that they don't use much of the stage. The barely move around at all. I assume they still hire people to do choreography and everybody is going to have to stretch themselves a bit. I don't know what Jason is doing there. What happened to Mary?
  7. I think the Hexenbiest story has become a little like the TV show Charmed in how they handled how powerful the witches were. It started out as the three main witches were supposed to be the most powerful witches ever. Okay. Cool. Along comes Piper's first son, Wyatt. A baby so special that all the magic stops on the day he's born. Along comes Adelind's daughter and stuff happens they day she was born. I can't remember the hijinks associated with Diana's birth. I think it was storms or power outages or something. Just so we, the viewer, know how special she is. On Charmed we have the three most powerful witches ever. Along comes Billy in season eight. She is now the most powerful witch ever. Now on Grimm. Juliette wasn't born a hexenbiest, but she accidentally acquires some powers and turns into the most powerfulest, specialest Hexenbiest ever. Will the most powerful witch ever, ever stop? I didn't like Adelind to begin with. After she lost her powers I thought the writers wised up and got rid of her for good. I pretty much believed her story ended and the writers had everything all tied up there. It seemed to be the one time they actually tied up a story line. I have some suspicion that the reason they brought the character back was because they were all sitting around the writer's room listening to Elton John. One says : "What's a good tagline for next year?" How about "The Witch Is Back".
  8. Most of what I think has been covered. However: - I would like it if they just got rid of all the judges and just had a host to introduce the acts. That way, we would have fewer individuals influencing the outcome of the shows. Since that would never happen, at least get rid of Heidi. - Absolutely no backstories. The host comes out and introduces the acts. All he can tell us is where the act comes from. If an act reaches the final, then we can learn a little more about them. I don't think acts should advance because of emotions. That's not fair. - If it was totally up to voters, stupid acts like the "professional" cuddler would have never been sent through. - Get better directors. - Get better editors. I don't know why they cut away from the acts to see how astonished the judges are. It is just another attempt at viewer manipulation anyway.
  9. The way Howard was sitting back - not looking interested - It looked like he didn't like Piff at all. I was surprised that Howard liked him that much. I thought he was pretty funny. I feel like Howie wasted his golden buzzer moment. The kid was going to go through. He should have saved it for when he thought the kid wasn't going to make it. It was nice of him to send him through to the live shows. I hate to say I didn't quite catch all that he was joking about, but I didn't quite catch everything he was joking about. I was bored with the multi media dancers. I didn't think the dancing was all that great. I don't think that matters. We have seen it a lot over the past few seasons.
  10. It may be because the music of Queen is associated with Highlander. At least, I associate Queen's music with Highlander. I think Princes Of The Universe could have worked in Supernatural as well.
  11. Nationwide Insurance started rerunning their commercial with the giant baby. In the brief scene with the car, I think they should have used used a 67 Impala. I noticed that today is Robert Steinhardt's birthday. He played violin in the band Kansas. I remember him mostly for "Dust In The Wind". I read a little bit about him. He was born in Illinois but he actually grew up in Lawrence, Kansas.
  12. I find this show tends to have a lot of misplaced anger. Pamela was a forgettable character that was so insignificant that I never remember her until her episodes come around. She hated the angels because looking at Castiel blinded her. He told her to stop. Bobby told her to stop. But she knew what was best, so it was all Castiel's. fault. Not her fault at all. It seems like misplaced anger and blame runs all over this show. Of course it was Sam's fault that Charlie's dead. It couldn't be Charlie's fault that she chose to leave a protected place. Wasn't it Charlie who went off on her own and stole the book to begin with? Did Sam ask her to do that or did she just off doing her own thing? Did she just show up with the book and say "surprise look at what I dug up". ? "I'm a hunter now". Then the Stynes knew she stole the book and were all out looking for her. I honestly don't remember how that all happened. I'm in the middle of watching season four again. I miss season four Castiel so much. I didn't even notice, until several viewings later, the shadow that crossed Dean's face when Cas gripped him tight and raised him from perdition. That shadow is one of those things that one might not even think about until you know the story and watch the episode again. I came into this show during Crossroad Blues when it was in reruns on TNT. After I started watching the show regularly, I decided to record the new ones. The new episode, at the time, was the werewolf college students. I'm not sure I would have continued watching if that was the first episode I ever saw. After School Special is on right now. Whenever I see the dad, I think of Farmer Shooty Pants and the farmer saying "Lenny?" There's some more Sam guilt right there. The kid was a bully, but everything that happened to him was Sam's fault. They tried to make the bully sympathetic by giving the viewers a glimpse of his home life. At school he was a mean kid and the other kids didn't know what he did in his free time - when he wasn't picking on the other kids. The kid's dad was unaware that his son was a bully and believed the other kids picked on him. The actor who played teenage Dean was pretty much perfect casting. I never understood Sam for ditching Kevin for that vet. I didn't think her guilting Sam into taking the dog was endearing or being assertive. It was just her coming off as kind of a bitch. I don't even know why Sam liked her. How did she know the dog didn't belong to anyone? If she knew it was a stray, why didn't she take it in earlier? How did she know no one was looking for it? I kind of think an earlier version of Sam would have looked for Dean. However, I don't know where he would start. Dean and Cas disappeared in a blast of goo. Where do you go from there? He wouldn't have known if Dean was dead or alive. Do you make another deal to bring Dean back not having a clue as to what happened to him? Not looking for Dean didn't bother me all that much. It was the completely forgetting that Kevin existed and shacking up with that kind of wishy washy woman. If Dean isn't in Sam's world, no one exist in Sam's world. Except for the women he shacks up with. However, a demon even trumped Dean. Sam hunted alone when Dean was dead in Mystery Spot. He didn't really keep in contact with Bobby. I don't think Sam makes any real connections with anyone. Not with Cas, not with Charlie, not even as much as one would expect with Bobby. It's Dean who seems to feel the real loss. He even made a connection with Crowley and lecturing him on who your real family is. I think Dean might be "mind wiped" Jesus. His mother was Mary. Jesus was inspired by John The Baptist and followed in his footsteps. His other absent father, God, is off on a fishing boat somewhere sharing deep thoughts with Elvis and Jim Morrison. Or just sitting quietly. Some like to fish that way. Sam doesn't seem to think much beyond what his own needs are. Granted, he was dragged into this life he didn't want. However, Sam does make me think of this line from Harry Potter. "Your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.". Maybe the yellow eyed demon was right. Sam could have come back wrong the first time he died.
  13. I really like this episode. The teddy bear. The kid yelling "Kneel before Todd!" I wasn't really thrilled with the guy who wished for the girl, but at least he started to have a conscience about it. They didn't make him one of their human "monsters". I watch this episode whenever it comes around. It never fails to amuse me. The only problem I had with this episode was how easily the little girl let Sam and Dean into the house. It bothers me every time.
  14. Didn't she look at someone's horse once in season one?
  15. At least the mark is finally off. I was getting tired of it. Death was wasted in this episode - literally and figuratively. RIP Death. RIP. I waited for Lucifer to appear. It looked like a way to bring him out again. I was just thinking that after all that has happened to Heaven since they closed the lid on Lucifer's cage, Michael might be the scary one.
  16. I liked the segue into The Late Late Show with Sting. Watching the tributes reminded me of things the Late Show left out. I think it was good show. I was happy to see Jeffery Dean Morgan again. I haven't seen him on my TV since 'Magic City' was cancelled. I glanced at his IMDB page. I'm glad to see he's been getting work. I wish he would get a another show I want to watch.
  17. Jeffery Dean Morgan was on the Late Late Show with Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All's, father. I think he lost a little too much weight. Otherwise he looked really good. I never quite got what he was promoting. I heard the words Memorial Day and TV. I think.
  18. I am trying to remember. Was Theresa there when they gave Renard the fake death potion? I started thinking about three arrows dipped in fake death potion.
  19. I think the writers were trying to tie up every loose end in the final. Maybe not very well, but they only had 40 minutes to fit everything in. I took it to mean they were moving on in other directions. I seriously doubt they are going to revisit the Jack the Ripper case - unless he possesses someone else. I think they're just done with the story. They couldn't even continue a featured story line like finding some keys. There was no follow up on Zombie Nick attacking a family - except for a police officer interviewing Juliette and Rosalie. And that was the end of that. I think the writers should introduce some sort of squirrel type Wesen, because they seem to very distracted by them.
  20. What was with Juliette's blank, creepy stare? It was like she was mentally putting together her shopping list or wondering if she left the oven on. Was she trying to decide on some sort of facial expression? I didn't notice the woodenness like the rest of you did, but she looked like a piece of petrified wood tonight. She was standing there just looking vacant. I wonder who is really calling the shots on this show. The producers? Notes from the network? Someone is going to take some heat if she isn't dead. This is a very small group of voices here, but pretty much every comment I've read, outside of this place, reflects what's been written here. I haven't come across an "I'm sad she's dead" post yet. I'm sure they exist. I just haven't read one yet. Most of them have been jubilation that she's dead. Juliette has been a pointless character since the beginning. In three seasons, Rosalee and Monroe met, moved in together, got engaged, and got married. Nick bought a ring in season one, but I do not remember him ever proposing. This is how enthralled I was about them being a couple. Did NIck ever propose?
  21. The FBI lady was a terrible cliffhanger. I had no idea who she was. At least I couldn't remember her purpose in earlier episodes. I hate to be "that guy", but killing people in front of the little kid and she's happy about it? Maybe she's just way more advanced than we realize. Even the king made some remark about her size. They still didn't explain Hexenbiest growth spurts. If Juliette is dead, I will gladly tune in next season. If she's resurrected, I'm out. DB and BT getting a house might just mean she likes to hang around. If they live together, they live together. I imagine Meisner? Was the the helecopter pilot? Meisner knows the kid very well. I can see he and Adelind together. That would be some spinoff by the way - 'My sister the Hexenbiest'. Can a Hexenbiest and a Grimm live together without driving each other crazy. Then the siblings wander Portland fighting crime. Seeing flashbacks of how the kids deal with each other growing up might be an added bonus. I doubt Adelind will have another girl, but I think the sister dynamic might be more interesting. By the way - unless I missed it. Not one "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" From anyone? I'll say it. "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"
  22. I kind of looking at offing the kid as Dean doing him a favor. I wouldn't say he was totally innocent either. He knew his family was screwed up, but chose ignore it until his father forced him to participate. That probably messed him up royally. If dean hadn't killed him, he probably would have ended up in therapy for the rest of his life - not really being able to confess to the therapist exactly what his family did. Not only that, other living relatives may come looking for him and he would have ended up in the family business anyway. The kid was a liability, although maybe Dean could have used the kid to smoke a few relatives out. I thought for a moment that maybe the kid would be a minor character book worm, helping to discover new information, but I think the writers needed a way to show where Dean's mental state is. I really thought Cas was going to be dead. I can't believe how much I love cold-hearted, badass Dean. That view of him standing there in front of the invaders was so freaking awesome. Do Sam and Dean not lock the door to the lair anymore. It seems like anyone can stroll in there. Why the hell did they have to find the extra special key if nobody ever needs it?
  23. I must not be paying any attention at all when this show is on. I have absolutely no recollection of Joy and Melanie owning a bar.
  24. All that really goes on in head these days is - DG: "Can you give my girlfriend a bigger part?"
  25. The scene when they're leaving the bank. The song Renegade is playing in the background and there's this long pause while Sam and Dean contemplate what just happened. "We are so screwed". Pretty much anything with The Trickster/Gabriel in it. The French mistake. Pretty much all of it. Dean: Why would anybody want to watch our lives? Sam: Well, according to the interviewer, not very many people do. I almost forgot. Castiel's soliloquy in The Man Who Would Be King. I liked all of it, but the lines about the fish and the Tower of Babel really stood out for me. "Don't step on that fish, Castiel, big plans for that fish." "I remember the Tower of Babel - all 37 feet of it, which I suppose was impressive at the time. And when it fell they howled, "Divine Wrath!" But come on, dried dung can only be stacked so high."
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