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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. They are still teenagers. This is not mature behavior, but they are not mature (yet).
  2. I lived in the Central Valley in California for many, many years. We do not get rain during the summer, and the temperature is in the 90's to over 100 on an average summer day. On the rare occasion that we would get a rain shower (not a storm, just a shower for a day), people would wear their winter coats and get out the umbrellas. Because--if it is raining, it must be winter. Never mind the actual temperature. I thought it was pretty funny. Maybe it was a cloudy day, and Joy and Austin thought it was really cold.
  3. At first look, I thought was an under-baked pizza. I really don't know what it is, though.
  4. I was just coming to say the same thing. Finally!
  5. On day I was teaching a music lesson in a first grade glass (I was the traveling music teacher). We were learning and singing about Johnny Appleseed, as I remember. Suddenly this little boy raises his hand and announces to everyone that when he grows up, he wants to be a Union Plumber. Not a plumber, a UNION plumber. Ok. We went back to our instruments and Johnny Appleseed. I wonder what Johnny Appleseed and plumbing have in common, and I guess I'll never know. Some things you just can't explain.
  6. That is an odd looking bedroom. Bed on the floor with no frame, no headboard, dirty-looking sheets, and now a shelf at an odd height right over their heads when they sleep. It won't be long before the kids can pull those pots off. Just very strange.
  7. I thought she posted it because she thought is was cute somehow. Holding the garden tool without his hands seems like something a kid his age would come up with.
  8. For anyone who is thinking about a DPA or Trust and isn't comfortable with who to make power of attorney, you can have it written into the trust that you want a paid fiduciary to handle all directions in your trust. You can have a financial fiduciary and/or one for health. That is written in my trust if anything happens to my brother. I don't have any other family member that I would trust to make any kind of end-of-life decisions for me, even if they were written down. The fiduciary gets a payment from the estate. That way it is written into any documents, and family members cannot argue. Sometimes it is cleaner to have an outsider in charge.
  9. I wear progressives, and I have some very nice over-the-glasses sun glasses. They are great, and very comfortable. I have several pairs so I always have sun glasses handy and don't have to worry about putting my glasses somewhere in the car and sitting on them. I live at altitude, and the sun can be intense. Sun reflecting off snow is bad, too.
  10. Before Janessa was born, Jill posted that she had had a stroke in utero, and that she was born without a corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is the bundle of nerves that make both sides of the brain coordinate. If this is indeed true, Janessa can have some serious development issues. There is a wide range of ability, and each case is different, but it would not surprise me at all that Janessa has some serious delays. But, of course, Jill says she is cured.
  11. I did something this morning that I had not done for over a year--I went to Costco!! It actually felt so good to go shopping with other people again. It was not crowded at all, and I just enjoyed walking the aisles. And there were things to buy! Toilet paper (limit of 5 of the huge packages--but I only had room for 2), Lysol spray, Lysol wipes--all things I had not seen for so long. Then I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to replace my Soda Stream cylinders. And they were in stock. No more shortage. All in all, a nice morning. I live alone, so it was great to be around people. I am looking forward to being able to do this more often.
  12. RE: Costco and hearing aids. Costco was rated right at the top by Consumer Reports when I was trying to get a friend to go. (She REALLY can't hear well). I have heard others recommend Costco, also. That's where I will go when the time comes.
  13. RE: the one blue shirt in the picture of the Duggar brothers in another thread. This reminded of a story about my uncle. My grandfather was the superintendent of the school district where they lived, and he was a no nonsense type of father. There was a school picture being taken one day, and the instructions were that all boys were to wear a white dress shirt. My uncle was dressed in his only white shirt and on his way to school for the picture, but on the way he got into an argument with a "buddy" of his, and this guy punched my uncle in the face and broke his nose. Of course, he bled all over his white shirt. He went back home and cleaned up, and put on his only other dress shirt, which was blue. My grandfather was absolutely furious with him for not following directions and showing up for the picture in a blue shirt. No mention of or sympathy for the broken nose. He had a crooked nose the rest of his life.
  14. This looks like a reminder to fundy families that these girls will be available soon.
  15. Flora is helping me unpack boxes and organize this morning.
  16. In this picture, Clair looks very nice. Jinger looks unwell.
  17. I recently bought a new house in a new subdivision that was still being built. I had a choice of lots, and it took about 6 months for my house to be completed. Within 2 weeks of my lot purchase, all of the rest of the lots were spoken for. They are just now starting on some of the homes, so buyers after me are waiting up to a year for their house. Everything is sold, with a long waiting list in case someone backs out. It's crazy. My friends that live not too far away in an older area told me a house down the street from them just sold for $300 a square foot. That's very high for this area. I guess I'm lucky I bought when I did!!
  18. "Deviling" is a cooking term from the 1700's that has nothing to do with the devil. "Deviled" foods are highly spiced. Deviled eggs have mustard and paprika added. Deviled meat is when meat is spiced and blended into a sandwich spread. You can devil salmon, chicken, ham--just about anything. Just add spices. I guess you could stretch a point to say the heat of the spices equates to the heat of hell, and maybe these Fundies do. But I am sure they do not know the meaning of the term.
  19. I think the apron says "imperishable hope", but it is not not very clear. They needed to use a better embroidery person.
  20. I'm sure the restaurant sent a correct order to the correct address. They pretty much had to let Jeremy have the sandwiches. They can't take them and give them to someone else. Just like in a restaurant. They can't take the untouched bread basket or open butter and put it on another table (who knows who coughed on it). Since the restaurant is responsible for the food quality, it can't be taken from one party and served to another. I still wouldn't put it on social media, but they pretty much lucked out this time. Actually, I think was was nice that Jeremy gave a nod to the company. The food looked good.
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