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Commando Cody

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Everything posted by Commando Cody

  1. Probably. They did that every once in a while. Eliot wold beat people up and no one else noticed. I watched an episode of Leverage last night. I forgot that Mitch Pellegi also did an episode.
  2. I haven't seen these episodes since they first aired in the '70s. At the time they were kind of scary. Finding a hand. Wanting the Doctor's head. I am also wondering why they are showing the episodes out of order.
  3. I'm a re-watcher of Leverage. I watched that episode of Leverage once. When I saw it, I did not know who Alona Tal was. It was the worst episode of Leverage they ever made. Jaime Ray Newman was also on an episode of Leverage.
  4. As they have pointed out in this show before, you can't always change time. Whatever steps The Doctor might take to keep Davros from turning evil, may be the thing that leads him to being evil.
  5. It was kind of nice that in one of the episodes, Clara had a copy of one of Amy's children's books.
  6. I started watching Doctor Who on Netflix. I was watching the Christmas Day episode when I started thinking about what if Christian Kane had been the new doctor instead of David Tennant. Would his hand have been evil?
  7. After everything they both have turned into, I have trouble believing they can still sleep in the same hotel room.
  8. Mark Gatiss is in on Sherlock with Moffat. I think they probably are putting more of their attention into Sherlock and paying less attention to Doctor Who. I haven't liked the direction that Moffat has taken Doctor Who. It would be nice if he moved on. Also, I'm getting tired of his way over the top mortal enemies. He made Moriarity an over the top loon as well. I thought Moffat was an excellent writer. The Empty Child/Doctor Dances are a favorite. As a show runner, he's been a disappointment.
  9. I just watched "The Girl In The Fireplace". Not my favorite episode so I only watched it when it aired the first time. Was Reinette complete after she "mind melded" with The Doctor? Was that what they were waiting for? I didn't get the significance of her 37th birthday or why it made her "complete". I know it correlated with the age of the ship or something like that. The end bothered me because the Doctor could have just brought her to the Tardis instead of coming back for her.
  10. This episode started out pretty well. The Doctor deciding if he saves a child. The floating guy searching for him in the bar on Tatooine. Then suddenly we were back on Earth with Clara and the episode just sinks. I think Missy is too over the top. I might have liked her if she wasn't The Master. Also I feel like she was just on an episode and they didn't need to bring her back already. I thought the throwback to 4 was interesting. In a nutshell, the beginning and the end were fine. I hated the middle. Even finer point. I thought the Doctor's scenes were great (Except for the party he threw). The rest totally sucked.
  11. I just re-watched the New Earth episode. I never gave it thought before, but I think I may have liked to keep Rose as Cassandra. That might have been more entertaining.
  12. I started to think about what if Drew Lynch didn't stutter. What kind of material would he present us with then? Would he have anything else to joke about.
  13. There's a kid on this show who looks like a teenage Peter Capaldi. After Continuum, a movie called Meltdown: Days Of Destruction came on. It had Vincent Gale. He played Evan Hudson in Crossroad Blues and Viggo in Torn and Frayed.
  14. "America Feels Sorry For You" - That's a good one.
  15. Scary moment for a bit at the end, but America came through. The writing for this final was terrible. I could tell that The Regurgitator was holding things in his mouth by the way he was speaking - poorly. I thought it was funny the way Penn was watching him so closely.
  16. Pamela hated the angels because of it. Especially Cas. He told her not to look, Bobby told her to stop, but it was still Cas's fault because she looked anyway.
  17. I didn't have a problem with Missouri. It was that horny bitch Pamela I couldn't stand. There was some misplaced anger on her part. Everyone told her stop, but she obviously thought she knew best. So it was Castiel's fault when her eyes got burned out. This is one of the things that sticks out most for me about this show. All of the misplaced guilt and anger. Something bad happens to a character, it is either Sam or Dean's fault. Even when the character makes poor choices and it's their own fault. It turns out never to be the dead/injured character's fault.
  18. *I just needed to add, I wasn't very old when 4 was on TV and it wouldn't have been something I looked for. Also, The Doctor wasn't supposed to have romantic relationships. He was The Doctor. People traveled with him, they got into danger, The Doctor got rid of the problem, they went off in the Tardis to the next episode. I never gave a thought to what went on The Tardis while they were getting there. The Doctor didn't get involved with his assistants. They traveled with him for a while and then they got dropped off somewhere.
  19. I read an article, years ago, that viewers of the show speculated that there something was going on between 4 and Roman 2. I probably never gave it a thought because I never liked her. It was a good day for me when he left her in E-Space. I sometimes contemplate watching the River Song episodes backwards - two parters counting as one episode - just to try and understand the timey whimeyness of it all. I won't though. They made her story way too convoluted. They dragged out the "who is River" story way too long. I couldn't wait for her story to end. Now for whatever reason, they feel like she has to come back for another episode. I don't know why they do this. They kept teasing us with Clara leaving. Then she's back. I think it's a big FU from Moffat to everyone who tells him they want his special girl gone.
  20. The judges pissed all over Uzeyer, but they told the two worst acts of the night - Benton Blount and sad comedian, Gary Vider how great they were. I was so bored tonight. I think all of the acts phoned it in. Like this wasn't an important night or anything. No one for the win, based on lack of interest on the performer's parts.
  21. Judging by my time stamp on my last post, I'm With The Band was probably on at 3 or 4 in the morning. I like to think that Steve Valentine making it on to Supernatural, is a little like Nigel finally being vindicated for some of his theories. Although, I think his were more about aliens. I haven't seen Crossing Jordan since it went off the air. I watched a Disney Channel movie once because I saw his name in the credits. It had something to do with King Arthur and a high school girl. Plus, I think he was the only patient on House who had Lupus.
  22. I'm one of those people who differentiate between Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Starship. I thought it was Starship who was horrible. Starship started in 1985. "Jane" was released in 1979 by Jefferson Starship. I think it's a great song. An incarnation of Starship played at The Taste Of Minnesota in 2014 with Mickey Thomas. Man. He could still sing.
  23. Yesterday, while we were discussing the episodes from each season, I started thinking about Dog Dean Afternoon and how I could probably watch Steve Valentine in anything. I fell asleep watching one show and woke up and saw SV. So I rewound to find out what show he was in. Oh, Steve... what was that? A Disney show about dumb guys being in a band. Yeah. I watched it anyway. Then I watched the episode that came on after that one. I was annoyed because the test of the emergency broadcast system broke in and I lost all the time I had built up to FF through the commercials. I missed most of the second episode because it jumped forward to live TV and I couldn't rewind anymore.
  24. I would have to look at all the episodes from all the seasons, so I can't really say at this moment which were the best episodes of the season. All I can do is say maybe to some of them. The writer seemed to like The Trickster and the other comic relief episodes as well. I liked Yellow Fever, but it probably wasn't the best episode of the season. I think I only liked Death's Door because we got to see Rufus again. I preferred the episode with the cursed objects - just off the top of my head. I don't know if I liked season 7 or if there were just some really good moments from season 7 that I liked. I enjoyed Time After Time. Season 8 was more of a forgettable season for me. Maybe 8 for me is some people's season 7. I did not like Bad Boys at all. I haven't watched seasons 9 and 10 enough to have an opinion on which were the best episodes. Meeting Cain was interesting.
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