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Commando Cody

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Everything posted by Commando Cody

  1. Do any of you know, if I started buying the DVDs, do they have the original music on them?
  2. I wished Helen's timing was better. I wanted the flood to rush through Rowan and her psycho boyfriend's wedding. For a while, I thought the dam would wipe everyone out and they would move on to likable characters next season. So the other un-dead don't kill people during sex - Simon actually managed to create a life, but Camille kills people. Man, this 2nd life is really going to suck for her.
  3. I also thought the baby could be powerful enough to make it all look real. The only problem with this being an "illusion" is I don't think Kelly would traumatize Nick by letting him see her head in a box. If she is really dead, it was if the writers had no idea of who Kelly was. It was so poorly written. If Kelly is really dead, this could, potentially, set Nick up with an instant family. The kid is going to have to live with someone after they get it back from, the royals. I don't think Theresa would want to raise her. After everything they went through, It might be Adelind, Nick and Renard raising the kids after all. That kid should only be a year old. I hate when TV does that. One more thing I noticed, but keep forgetting to mention. They made Renard this potion in a glass jar - and once again just handed it to him. He and Jack. They apparently didn't learn anything from handing the glass of potion to Juliette. One would think they would be a little more cautious now.
  4. I am so seriously pissed off right now. Did the writers think it was cute to call this episode "Headache" ? I think they're all stoned. Are we allowed to use expletives in these forums? Because I have many that really want to come out right now. I'm not sure I even want to watch the season finale. Whether I do or not, I am done with this show. When Juliette was walking down the hallway, I was hoping Theresa would walk up behind her and cut her freaking head off. And when I say "freaking" I do not mean "freaking". The writers were seriously trying to give her a freaking conscience this week. No. She needs to die. There is no coming back from this.
  5. Today is Robert Johnson's birthday. The first thing I thought about, when I saw that, was this was the first episode I came in on when Supernatural went into reruns on TNT.
  6. I need a little clarification. Now that the angels are running heaven again, are the ghost still stuck on earth? Could they, feasibly, have Charlie and Keven meet in the veil and have an adventure together? Even worse, could the Winchester's collect her stuff and be haunted by her like Keven was? I don't remember this point being directly cleared up. I think the Steins big mistake here is, they don't have a private island - like the Doll Maker had on Gotham. It was weird seeing two shows this season with people harvesting body parts. I really think the Doll Maker had the edge in terms of secrecy. Although admittedly, we don't know enough about the Steins and any of their secret lairs. The one Stein in this episode clearly messed up.
  7. I never liked Charlie. I really hoped when her episode ended in season 7 they really never would contact her again. For whatever reason, they kept inviting her back. I don't even think she' all that good as an actress. At this point in time, I didn't want her dead. Only because we would have more Winchester angst over her death. If she had just stayed in Oz. Now they can bring her back in flashbacks or as a ghost or if they need another freakin' favor in heaven. Dead on this show, rarely means off the show for good. It's Charlie's own fault she's dead. They told her not to leave. People are after her. So why not wander over to the cheap motel alone. I keep hearing that Dean is getting worse, but they haven't shown any evidence of it. I think Dean was the calmest one on the show tonight.
  8. Although I obviously don't condone kidnapping, the kid has two absolute nut bars for parents at home. I was hoping for Simon to get away. As soon as the kid asked why mommy wasn't going along, I knew the kid would be going home. I don't really think we got any progress in this series other than establishing that people die and come back to life in this town and Victor likes to kill people. Apparently, the people he kills, don't come back? That must be some real special power of killing.
  9. I was really surprised about the lack of Regis. It was really noticeable.
  10. Wow. That was one of the worst season finals I have ever watched. It really jumped around all over the place. God-awful. At the end all I could think was "Push him in! Push him in!. Awe Butch... you missed your big chance.
  11. Every time I watch season 1, I'm reminded of how much I hate Meg 1. She just makes me cringe whenever she's on. I saw the actress on Cold Case and I couldn't stand her there either. Awful. Just Awful. I despised Bella. I liked Ellen. I found Jo barely tolerable. Never liked Charlie. Never will. She seems to be showing up more frequently than before. Somehow she seems to show up on every sci-fi show I watch. My enjoyment of Eureka started going downhill with the more screen time she was given. Bobby good. Garth bad. My opinion of kids on TV shows. Other than they don't belong on these kinds of TV shows, I hate when they accelerate their aging. One day they're a newborn, the next they are four years old. Four years old seems standard age to transform them into anyway. In Conner's case - teenager. I only ran through the series once. I couldn't stand it when they brought in Amy Acker. Her Supernatural episode is kind of dull as well. I couldn't stand Conner either. Not that I think that kids belong on these kind of TV shows, but since the baby existed, I would have preferred to see how they dealt with having to fight while protecting the baby at the same time. I like watching the kids grow up on TV. Worf's son, Alexander, shouldn't have been that old either when he showed up. I think he was the same kid who was accelerated on Family Ties... or one of those family shows that kids actually belong on. I hate Sam's current hair. I really hated the last Ruby. I guess she would have been the the third Ruby or the second one was like Ruby one and a half since she had such a short time on TV. I didn't like any of the Ruby's, but if had to choose one, it would definitely be the first Ruby. I learned to like Meg 2 more in reruns. Which is interesting because I learned to hate Meg 1 more in reruns.
  12. Compared to some of the episodes, Bugs wasn't that bad. I can still re-watch that one. I don't skip over many episodes, but there are a few I just can't take anymore. I still have to think really hard in order to remember what went on in season eight. Sometimes the later seasons get a little muddled. I like seasons 1-5. For me, they start going downhill in season six. I follow TNT's schedule. I don't like the Super fan marathons because it throws off the DVR. the DVR won't record episodes that have recently been aired. Even when I tell it to record all the episodes.
  13. What have they accomplished in four seasons? Wu getting clued in?
  14. When they were in Penguin's bar and someone stood up in front of the umbrella, did it remind anyone, other than me, of bat wings?
  15. Maybe they will harvest the second dead Hexenbiest and find a different way to force the juice on Juliette. Maybe it is the reason they suddenly killed off the character. I would prefer to see Juliette dead at this point though. I never liked the character or even thought Nick should be attached to anyone to begin with. The only problem with killing off characters is that it causes the other characters to be depressed and mopey. Maybe they will cure Juliette, she will realize what a monster she was - causing her to move. Far, far away. Never to return. It would be nice if the writers wrote something that would give Nick his edge back. I think everyone is right about Jack being Renard. I kind of had a suspicion as well. Jack the Ripper killed prostitutes. It seemed kind of random to just show up at the Hexenguest's house to kill her. I was wondering if they had another actor play him for the kill scenes because his legs were so skinny. Are Renard's legs really that thin?
  16. I love Dave Foley. I have an issue with the "You're pathetic because you have to eat alone" angle. I think the bigger issue is thinking that you're pathetic because you're eating alone. I find Melanie the weak link in this show. She's really kind of annoying. I was confused about her dating habits as well. She went all nutso (not in a good way) over a relative, who I thought she went out with in the end. The next week she's talking about some guy she's dating like the audience is supposed to know who he is. It was William Baldwin. He lasted two episodes. I don't think there was any mention of a breakup but the next week she was completely single again with no mention of the guy she was dating in the last two episodes.
  17. I guess burning down the trailer was just a way for the writers to move everything to a central location. It's one stop shopping now.
  18. A lot of these shows do plan ahead. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but it was Willie Nelson's birthday when this episode aired. I thought Dean was going easy on the guy in the bar. I didn't need to see another Claire episode. I thought she was stupid the first time, I didn't care if she had any closure. Supernatural reruns started over again. I'm looking forward to seeing Cas's odd look and saying "I am not your father"... again. Sheriff Jodi Mills is starting to sound like the new Bobby Singer. Is she going to teach her two wayward girls all about hunting? It was weird that they called Claire a taxi. I was sort of expecting the driver to turn into a demon. I have no idea why they wouldn't drive her there or have Cas bring her. Maybe I missed something, I thought Cas was back at full power. He wasn't getting all angel-y and zipping after things. He was running like a normal person. Didn't anyone hear the several gunshots when Claire was shooting the angel? They were all right there. Charlie bugs the crap out of me. Somebody must like her because for whatever reason, they keep bringing her back.
  19. I don't know if this show will be returning for another season, but I don't think I will be. One of us has to go. I will hang in until the bitter end. How many episodes are left? I couldn't get through an entire episode of The Tomorrow People, but I hoped Mark Pellegrino would find a better show. This ain't it. I would wish Rowan dead, but due to the nature of this show, it would be kind of pointless.
  20. It doesn't go well to begin with, when the first thing I thought when I saw the girl, was she's the killer. The other thing is, how many freaking hitchhikers are on that road? Seemed liked she was killing regularly, and they were in a kind of remote spot. I guess Nick is no Bobby Singer who's OCD propelled him to make three of four copies of all of his books. Even so, Nick can't replace the weapons. Which I now realize was kind of underutilized feature. In season 1, I think, he had to kill an ogre with some sort of specialized Grimm weapon. They didn't go back to the trailer for weapons much more after that. Nothing of significance that I can recall anyway. I don't watch the reruns, so I haven't seen the episodes since they originally aired. Other than the writers not thinking ahead and kind of making stuff up as they go along, they do seem to drop things. I was glad they never pursued the Zombie Nick story - with people trying to identify him after he attacked the town. But yeah. Keys? What keys? You mean we were supposed to write stories about finding seven keys? The map probably leads to Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's house. I think we do have a kind of downgraded Nick. I don't think he is the same Grimm who sent back Wesen heads back in boxes just to send a message. I don't even think we have anyone really sinister right now - who Nick would want to mail heads to. We have punk ass royal, Kenneth as the bad guy... and Juliette. Riveting TV.
  21. What has it been now? 10 seasons without a relapse? I was so disappointed about a gambling relapse story line that I could barely watch this episode. I thought we were going to get through the entire series without one. The writers must be running out of ideas to bring this old TV trope into it. I hope they're done with it after the next episode.
  22. I'm really starting to believe that Hexenbiest is just another word for stupid. I also wondered what it is about jail where the all powerful Juliette couldn't walk out if she wanted to. Adelind didn't have the power to walk out either. She got bailed out just in time to go get pregnant with a very vulnerable Renard's baby. Was that her second or third rape? It is now hard to believe she doesn't have a third baby with Hank. Adelind is a hapless villain. Every scheme she tries totally backfires. I have to admit, my hate for Juliette made me almost like Adelind in this episode. Why the trailer was burning I kept thinking just burn up in the fire, Juliette. I did like the exchange with Nick in Renard's office when Adelind showed up. Between the murder investigations, I feel like I'm watching a soap opera.
  23. If no has responded to an an episode, hours after it airs, I'm pretty sure the show is doomed. I can't stand Rowan. I wrote her character off when she took her sleazy, spying boyfriend back. I totally despised Michelle Forbes character when she was on Star Trek. I don't hate her on The Returned. She's just the one coming off as the nutty "evil is everywhere", "This town is evil" character. Plus she's just a very minor character with little screen time. I think her only purpose is to be a vehicle to convey to the viewer that the town is evil. Looking nutty while doing that.
  24. I thought Reese got shot in the back - in the shoulder. Yet he was bleeding like he was shot in the stomach.
  25. I came across a made for TV Jesus movie from 1999, last night. It was really bad. I thought the guy who played Jesus looked really familiar. At first I thought he resembled Mark Pellegrino. It turned out to be the actor who plays Peter.
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