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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. RE: Watermelon I bought a gizmo on QVC that is supposed to be used on pineapples. You kind of screw it in, and it cuts the pineapple into slices and removes the core. I also use it on small watermelons. It makes perfect ring-shaped slices, just like pineapple rings, and the place where the core of the pineapple comes out makes a nice watermelon section. I don't know what it is called, but it works well.
  2. I have a Breville "toaster oven" very much like this one. I use it all the time, instead of my big oven. It is great as a toaster, but also regular baking. I have used it for baking bread, and it works well. It keeps the kitchen cooler in the summer. It will hold a 9 x 13 pan, if it doesn't have handles.
  3. But she is bow-less. It is nice to be able to focus on her face for a change.
  4. Was the judge in this episode's trial the same one who granted the divorce in a previous episode? He seemed to be a good personal friend of John while they were waiting for Betty to show up for the divorce hearing. That doesn't seem quite right.
  5. Several years ago it was illegal to have fire works here (it is legal now). A house a couple of blocks away had a house fire, and suddenly fireworks started shooting out of the roof. They apparently had a whole garage full of fireworks, and the entire neighborhood was treated to a great show while the fire department was putting out the fire. I never heard if the homeowners were fined for having fireworks, but it was quite something. It reminded me of one of my favorite movies, "You Can't Take it With You", when the fireworks that they made in the basement caught on fire. Only in the movie it was their business. In the house fire, they were storing illegal fire works.
  6. Maybe she is using the mirror in the guest room that she posted a while back. The one where there were no lights over the sink and glare from a window across the room.
  7. Has Jessa posted any more about taking Henry to be evaluated for speech? I only saw one time that she mentioned it. There has been no follow-up on his progress.
  8. I think he mentioned that he attended the International School and learned English there.
  9. JimBob was shown going on a diet and going to WW. Jana was supposed to drop weight, too, but I think she was his accountability partner.
  10. I was traveling with a group (not Globus, but with people I knew) and was accidentally booked into a red-light hotel in Florence. A couple on the trip who knew me let me stay on the couch in their room at another hotel until my accommodations could be changed. The things that happen when you travel! (I really love Florence. I could stay in the museums for weeks.)
  11. We used a picnic in the dining room when I was a child, too. It was not that we had a large family, but rather that my parents bought the picnic table when they were first married. That was all they could afford at the time. It moved with us to three states and was always in the dining room. That picnic table is now 70 years old and is still on the patio at the house. The could eventually afford dining furniture.
  12. My dad ate two big biscuits of Shredded Wheat every morning until he was too ill to swallow. Often he would put Grape Nuts on top. These were his favorites. Yes, they do still make the original big Shredded Wheat biscuits.
  13. Those are Temptations from QVC. They chip easily. I've had a 9X13 crack in the oven and make a mess. I also had the side break out of a baker when I just picked it up from the shelf. They may look nice, but they are not good quality.
  14. Please Google Salvation Army LGBTQ Support. They clearly state that they do NOT discriminate. I tried to post it, but the section was too large. The Army is a Christian-focused group, but they give aid to anyone in need at any time. They also have one of the highest percentage of donations actually going to people in need instead of administration.
  15. Our Goodwill is now open, and I had some boxes of books to donate. I sat in a line of cars for about an hour until it was my turn to donate. Everyone donating has to get out of their car and remove their items from the bags or boxes they brought them in and sort them into the bins that they have. The man told me they are not allowed to touch our items. I had several heavy banker's boxes of books, and I had to remove the boxes from the car and put them in their big bin. I also got rid of a broken TV. My unload was easy and pretty fast, but cars ahead of me who had bags and bags and bags of clothes or household stuff took a long time to sort. It was an interesting system. Salvation Army is still not doing any house picks ups.
  16. I looks like the two youngest girls in an airport wheelchair for handicapped people.
  17. This is why I refuse to wear shoes in my house. My shoes live in a shoe organizer in the garage and don't even make it inside. Outside the door, shoes come off and house shoes or slippers go on. I have been doing this for many years. I had a special area in the garage for my shoes from the hospital when I was still working.
  18. Kendra always looks so put together and very nice (and clean). She doesn't look like she belongs to this family. She also always looks content and happy. Good for her.
  19. I don't think the quilt has an intentional "P", either. Just poor choice in piecing. It appears to be just a random patten. I think Nathan's tie looks nice. It matches Nurie's dress. I hope her wedding dress is as nice, and fits as well, as this dress. She looks nice here. And they look nice together. They both look very happy.
  20. I asked yesterday when I was there, and was told that there are no plans for opening for visitors. Another facility in the same town had a worker that brought the virus in, and they have had several deaths. My mom's facility is keeping a close eye on that situation, and will remain shut to visitors for the foreseeable future. Mom doesn't seem to know how far apart our visits are, and she forgets right after one of us has been there. So, I guess that is good. She is in the best place possible for her.
  21. RE: wearing masks. My 93-year-old mother is still locked down in her apartment in Assisted Living. Of course, she doesn't understand why she can't go outside of her apartment (her dementia is progressing), so she sits by the window and watches cars go by. I saw her yesterday through the window screen. I was wearing a mask and stood in the flowerbed. This is the only way to get to see her. NO ONE is allowed in the facility. I talked her through how to turn on the TV, and had her write down the directions on how to change channels, so, hopefully, she will be able to turn it on and get SOME stimulation. She never was a reader, so that is a no go. I brought her some cherries, and after I knocked on the front door at the facility, the nurse at the front desk came out and took them from me. Mom kept looking at them and calling them grapes. Now I am worried that she will think they are grapes and chomp down on a cherry pit and break a tooth. No news is good news, as they say. So far, no cases in her facility, but I don't see the rules changing anytime soon. I don't mind being in quarantine because I can watch TV or read, but she just sits. She looks ok, and she is eating, so I guess that is the best we can hope for. She didn't do anything before quarantine, so I don't know why I think she needs something to do now.
  22. Someone has. You can find them in many church supply catalogs.
  23. It is illegal in California to have both ears covered.
  24. I have my house on the market right now. I have told my realtor that all shoes stay outside, and the real estate rules state everyone must wear a mask and gloves. I even leave paper masks by the door. Then when I come back I spray the counters and disinfect all the door knobs and light switches. According to the "rules" only the realtor and two other people at a time inside, and they must be from the same home. I'm not sure realtors are allowed to hold open houses.
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